Chapter 6

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Steven wasn't able to get as much sleep as he would've liked while in the hospital. Every 2 hours, a night nurse would come in and check his vitals to monitor how he was doing. Once 4am hit, the night shift was over so no one would be coming in constantly. Steven finally collapsed from exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep

Around 7am Pearl spotted Greg walking down the hallway. She waved at him and he made his way to the room. He sat down in the chair next to her and looked over at his son. Steven looked like he had just been in a fight. His eyes had dark circles around them and his skin was pale. There was a bruise on his wrist from trying to get the IV in

Greg and Pearl didn't have much to say to each other. They just wanted what's best for their boy. Another hour later, the day nurse came in for their morning shift. "Hi Steven-oh." They looked up and saw the kid dead asleep 

They directed their attention to Pearl. "Does he want breakfast?"

"Maybe later."

"Okay but he's got until 10 to order." 

Pearl stood up and stretched. "Greg, can you watch him? I need to call Garnet and Amethyst."

"Of course." Pearl stepped out the door, leaving Greg alone in the room. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed Steven's arm

Another hour passed and Dr Maheswaran came walking in. "Steven?" He still didn't wake up. Pearl leaned forward and nudged his arm a little 

"Steven. Come on honey." He opened his eyes slightly but not for long. She tried not to push too hard but he wouldn't budge. Dr Maheswaran tried a different angle 

"Let me try something." She raised the head of the bed so Steven was sitting up. She took out a very small flashlight. She leaned over, forcefully opened one of his eyes, and shined the light at him. And it worked, for the most part

He jumped and let out a small shriek. He tried rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes as his vision was very blurry. A couple more seconds and it cleared. Although he certainly wasn't expecting to see Greg next to him. "...Dad? What's going on?"

"Hey schtuball. You can rest again soon. We just have to talk to you." Dr Maheswaran stepped up

"Okay Steven, as for a therapist I'm recommending you to see a friend of mine. She's helped Connie on numerous occasions so it should be beneficial for you." She wrote out a referral and handed it to Greg. "Now we just need to fill out your discharge papers and then you can go home."

Greg stood up and signed the papers. A nurse came in and pulled out the IV. Steven flinched in pain and held his wrist as soon as it was free. He tried to get up but was too weak. "I...can't move."

"Don't worry bud, I got you." Greg bent down and scooped his son up in his arms, cradling him. Steven leaned into his father's chest and yawned. He felt a bit embarrassed about wanting to sleep again but Greg assured him. "It's okay Steven. We've got you. You can go back to sleep." He smiled and nodded off. Once again, he was out

They headed out the door and towards the Dondai. Greg bent down and placed Steven in the backseat. He secured the seatbelt and made his way to the passenger side. Pearl volunteered to drive again

When they got back, Greg carried Steven inside and put him in his bed. Pearl checked on him then went out to the porch

Garnet knew she'd be there so she followed her out. Pearl was leaning forward against the rail with her legs crossed. Garnet simply stood next to her and looked out into the distance 

Pearl decided to speak up. "I don't know what to do Garnet. I don't know how to help him. hurts me so much."

"All we can do is let him know we're here for him. That you're here for him. I know how much you care about him Pearl. I see the way you look at him......but I also see the way he looks at you."

Pearl's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"He looks up to you. I know he loves all of us but you're special to him. You've been more of a mother to him than any of us. I'm proud of you."

Pearl smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. She blushed and leaned against the fusion's arm. "Thanks Garnet."

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