CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT: The park, Saint Charles

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The silence was deadly, reminding Elena of that devastating day she thought Asher would die. She looked at him, sitting next to her, staring at his hands. His eyes were empty, hiding all emotions he felt.

"Abortion?" he finally said through his teeth. "You were pregnant?"

His head turned toward her, showing all his emotions. He was sad and disappointed, but mostly angry. Furious.

Elena turned her head away from him and looked at the ground.

"Oh my god!" Asher sighed loudly while standing up. He started walking away, then returned and brought his hands through his hair.

"You could have had a baby," he said, unable to hide his anger. "We could have had a baby now."

He started pacing the ground in front of her. Then he suddenly stopped and looked at her. The look he threw her was accusing. "You never told me."

Elena sobbed before reminding him: "you were in a coma."

"And that give you the right to decide about our child?" he exploded.

Tears streamed down her face and her words came out sputtered and blubbered. "It wasn't a child yet. It was just a few cells multiplying themselves."

She often told herself that. She didn't regret taking the child away. She thought Asher was going to die, and she believed she was his killer. She was too unstable to take care of a child. It had been the hardest decision she ever had to make – harder than leaving Saint Charles. But in the end, she didn't regret it.

"I was too young to know anything about raising a child," she spit out. She sounded like she was accusing him, but really she was accusing herself. It was all her fault – the baby, the abortion, the accident. She had kept it all from him because she had feared his reaction. And now she got exactly what she didn't want to get.

Asher paced the ground again while sighing loudly. "One child. We wanted one child, Elena. And you killed the only opportunity we had."

"There are more opportunities, Asher," she said with a shake of her head.

He shook his head. "Not for me."

Elena looked up at him, surprised by his words. What did he mean with that?

He stopped pacing and looked at her. If looks could kill, Elena would be burnt to dead.

"Yeah, that's right," he said with a mocking tone. "If you had stayed, you would have known I can't have children anymore. I'm infertile, Elena. All because of that stupid accident!"

Elena's mouth opened in shock while her eyes widened. Tears rolled down, but she barely felt it. She brought a hand in front of her mouth.

"Oh my god," she whispered, her heart racing in panic. "I killed your only chance at having a child."

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she started sobbing. She put her hands in front of her face while Asher returned to pacing.

"I am so sorry," she sobbed.

Her words made Asher stop, his back toward her. His next words came out as a growl. "You were pregnant, you had an abortion and you didn't tell me. Was I not important enough for you?" He turned around, his face red in anger and his eyes watery. "Were you so eager to leave me that even a child couldn't stop you?!"

"I was going to tell you," Elena angrily defended herself through the tears. "But you smashed your stupid truck into that other man's car and you left me thinking you were dead!"

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