◆ 21 - Tour and Brian

930 54 9

Started : 9/1/2020

Finished : 9/1/2020

Name of Chapter 21 : Tour and Brian.

Song : Country song - Can't stop loving you.

Edit : Still hadn't the chance.

Hotel : Trivago

Hello! Second update of the day!

Ugh,,,,,Wattpad didn't save my work and now I have to restart from the scratch. Fuck you Wattpad 😊🔪


Stay safe y'all!


♔ Chapter 21 ♔

"-and this is the computer lab." Jeremy said as he pointed at a room and you nodded attentively albeit a bit slow.

You were kind of a bit tired, this single building has a lot rooms and it made your legs like lead. What would happen to you when you decided to tour around the whole school?

"Let's continue the tour later, you need rest." Jeremy chuckled as he watched you lean on the wall dramatically with a sigh.

You were thankful that Brian and Jeremy had taken the time to tour you around and you guys have been walking for an hour.

How come it isn't time for class yet was baffling you, maybe you and Jeremy did come a bit too early.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Brian teasingly said, already at your side with your bag in his hand.

"No thank you." You were tempted to accept the offer because you're foot just hurt a bit but a little rest would do.

Besides he's already carrying bag and also hacked into things just for you. You don't want to make a scene and seen to be carried around by the beanie wearing boy.

"Can we sit somewhere? I'll have to rest my legs." You said, looking around to see if there's anything available to sit at.

"Yeah sure." Jeremy was fast to answer, walking a bit more further with the you and Brian trailing behind him.

"Finally, a bench!" You said as you almost sprinted towards it, sitting immediately. You stretched your legs and leaned back to relax your aching feet.

The two followed and sat down with you in the middle. They set their things down the floor before doing the same pose as you, stretching like a cat.

If someone passed they would probably think that it was a ridiculous sight with three people doing the same lazy stretching pose.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" You heard Jeremy ask, with him still maintaining his lazy pose.

"One cartoon milk for me, thanks in advance." Brian said, his eyes closed as his hand raised to fix his falling beanie.

"What about you Y/N?" Jeremy asked you, already standing and readying his money.

"Oh F/D please!" You said at him, smiling. He nodded at this, already on his way, he left his bag with the two of you though.

I mean why would you carry your bag when you're just gonna buy drinks for your friends.

You and Brian was completely all alone this time and you felt the awkward silence.

Neither of you spoke and you fixed your seating position, fidgeting. Without Jeremy you can't handle the silence and being alone with someone you don't know that much.

You had the thought of going after Jeremy but you knew it was rude to leave him alone and you'll end up getting lost in the maze-like school.

Even though Brian's the reason that entering the school is possible and that he's very nice and easy going, you can't help but feel awkward and helpless.

You want to say something but you can't, you don't know what to say and that might even embarass you further and make the atmosphere more awkward that before.

'Jeremy!' You called out mentally again. You can't help but call his name when you feel awkward, nervous or even unsafe.

"You look uncomfortable, is something the matter?" Brian's snapped you out if your thoughts.

"O-oh no, there's nothing wrong." You Shook your head and waved your hand fervently to deny his accusation.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward.." He seems not to believe your word. You do not even looked a bit relaxed.

You kept looking everywhere, fidgeting the hem of your black blazer and kept bouncing your left leg. As if you're looking for Jeremy who just left.

"No!" He was surprised at your sudden outburst that he flinched. Hey now that was a bit shocking.

"I-I mean no! You don't make me feel awkward believe me!" You corrected yourself, this time your voice is a bit lower though you had talked a bit faster.

'Great Y/N! You made it more uncomfortable, you yelled at him!' You internally scolded yourself, smacking yourself over and over again mentally.

You blushed like a tomato, pursing your lips. You messed up, he's going to get angry with you now along with Jeremy.

You closed your eyes when you saw him lift up his hand, is he going to hit you?

I know it's a petty reason to smack a person but some people are sensitive and had a lot of ego.

Then something settled itself on your head and you opened your eyes in shock when you heard him chuckle.

"M-man!" He started to laugh and you raised your eyebrow at this, why is he laughing?

"What so funny?" You asked him, feeling him pat your head a couple of times before retracting it back again.

"Nothing!" He slowly stopped, sniffling back his laughs though he pursed his lips in more effort to stop the new upcoming fit.

He was weird in a way that it's entertaining and contagious. You can't help but smile along with him, the awkward atmosphere was banished and it left you with a joyful one.

Almost at cue, Jeremy entered the scene, a questioning look at his face when he saw the both of you smiling.

"Ah thanks bro!" Brian wasted no time and stood up to get his drink and Jeremy handed you yours.

You smiled in gratitude, saying your thanks and opened it. The both of them settled back to their seats and this time, you felt much more energized than before.

♔ Chapter 21 - End ♔


Aight! Second chapter of the day! Yey! What do you think of Brian so far? Is he a good person or not?

Feed back is appreciated along with suggestion!

Thank you all! Luv you, stay safe!

[Discontinued] Fantôme || Reverse Harem X Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang