CHAPTER NINE: Sint Charles Gallery, Idaho

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On the outer street of Saint Charles was a small park that was often occupied by 'the youth.' It was more of a square than a park, but the latter sounded much better. And 'the youth' was not just Asher, Elena and their friends, but almost everyone. Little children would often come to play here, and parents often walked by with their babies.

Asher and Elena were sitting on the bright red picnic-bench, their faces turned away from the attached table. She was holding his hand, and he squeezed it lightly.

"I have good news for you," Asher announced.

She straightened and looked at him with curiosity. "Spill."

"Actually it's good news for the both of us."

"Spill!" she said with a soft push against his chest. Elena was not the most patient. Especially when Asher was purposefully not telling her.

He laughed, and she had to let him laugh, before he admitted: "I put our pictures online."

She gasped and felt her mouth and eyes were wide in surprise and pleasure. Asher always called them 'our pictures,' when Elena saw them as 'his pictures'. After all, he told her where to stand and how to look, he edited them and he owned them.

"And?" she asked when he did not say more.

"And... I created a website."

Biting her lip, she felt her eyes widen even more. "Really?"

"Don't be surprised. That's not even the good news."

She blinked. "It's not?"

He laughed and shook his head. "The good news is that it has gained some attention. And there is this one guy who would like to see the printed pictures. And he wants to exhibit them in a gallery."

"With our pictures?" she asked in disbelief.


"Babe, that is amazing!"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, but he pulled his head back.

"Are you sure? It's mostly you in those pictures and everyone will see them."

Elena scoffed. "They already see me walking around town. I really don't mind!"

Asher smiled, and looked relieved. It wasn't just she who was enthusiastic about this. He was proud of what he had achieved. But Elena knew he would never go through with it if she wasn't all in.

"Okay," he said with a nod. "I'll send the guy an answer."

Her smile grew wider, but it was quickly covered with Asher's lips. His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer. She crawled onto his lap, straddling him, while her hands moved through his hair.

"Get a room!" Kay suddenly shouted, followed by laughter from everyone who had just arrived. Elena couldn't help but chuckle at the silly remark.

Then she winked at Asher and turned to her friends.

"Asher has good news."


Almost a month later, the gallery was open. For the first time, Asher's pictures hung on the wall. Most of the town had come to show their support to the young photographer.

For Elena it was strange to see herself with every turn. But she hid the awkward feeling and smiled all night long. Asher deserved her full support. Everyone should see how proud she was of that amazing man.

The opening speech was given by Mr. Dupont. He had discovered Asher, and Asher didn't mind giving the microphone to him. Speaking to the public wasn't something he wanted to do.

Mr. Dupont had been very kind. He had called Asher an amazing photographer, too unknown in this world. Mystery made people more interesting, though, so Mr. Dupont didn't mind it much.

He also talked a little about Elena. He believed Asher had only come into his full potential after finding someone encouraging to work with. And that potential had eventually grown into what it was now: gallery-worthy pictures.

When the end of the evening came closer, Asher and Elena had finally found the perfect moment to sneak out of the busy room and behind a corner in the more quiet hallway.

"It's going great!" Elena said happily. She wrapped her arms around Asher's neck and added: "I'm so proud of you."

He grinned. "I couldn't have done it without you."

A warm smile spread her lips and gratefulness warmed her heart. He moved closer until his lips were on hers and his body was pressed against hers. For a while, everything around them disappeared and time was unimportant. She enjoyed having him so close to her and having his undivided attention.

He was hers, and she would never let him go. She could not imagine falling for someone else like she had fallen for Asher.

"Asher, there you are," a voice suddenly said. Letting go of each other's lips, Asher and Elena found his mother looking at them.

"I have been looking all over for you," she added.

Elena was surprised by how she was panting for breath. It seemed they were gone for longer than she thought.

Asher reluctantly stepped away from Elena and turned to his mother.

"Are they missing us already?" he joked.

"Mr. Dupont is," Jennifer answered. "He wants to speak with you."

Elena was about to push Asher toward the main hall, when the mother added: "both of you."

Nervousness suddenly washed over her. Whatever Mr. Dupont had to say, it was either very good or very bad. If he was searching for them, it must be important.

Pretending she wasn't nervous for what was to come, she took Asher's hand and walked with him to the hall. Mr. Dupont quickly found them. With a big smile on his face, he walked toward them. Although she was now sure the news they were about to receive was good, there was still a lot of nervousness inside her.

"Asher," Mr. Dupont said with a smile. Then he turned to Elena and did the same. "Elena." He opened his arms and pointed at both of them. "A golden couple. One the photographer, the other the model. The combination? Astonishing pictures."

He clapped his hands together and looked them both in the eye before asking: "how do you see your future? 'The Gold Couple.' That will attract many eyes."

Elena looked over at Asher, who was standing with his mouth a little open while no words came out. She knew what he was thinking, because she knew what he wanted. It was a quiet life in which photography was a hobby and Elena his girlfriend. He didn't see himself as a photographer. And Elena didn't see herself as a model. Nor did she want her face everywhere around the country.

Since Asher was unable to answer, she kindly told Mr. Dupont: "what you're offering is very generous, and very much appreciated. But that kind of life is not what we want. This gallery has been amazing, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we're proud of. But a world of photographers and models isn't ours. It's not our dream."

Mr. Dupont smiled awkwardly. "I'm sure everything is a bit overwhelming right now and you need more time to think it over. Surely you can't leave behind this kind of success. But that's fine," he said before Elena could contradict, "you can take all the time you need. Just give me an answer when you're ready."

He handed his card to Asher, then left before either of them could say they were sure of their decision. Living in a life where everything had to be perfect and was watched under a microscope wasn't something they wanted. No matter how many hours of thinking he gave them, or what amount of money they would receive, Asher and Elena didn't want the life Mr. Dupont offered.

After that evening, Mr. Dupont had sent many messages asking about their decision. Every time they told him they would not do it. But Mr. Dupont sent another, pretending he had not read their answer. So after a while, the many messages Mr. Dupont sent, were all ignored.

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