Chapter 11

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Steven decided to head home and try to rest. He was feeling a little discouraged after the incident. He felt so guilty for almost hurting Connie like that. He chastised himself for not controlling his emotions better

He made his way up the staircase and was stopped by Pearl when he walked in. She looked very concerned and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Steven, are you feeling okay? You don't look good."

"I'm-I...I don't know. I lashed out at Connie today." He hung his head down in shame with tears in his eyes

"It's gonna be okay. We'll figure it out. Maybe we can take a trip....." Pearl's voice faded to the background in Steven's mind. Replaced with ringing. He flicked his eyes around everywhere and began sweating. A few seconds later, he started hearing the voice again. His mom

It felt like she was right next to him, whispering into his ear. "Steven...follow your destiny. You shattered her." Steven closed his eyes shut trying to block this out. "No." He whispered under his breath 

Meanwhile Pearl tried to snap him out of it. "Steven? Steven, talk to me." But he was too caught up in his own mind. He faintly kept repeating no to himself 

Pink continued whispering to him. "Fulfill the legacy. Do it for them." He started shaking his head slightly 

Pearl kept trying. "Steven snap out of it. Look at me!" Same results. However Pearl's voice slowly rose to the surface. Now overlapping with Pink's voice

But things only became more intense. "Do it for me, son." Steven raised his voice to block her out

Pearl started shaking him. "Steven!"

He heard one last thing that made him snap. "I love you Steven."

He placed both hands over his ears. "Leave me alone!!!"  A shock wave washed over the house, sending Pearl flying back against a wall. She fell down to her knees and held herself up with her hands. Scraps and bruises were all over her body. She groaned from all the searing pain

Steven slowly lowered his hands. As soon as he opened his eyes, he suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe. He began hyperventilating trying to get in as much oxygen as possible. It took a moment for him to fully process everything 

Tears rolled down his face as he was shaking. He wanted to move but couldn't. It was like his feet were glued to the floor. All he could do was watch

Pearl was able to get one foot under her, partially kneeling. She looked up and saw the pure terror on Steven's face and tried her best to calm him. "Steven, it's okay. I'm fine." But that only made him cry harder. Then Pearl's form started glitching. She touched her gem and felt a small crack on it. If she had a heart it would've skipped a beat in that moment

Steven wrapped his arms around himself. "No. I....I cr-cracked your g-gem." He slowly backed away from her. He looked down at his feet, too ashamed to make eye contact 

"It's okay Steven. It's one little crack-" Steven cut her off

"No! It's not! I hurt you. I'm a monster!"

Pearl slowly pushed her way up on her feet, legs shaking slightly. "Honey, listen to me. You are not a monster. Calm down and tell me what's going on." Steven tightened his grip on himself and let loose a few soft whimpers. His mind wandered all over the place

"Focus on me. Focus on my voice. Talk to me." She slowly took one step forward without Steven noticing

Steven swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "I-I've been having hallucinations." Tears continued spilling from his eyes

Pearl took a couple more steps. "Of what?" Steven let out a strained scream at the thought of saying it out loud. "Steven stay with me. What are the hallucinations about?" Few more steps forward 

He tried catching his breath before he answered. "....Mom." It's a good thing he can't see Pearl right now because she basically froze in that moment. Her eyes widened and her skin looked paler than usual 

She made sure not to let it show in her voice. "Okay. We'll figure this out." Another step

Steven shook his head. "No.."

Pearl remained still then broke the silence 

Hey you.... Another step forward 

Show me that solvable problem.... Another step

We can get through this..... Another 

I'll do the hardest

Steven slowly opened his eyes and saw Pearl standing directly in front of him. She gently smiled at him. "You don't have to be afraid. Would you mind trying to heal my gem?" She chuckled a little to herself and ducked to show Steven her gem

He hesitated at first, hands shaking. Then he cautiously leaned forward and planted a kiss on her gem. And within seconds, it was as good as new. She looked back up at Steven. "There we go. That's my boy." She placed a hand on his cheek. He leaned further into the touch and began quietly sobbing 

Pearl pulled him in for a hug which he gladly reciprocated. He buried his face in her shoulder. He relaxed his shoulders and let Pearl hold up a bit of his weight. "I-I'm so sc-scared!"

"I know. But we're going to help you. I've got you." 

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