◈ 12 - School is near, what should I do?

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Started : 8/28/2020

Finished : 8/28/2020

Name of Chapter 12 : School is near, what should I do?

Song : Bazzi - Mine (Young bombs remix)

Edit : Still hadn't the chance.

Hotel : Trivago

Hope you like it!

Summer is ending and Jeremy is about to attend school, leaving you alone and having no time to be with you.

What should you do?

(Please do read the author's note! Ty!)


♔ Chapter 12 ♔

"Jeremy, summer break is ending..." You said as you looked at the marked calendar. Just a few more weeks and school is near to commence.

Time sure do fly fast huh? More faster if you enjoyed it.

"Yeah, hell days is near." He said almost gravely and you raised your eyebrows at this.

Is school really this hellish this generation? Do the teachers still spank their students? Either way school is still hell.

"And I can't spend time with you anymore." Your eyes widened and blushed at his statement.

Though it seems that Jeremy didn't mean to say that out loud because he was too, blushing.

"Ignore what I just told you!" He said before turning his back to you, pushing up his hoodie to hide his red face.

"Don't worry we can have the weekends together!" He seems genuinely sad when he said those words so why not cheer him up?

Besides you will miss him too, no more movie or game nights almost every-day now you'll have to wait until it's Friday or weekends.

You like his company too.

"Yeah, great idea. Let's spend the days by having more movie nights." He is an addict for those kind of things after all.

"Ooh agreed!" At that was exactly you did, lazing around and just watching stuff until night.

You're going to enjoy the days where he held so much free time before he goes and be busy for the rest of the year.

° Time skip °

"Ghosts doesn't get tired and sleep she says." Jeremy sighed as he stared at your sleeping figure.

It was already late and it was the 5th movie of the day. The skies were dark and it already started to rain.

Amidst of watching in the living room, you have fallen asleep and slumped against his shoulder in the sofa.

He took in your peaceful features, engraving every lines and curves. To you thick eyelashes, natural pink parted lips and pale skin.

He'd never thought to grow soft over a ghost who claimed to be his servant. He'd never thought that he'll enjoy your company.

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