Chapter 8

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One day when Steven was alone, he went to the refrigerator to find something to eat. While he was looking, he spotted something peculiar. There was a bottle of wine on the bottom shelf. It was reserved for if Greg had a special occasion. He wasn't a heavy drinker but he liked the buzz every once in a while

Steven picked up the bottle and observed it. He made sure no one was around and took a sip. It tasted really good to him. He took a few more sips

2 hours later, Connie decided to come for a visit. "Hey Steven, how's the therapy going-oh my god what happened?!" She saw him slumped over on the couch with an empty wine bottle in his hand

"Ohh heyyyyyyy Connie. I'm fiiine. No need to worry hehe." He was incredibly drunk

"Steven! Why'd you drink alcohol?!" She stomped over and pulled the bottle out of his hand

"Why do you care?! I'm allowed t-to have fun too you know!"

"I'm calling the gems." She pulled out her phone and sat next to Steven on the couch

He stood up and stumbled into his room where he saw Rose's painting. "Heyy mom! I got something to sayy to youuu. You're a liar and a bitch! Ffffuck youu mom!" He threw something at the picture and walked away

Just then Pearl warped in. "STEVEN QUARTZ UNIVERSE! What on earth do you think you're doing?!"

"Hiii Pearl. Just having some fun, that's all." He stumbled down the stairs and almost fell

She sprinted over and grabbed his wrist. "This is not fun! What were you thinking?!"

He snapped his hand away. "Don't touch me! You're the one who blamed me for mom disappearing and almost let me die multiple times! Do you have any idea what you've done to me?! I don't even know who I am because of you!" He pushed her out of the way and sat back down next to Connie

That was when Connie stepped in and tried to calm him down. She rubbed his head. "Steven, you aren't well. How about we go relax in your room. Sound good?"

"Hmmm okaaaay heh. L-let me go to the bathroom first." He stood up and walked towards the bathroom. However he didn't make it in time. He stood still for a second and suddenly a wet spot formed on his pants. "Oh, too late hahaha."

Pearl and Connie simultaneously commented. "Eww!" Pearl helped him change into a fresh pair of underwear and pants

Connie helped him upstairs and had him lay down. "Come on, just relax in bed Steven." She gently pushed him onto his back

As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out. He immediately fell asleep and started snoring kinda loudly

Connie made her way back downstairs to talk to Pearl. "It'll wear off in the morning. Just make sure he sleeps."

"Thank you Connie." They hugged and Connie made her way back home

Pearl decided to go check on Steven. Still didn't move an inch. She propped him up and took off his jacket. She spotted a bandage on his wrist but thought he just hurt himself while drunk

She set him back down and pulled a blanket over him. Once he was tucked in, she gave him a kiss on the forehead and caressed his head

"We're not going anywhere Steven."

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