Chapter 12

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The two remained still, holding each other in their arms. Then Pearl pulled away and wrapped one of Steven's arms around her neck, helping to keep him steady. His legs were feeling a bit weak after that

They sat next to each other on the couch, Steven on her left side. She looked over at him with concern. "Steven, why didn't you say anything before?"

He sighed. "I don't know. I guess I thought it was no big deal at first."

"You can tell me anything." She gently smiled

"Thanks Pearl..." He smiled back. "I've just been so exhausted." He said while mid yawn. "I've been too afraid to sleep by myself because whenever I do, I start to hear her voice again."

"Well, I'm here. Rest all you want. I won't leave." Pearl wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer

He leaned further in and layed his head on her shoulder. As much as he wanted to rest, he was still incredibly tense

Pearl sensed it and began rubbing his head. "It's okay Steven. I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you."

By this point, he can barely keep his eyes open. "Thank you Pearl. I love you." He eventually gave in and drifted fast asleep

Once she felt he was okay, Pearl moved and positioned him to lay down on his side, facing the wall. She stayed close by so he wouldn't freak out

It wasn't until 30 minutes later when he started to stir a little. Quickly tossing and turning on the couch. Steven mumbled a bit and let out a couple whimpers

Pearl quickly took notice and rushed over to his side. She tried gently shaking him. "Steven. Steven wake up."

He slowed down his rapid breathing and opened his eyes. He looked at her with half open, red eyes. "Pearl?"

She shushed him. "It's okay Steven. You're safe. Go back to sleep." He sighed and drifted away once more

This time, Pearl didn't move. She lifted his head back up and sat down. She remained perfectly still as to not disturb him. He needed the rest and he was going to get it one way or another

As she sat there in silence, someone came running through the door. It was Peridot. She bursted into the room. "Steven!"

He heard the call and dazily sat up immediately. "Ahh! What?!"

Pearl glared at her. "Peridot!" She grabbed Steven's shoulders and forced him back down. "Don't worry Steven. I can help Peridot. Just lay down." She rubbed his head yet again.

"Mmmm okay." He mumbled and closed his eyes once more

Peridot hesitated. "Oh, sorry Steven."

Pearl shot her a look. "Peridot, what do you need?"

"I need some help with one of my classes." She twiddled her fingers

"Okay I'll send Amethyst over." She sighed

"Thank you Pearl." Peridot took a bow and left

And right on cue, Amethyst came walking in from her room. "Sup P. Is Steven alright?"

"I'll explain later. Peridot just came by, can you help her?" Pearl asked

"Sure, no problem." Amethyst made her way to the door but was stopped 

"Wait! Could you hand over a blanket? Steven is getting cold." Amethyst looked down at the boy. Sure enough he was shaking a bit. She nodded and went upstairs to his room. She came back with a fluffy blanket 

She handed it to Pearl and headed out. "Thanks Amethyst." Pearl spread it out and layed it over him. His breathing evened out again as his muscles relaxed

He groaned and curled up underneath it, pulling the blanket up higher on his body. Tomorrow was his next therapy appointment

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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