CHAPTER FIFTEEN: The park, Saint Charles

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Elena wasn't ready to go home yet. Whenever she entered the house, she was reminded of her father's death. And when she got home, she would have to write the obituary, but she knew she couldn't. The right words wouldn't roll from her pen any time soon. And torturing herself into trying to find them anyway was not what she wanted to do today.

Not any day, she realized, but she was out in town today, so she had an excuse.

She found herself walking to the "park" in Saint Charles. She and her friends would often be here, talking, laughing, watching over the younger children of town. While big cities had dangerous gangs and places to avoid, Saint Charles had a safe haven where teenagers watched over young children.

The red picnic bench still looked like she remembered, only the color had paled a little. Without realizing it, a smile appeared on her lips as she gazed at the bench.


Elena was sitting on the red picnic bench, watching Benjamin and his friend run around the grass. Asher was babysitting his little brother and had invited Elena to join him. It was only a few days since the doctor had declared her healed and able to walk after the accident that broke her leg. She assumed Asher invited her because he wanted to apologize to her.

He was sitting next to her and they were filling the silence with questions to get to know each other. It was an easy and fun conversation. Elena felt very comfortable around Asher. Her siblings always frowned when she said that. They only saw Asher as the man who broke her leg, but Elena saw him as a friend.

Suddenly the two boys walked to the bench, their faces begging Asher and Elena to say yes to their unasked question.

"We want to play hide and seek," Benjamin said. "But we can't play it with only two. Do you want to play with us?"

Elena smiled and looked at Asher. He shrugged as if telling her the choice was hers. So she turned back to the two boys.

"We would love to."

They jumped up and down while clapping their hands, and Elena looked at Asher again. He gave her a smile that made her heart skip a beat.



She startled, then stiffened. Her heart suddenly beat hard in her chest. Her palms started sweating.

All because of that voice.

A voice she would recognize anywhere.

Slowly, she turned around to watch the man who had changed her life.

"Asher," she whispered. It almost sounded like a sigh.

Wow. He still looked handsome.

His dark brown hair was shorter than when she had last seen it, but his eyes were still the same shade of bright blue. He was a little taller and much more muscular. He was no longer the teenager she remembered, but a grown, handsome man.

A small, unsure smile played at his lips, making Elena's heart skip a few beats.

"You look great," he said, gesturing vaguely at her body.

She had indeed changed. Her blonde hair used to be shoulder-length and curly. Now it was longer and she had made it a habit to straighten it every morning. Her summer dresses and cropped tops had been replaced by classic dresses and T-shirts. While she used to wear only comfy sneakers, she now only wore heels. And her always-present smile had disappeared.

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