Chapter 3

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For days on end, Steven continued to help the Diamonds liberate more planets and galaxies. A switch to a democracy has not been easy for them. And they always looked to Steven for guidance

One morning, Steven came downstairs fully dressed at 5am. He had a blank expression and bags under his eyes. Amethyst looked over and became very worried 

"Dude are you okay? You look like a ghost."

"I didn't sleep last night. But I'll be fine. I have to do some paperwork for the Diamonds and map out the next star system." Steven began to brew himself a cup of coffee to keep his energy up. He casually sat at the table and sipped on his drink

Amethyst sat across from him. "Maybe you should take a break."

Steven nearly choked on his coffee at that comment. "Are you kidding? I can't afford to. They need me. It's my responsibility."

"This has been going on for months. I'm sure they can figure it out. Besides, they've been really clingy and seeing you as the new Pink Dia-" Steven slammed his mug on the table and cut her off

"DON'T...say it." He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down. "But you're right. I should probably talk to them. I just wouldn't know where to start."

"Maybe I could be of assistance." Pearl suddenly walks out. "Sorry I was eavesdropping. Steven, I know the Diamonds better than anyone. I can help you talk to them." She ruffled up Steven's hair

He let out a small laugh and a smile. "Thanks Pearl. And you seem to keep me calm the most. Alright let's do this!" He stood up from his seat, feeling very confident in himself 


A few hours later and after spending so much time preparing, Steven finally felt ready to talk to the Diamonds. Him and Pearl headed upstairs and into the dome. Steven walked up to the control panel and hesitated at first

Pearl gently smiled at him. "It's okay. I'm here." Steven smiled back and nodded. Before he had the chance to second guess himself, he sent the signal to Homeworld. It rang for a few seconds then Blue appeared on the screen 

"Oh hello Steven! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Is Yellow around?"

"I'm right here." She shouted off to the side. A moment later, she was standing next to Blue. "I was just repairing the shattered gems from my terrible experiments. Figured I use my power for good and do a little reconstructive work. Are there any more uncorrupted gems who need help?"

Blue added to that. "Oh, and I have plans for when we go to the Spectre Galaxy. I can send them to you if you'd like."

"Sounds great! Send me a file in a few-" Pearl nudged him a bit to keep Steven from spiraling. "Oh. Right. Actually that won't be necessary. I'm sorry but this has become too much for me to handle. I need to take a break for a few weeks."

The two Diamonds looked at each other then back at Steven. "Don't worry Steven, we'll be fine. Take as long as you need." Blue assured him with a gentle smile

Steven was shocked that it went as well as it did. "Really?! Great. Could you tell White?"

Blue looked very confused. "Why don't you tell her yourself? I can go get her-"

"NO!" Everyone remained frozen in place as panic rose up inside Steven. He cleared his throat and reiterated. "It's fine I don't want to bother her. Well talk to you later! Okay bye." He quickly ended the call and sighed a breath of relief. He slammed his head on the table 

Pearl gently rubbed his back. "You did great Steven. Why don't you go upstairs and get some rest."

He looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah, okay." He walked back to his room to change while Pearl went into the living room. As he was changing, Steven thought he heard something. He paused for a moment then shrugged it off. A few seconds later he heard it again. He started feeling anxious so he went to the bathroom 

He splashed water in his face but when he looked in the mirror, his eyes were pink. Steven shouted and jumped back

Pearl heard and called out from the other room. "Steven? Are you okay?"

He quickly rubbed his eyes again and they were suddenly normal again. He panted and tried to respond as calmly as possible. "Yeah..I'm fine." Once he collected himself, Steven gently walked out of the bathroom

He was headed upstairs when he stopped half way on the steps. "Pearl...could you stay with me until I fall asleep? I'm a bit scared to be alone right now."

Pearl smiled and followed him upstairs. Steven layed down on his side and Pearl sat next to him on the bed. He was still really tense and couldn't relax. He even started shaking a bit

Pearl took notice and began stroking his hair. "It's okay Steven. I'm not going anywhere." She then started softly singing to him. After about 10 minutes, Steven had fallen asleep. Singing always seemed to do the trick since it reminded him of Greg. Music was very prominent in Steven's life and Greg would constantly sing to him when he was a baby to calm him down

Pearl got up, tucked Steven in, and kissed him on the forehead. She was willing to do anything for him. Her pride and joy. Her baby

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