Chapter 5 - The Start Of The Flashback

Start from the beginning

Cheryl : Ummm... Hey...

Reece : Come on, Cheryl. Let's forget about the past and be friends?"

Cheryl : Okay, Reece. But remember, I will never forget that night.

Reece : Sorry, Cheryl. I really am... but let's not talk about it.

When I was about to reply to Reece, Zone came out of the bathroom. So, I quickly replied Reece. 

Cheryl : Sorry Reece, I gtg. Need to talk to Kim and Zone. Byeeee!

Reece : Haha! Okay... I see you hadn't changed... Still love to type "Bye" with loads of "E"s xD Well, bye Cheryl. Good night and sweet dreams.

What a lie! Geez. But let's forget about that. 

"Come on, Cheryl! Tell us!"

"Okay, okay..." I started telling them about how Reece and I met.


When is Rochelle gonna reach? I've been waiting for 30 minutes and this guy is staring at me. He's quite hot if you ask me. He's sitting with a group of friends that are talking together. I kept on pretending that I don't know that he is looking at me by texting Kim. Rochelle wanted me to meet her at Mc Donalds since she has my textbook. I drank two cans of sprite already and she still hasn't reached. I was on my phone when I heard a chair being pulled out. I looked up and saw the same guy that had been staring at me.

"Hey." I felt uncomfortable but replied him anyways.

"Ummm... Hey?" 

"Why are you alone?" I decided to just talk to him since Rochelle isn't here yet.

"I'm waiting for my friend but she's not here yet." 

"Oh. So, what's your name?" I hesitated. Should I give my name to a stranger? He might be a creepy stalker. I was hesitating until he talked again.

"It's okay. I don't bite. My name's Reece Luther." He reached out his hand for me to shake. I took it and shook his hand before answering him.

"Hi. I'm Cheryl Lester."

"Well, Cheryl. How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen." I smiled at him. "You?"

"I'm seventeen! Just a year difference." He smiled back at me. This guy seems really friendly. I laughed at him.

"Oh. Why aren't you with your friends anyways?"

"The girls are talking about what dresses they are gonna wear to the prom and the boys are listening to their girlfriends talk."

"Wait, so you're single?"

"Yes." Reece winked and I shook my head.

I was going to ask Reece more questions about him like where does he study at and all that but my phone beeped indicating a new message. I took out my phone and read the message slowly.

From : Rochelleee

Hey Cheryl! I'm so sorry but I can't come today. I really am really sorry. But, we can meet up some other day to return your text book to you? Or I'll just return it to you after the holidays :) So sorry. I hope you didn't wait that long for me. Well, once again, I'm so sorry! Bye Cheryl! xx

I stared at the screen of my phone with wide eyes and felt a little mad at Rochelle but I know it's not her fault. She might have some emergency. 

To : Rochelleee

It's okay, Rochelleee... Sure, we'll meet up some other time. Well, have a happy holiday and byeeeeeeee :D xx

I then put my phone back in my bag. That was when I realized Reece was still there. 

"Sorry, Reece. I got to go... My friend's not coming anyways." I stood up and took all my wallet, phone and bag from the table.

"Really? Can't you stay? I'll accompany you."

"I can, but I'm really tired and I feel like going home."

"Oh, okay. Bye Cheryl. But can I at least get your phone number?"

"Sure" I smiled at him, sat back down and we exchanged phone numbers.

"Well, I guess this is it. Bye, Cheryl. We can meet up some other time right?"

"Yea, sure!" I waved him goodbye and walked out of doors. I was standing there when I realized Daniel had sent me here. I let out a frustrated groan and took out my phone to call Daniel. He wasn't picking up after the second call. When he finally picked up, I asked him if he could come to fetch me now.

"I'm actually kind of busy now. Can you wait for 15 minutes?"

"Alright sure. 15 minutes it is."

"Okay, bye Cheryl!" He hung up before I could say goodbye. I went to sit at a bench outside and decided to text Kim to let time pass. When Kim had to go find some of her friends, I entertained myself with Temple Run. I was almost beating my high score when a familiar voice scared me.

"Hey! I almost beated my high score, you dumbass!"

"I'm sorry. I was just surprised to see you sitting out here alone when you could actually go inside and talk to me." Reece wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed at him. "I thought you were going home? Or were you trying to avoid me?"

"No! I wasn't. My friend, Daniel dropped me off here. I forgot I didn't have a transport to go back to my apartment, so he said he'll be here in 15 minutes." I pouted and Reece laughed at me.

"You look so adorable when you do-"

"Reece! Dude! Stop flirting! You coming to my house or not?"

Reece laughed at his friend and replied him. "Yep! I'm coming, but a bit later."

"Okay! And hi Cheryl! I'm Reece's best friend, Mason! Nice to meet you!" He waved at me and  I waved back at him in response. I stared as he got into his car. He honked his car horn when he drove pass us.  

"Mason's a funny guy. You should talk to him some time." Reece smiled at me.

"Sure. But you need to introduce him to me, alright?"

"Okay! Ummm perhaps I could drop you off at your apartment since your friend isn't here yet?"

"It's okay, Reece. Daniel is coming anyways." Reece nodded and he snatched my phone from my hands.

"Hey! Reece!"

"Let me show you how a professional plays Temple Run." He winked at me and turned his attention to my phone. Reece pressed "RUN AGAIN" and before you know it, he fell down with the score 1947. I laughed at him.

"That was so not how a professional plays, Reece."

"That was an accident!" He was about to play again when I saw Daniel's car. Reece saw it too and gave me back my phone. He hugged me and I hugged him back. 

"Well, bye Cheryl. I'm gonna miss you!"

"Bye, Reece! See you next time and I'll sure add you in Facebook! You have Facebook right?"

"Yep, I do! Name is Reece Luther!"

"Okay! Bye Reece." I walked to Daniel's car and he walked to his while waving goodbye. I waved back and got into Daniel's car and started to tell him all about Reece."


Huhey, guysss! Well, the flashback has not ended yet, so the next chapter will still be based on the flashback :) Hope you guys enjoyed it :D And, of course, cote or vomment if you guys like it :) But mostly, I would love to read comments from you guys :) xx

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