◈ 2 - Master?!

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Started : 7/20/2020

Finished : 7/20/2020

Name of Chapter 2 : Master?!

Song : All night - Big boi (It kind of fit the atmosphere for me.)

Edit : 8/25/2020

Hotel : Trivago


♔ Chapter 2 ♔

Jeremy knew, he knew somthing was strange! Something wasn't right! Something was up!

He should've not agreed and entered the mansion and now he was seeing things!

A ghost in his bathroom? Nuh-uh.

"I should've hadn't entered that freaking mansion!" He shouted in panic, just standing there not knowing what to do. You also floated there, not knowing what to do either.

You just watched him panic like an ostrich, staring at your new master. Of course, them panicking is not new, it always happen when you explain to them or see you.

But he's the most calm yet, I mean he didn't run and faint or even get hospitalized because of shock.

You took this time to observe him, he was tall and is very fit that is enough to consider physically attractive.

He was young, tall and was around 17 years old, has pale flawless skin that you're quite jealous of and golden eyes that seems to glow and flowy soft Ebony hair that you've been dying for.

Well not really dying for since you're already dead but you get the word right?

He's very attractive per say the least and because of that you feel yourself drool. You wouldn't mind a sexy master.


"Get the heck out my house you freaking ghost!" You suddenly heard him shout at you.

He began throwing things at you like towels and bottles of shampoo but it only goes past through you.

"Ah I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you master!" You said in a actual sorry tone, you really didn't meant to scare him and make him panic but what can you do?

It's like the only way to make appearance to him and you can't turn human without him actually accepting your contract with him.

The 'master' word sent a halt for him as he sent you another bewildered expression. First, there's a ghost in his bathroom and now she's calling him master?

Wow, he isn't smoking pot but damn, he might be going crazy.

"What did you just call me?" He asked, maybe this is all just a joke, a prank, a magic or something.

It has to be right?!

♔ Chapter 2 - End ♔


This is too short.

Sorry ehehehe.

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