CHAPTER FIVE: The lawn, Saint Charles

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Elena had grown. Not just physically, like her blond, wavy hair that had started to become longer than her shoulders, but also mentally. She had gone to the bar again. And she had liked it.

She had to admit that it was not the bar she liked, because the music was too loud, the people too drunk, the dancers too sweaty and Elena too awkward. What was fun about it was the fact that she was with her friends.

Asher was there, holding her hand underneath the table as if no one knew they were a couple. Emily was there with Julie, who finally didn't have to work the nightshift. Kay was there, having invited Cory, a new boyfriend – again. And the siblings Nova and Micah were there too.

It really was one big, happy bunch.

The night had fallen, but it was still too early to go home. At least everyone except for Elena thought so. Her eyes were starting to fall closed in the warm, dark bar. If only the music was silent...

"Want to go for a walk?" Asher's warm voice suddenly asked, whispering so she was the only one who heard.

Happy for the distraction and longing for some fresh air, she nodded her head, unable to hide the smile that spread her lips. O how he could read her mind.

With her hand still clutched in his, Asher told their group of friends about the walk, making it clear that everyone else was not invited. How he could say those things without sounding rude, Elena would never understand.

She took a deep breath when finally the colder, fresh outdoor air surrounded her. It was amazing how awake she suddenly felt. Her ears rang a little, but she knew it would soon pass. She never sat close to a speaker because she was afraid to have a loss of hearing. Some would call her weak for that, but she didn't care. If that was a reason for people to dislike her, then so be it.

Still hand in hand, Asher led her passed Bear Lake, which was located near the bar. She watched it as they walked by it toward his truck.

"Do you ever wish you could dive into the lake and discover the secrets that are below the surface?" she asked Asher. She didn't doubt that he loved the lake as well, because he so often took her there. They could just watch the water move while sitting next to each other in silence. It was heaven.

"What makes you think there are secrets below the surface?" he wondered, sounding like a philosopher.

Elena chuckled. "There is always something below the surface."

"I don't think there are any sunken ship here."

A laugh escaped her throat. Bear Lake was not connected to the sea, nor had it ever been. It was formed by ground that was slowly sinking down and that still continued to deepen the lake. But not near Saint Charles. There you had to walk far into the water before it reached even your belly button.

"I mean coins, or something," Elena explained, "indicating that people had made wishes. Or torn pictures that tell the story of a tragic heartbreak."

A grin spread across Asher's face.

"That would be really great."

She looked over the dark lake, wondering what might be in the water. What would she throw in it? Would she ever be driven to such an extreme that she would want to throw something in it?

"What secret would you throw in the lake?" she asked Asher. She might not know her answer, but maybe he knew his.

But after a short silence, he shrugged. "I do not know. Maybe I don't have any secrets that I can't share with anyone. There is no reason to rely on the lake if I can rely on you, and my family."

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