CHAPTER FOUR: The living room, Center Street

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Looking down at the photo album on the floor, Elena couldn't hide the smile on her face. The memory of the first time she met him made her happy. A part of her hated that happiness. Something that ended so bad, should not make her happy. But another part of her was relieved by the happiness. Maybe she could finally find the courage to forgive herself and move on.

Kay and Emily also wore smiles. While many would say that nothing good could ever come from a broken leg, Elena would have to disagree. It was exactly the reason why she had found her happiness.

Of course, she hadn't enjoyed the excruciating pain, but she had lost consciousness so often, she barely remembered it. Afterward she often jolted in pain. Asher, her new friend, would visit her, giving her candy and chocolates – even flowers – as a way of apologizing.

Thinking back, Elena realized he had been there more often than was needed and gave her more gifts than was needed for an apology. But then, it was always him who made the first step. He was always more confident than her, pushing her out of her comfort zone.

She was too young and too foolishly in love to deny him. Only real fear would stop her, but then she was so easily swayed by him. He really had power over her, making her do everything he wanted.

Kay sighed dreamily. "And a great love was created by an accident."

Elena's smile grew, but she didn't say a word as she thought back to her first date with Asher. She had still been in her cast when he took her out to a bar. She wouldn't choose to go to a bar. Most people would call her too innocent for that. But he had persuaded her. And she had really enjoyed it.

She remembered how he had looked gorgeous in the dim lights, large shadows across his face. They had been seated near a purple, neon lamp which had made his blue eyes shine. His brown hair seemed almost dark, but it still looked good on him. He had talked louder than usual, trying to raise his voice over the music booming through the speakers. His laughter had been louder too, but she doubted that it was because of the music's ear-shattering volume.

Asher must have realized then that he was in love with her. There had been something in his eyes, and it had not just been the purple, neon lamp. She hadn't seen it then, which she found strange, looking back, because she had been constantly gazing into his gorgeous eyes.

Elena had only realized her love for him when they were seated on a bench in town. She had still been wearing her cast, but she had an appointment with the doctor to get it removed. It was a stupid moment in which nothing really happened. They just talked and laughed, and she enjoyed it.

It was that joy while doing nothing that made her realize she loved him. What else could it be if she laughed at words that weren't a joke, or felt the need to touch him and wanted to make him smile all the time?

The bench had eventually become their spot. She still remembered exactly where it was – if it hadn't been removed, of course.

Although Elena had known she loved him, she had still been unsure of his love for her. He probably didn't know about her feelings either. But one day he admitted them. Not with words – that was still too scary – but with a touch.

They had been walking near Bear Lake. Both of them were enjoying the scenic views. Just being near it made them happy. It also held many of their secrets.

Elena had moved closer to him, but not too close to scare him away. It was still light, but the night was starting to fall. In only a few minutes they would have to return home, before they couldn't see their feet anymore.

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