SIX. Unexpected Conversations

Start from the beginning

It was kind of obvious that's what she was going to do so her brain decided to say, "No, I just like to hang out here,"

"Oh," Harry said, not fully understanding that she was joking, Electra didn't blame him to be honest.

"I didn't mean that I have no idea why I said it," Electra rushed to explain, "I do have a letter to send,"

Harry seemed to sigh in relief, "Where's your owl?" he asked.

"She's my sister's," Electra answered before pointing to the barn owl Harry was standing right next to, "And she's there,"

"Oh sorry," Harry said, backing away slightly.

"It's fine," Electra assured him with a smile before walking over to her sister's owl.

"Hey Wisteria, gotta letter," Electra told the owl waking her, holding out a treat she had taken from her pocket which Wisteria happily accepted, nipping Electra's hand lightly. Wisteria lifted her leg so Electra could tie the letter to it.

"So who are you sending a letter to?" Harry asked.

"My dad, we are arguing," Electra answered, finishing tying the letter to Wisteria's leg.

"Arguing?" Harry questioned.

"It's no big deal," Electra shrugged before holding her arm out for Wisteria to perch on her robed arm, "Just someone who thinks death risk is fun and me,"

"Oh," Harry nods.

"You know where to go babe," Electra tells Wisteria, holding out one last treat to her which the owl happily accepts. Electra gets one last light nip before Wisteria is flying off down south.

Electra stands and watches for a few seconds just as Harry had earlier before she moves towards the doorway. Harry follows and as they are walking down the stairs, side by side.

"Who are you writing to?" Electra asks.

Harry seems thrown off by this question and Electra is quick to attempt some damage control, "Sorry to pry. I'm just nosey and you asked me," she reasoned, "It's completely fine if you don't want to tell me,"

"It's fine," Harry interrupts, "Really. I did ask you," he says after Electra looks unconvinced, "A friend of my parents, you know from before..." he attempted to explain.

"They passed away," Electra finished for him.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Sorry about that," Electra responds, smiling sympathetically.

"Sorry?" Harry questioned.

"Sorry, that happened. I'm lucky to still have my dad," Electra explained.

"You don't have to apologise," Harry told her.

"I don't think You-Know-Who would be one for apologies, Harry," Electra attempted to joke. Luckily it worked out. Harry laughed lightly and so did Electra.

"From what I've found he really isn't," Harry added.

"More the opposite?" Electra suggested. Harry laughed again.

"Yeah," Harry added. Electra smiled.
They walked in silence for a few seconds before Harry spoke, "If you don't mind me asking. You only mentioned your dad..."

"But not my mom," Electra finished, "Yeah she died about six years ago now. I was eight," she was looking into the distance not at what was ahead of them but somewhere else, "It was cancer,"

"I'm sorry," Harry says.

"You're not what killed her," Electra tells him, turning to look with a weak smile.

"Well I don't think cancer is one for apologies either," Harry said referring back to what she had said.

Electra smiled, shaking her head in an almost laugh, "I suppose it doesn't," she reasoned before looking at the head again.

"My dad was devastated. I think he still is," she said, she wasn't sure why she felt the need to tell him but sometimes once she starts she doesn't stop till she's finished, "Cause my mom was a muggle you see and before that he had always been able to protect her, not that she needed it, but he couldn't save her,"

Electra glanced over at Harry before realising what she had said, not taking into account that Harry was not annoyed about it. "I'm sorry for dumping that on you," she rushed to apologise, "Sometimes I just talk, not really taking..."

"Electra, it's fine," Harry assured her.

"Well if it's any consolation you can talk to me about your dead parents anytime," Electra added with a shrug.

"Thanks," Harry nodded.

They walked down to breakfast together, separating to their different tables. As depressing as a conversation about your dead parents could be, Electra felt quite content with how that interaction went.

"Did you just walk into the hall with Harry Potter?" Robin questioned as Electra sat next to him.

"Did you tie your tie incredibly short?" she responded, slathering butter then jam on a piece of toast. Robin glanced down at his short and wide tie like it was a surprise even though he's the one that tied it, and it probably took him a while to get it right. If he was gonna state the obvious, so would she.

"Why were you with Harry?" Robin asked, Electra shrugged with a mouth full of toast as Robin poured her some pumpkin juice, "Tell me everything," he said as he handed the goblet to her.

"You're such a gossip," Electra remarks, taking a sip.

"Electra you might be the nosiest person I've ever met you can't judge," Robin told her and Electra had to agree, scrunching up her face in agreement, "Tell me," Robin insists, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"We were literally just sending letters at the same time," Electra said, picking up her piece of toast, "And we ended up talking about our dead parents," she added before taking a bite.

"Course that's what you talked about," Robin remarked, "That's such a you topic,"

"Shut up," Electra said with a mouth full of toast.

A/N FIRST PROPER HARRY AND ELECTRA INTERACTION FOLKS!!! They're gonna be kind of friends and then friends for a while. Electra doesn't always befriend people that quickly (apart from Robin cause they were scared 11 year olds) but she kind of does Harry, it makes sense in my head about that being how they connect.

This was a shorter chapter than normal but don't worry I'll return to my way too long chapters soon (seriously the average length for this book so far is over 3,000 words and this is only just over 1,000) I just felt this worked best on it's own you know.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed!
Love Nell xxx

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