Chapter 7

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For the next few days, Steven stayed in his room and only got up to use the bathroom. Pearl tried bringing him food but he hardly ate. He couldn't shake this uncomfortable feeling. One day he had no choice but to go out for his first therapy appointment

He drove to her office at around 10am and sat in the waiting room. He brought in one of his protein shakes. It was the only thing he was willing to have for breakfast. A few minutes later, the therapist walked in. It was a woman with blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a formal dress and high heels

"Hello Steven! I'm Dr Vernes. You can follow me into the back." She gestured at him to follow. He grabbed his thermos, satchel, and headed to her room

There was a soft brown couch and a single chair across from it. Steven sat on the side of the couch closest to the door. He had his hands folded in his lap and started anxiously tapping his foot. Dr Vernes sat in the chair with her legs crossed. She had a pen and clipboard in hand

"Alright Steven, we're going to start off easy today. This is just your evaluation. So, tell me what your diagnoses are." Steven began fiddling with his fingers

"Uh well Mrs Maheswaran said I have depression, PTSD, and some anger issues." He nervously rubbed the back of his head while Dr Vernes took notes

"Okay. And how's your homelife?"

"I grew up with my dad and then when I was 10 I lived with Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. They're gems." Steven leaned further back in his seat

"Oh yes, Connie has told me all about the gems. And your mother." Steven's eyes widened and he started sweating

"H-how much did she tell you?!"

"Don't worry, not much. She only mentioned that you have her gem." Steven sighed a breath of relief

"Okay, I think we know what to work on. We'll be doing some anger management and next week we can discuss some of your childhood trauma. Sounds good?" Steven silently nodded

They booked another appointment and he headed home. He crawled back into bed and watched tv. However he couldn't quite enjoy himself as he kept hearing something. A voice was echoing in his head. He looked around for a source but there was nothing

It sounded somewhat like Pink. It kept echoing his name "Steeveeen."

He franticly looked all around him. It kept calling him over and over again. "Stop! Get out of my head." He quickly got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen. He checked to make sure no one was around and grabbed a knife off the counter

He stared at it for a few seconds deciding if he wants to actually go through with it. He made up his mind. He held the knife against his wrist, and made a small cut. It hurt but for some reason it helped him feel better. The voices in his head stopped. Blood was slowly dripping off his wrist and into the sink

He put the knife back down and ran into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. He pulled out a roll of bandages and wrapped some around the cut. He pulled down his jacket sleeve so the gems wouldn't see it

Steven went back to his room and sat on his bed. He sat in the fetal position and buried his face in his knees. He just wanted everything to stop

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