CHAPTER TWO: Saint Charles, Idaho

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Denver, Colorado was always busy. People roamed the street and spread noise everywhere. Voices talking, high heels clicking, pigeons cooing, cars honking.

But in Saint Charles, all that was heard was the rustling of the wind. Sometimes a car passed by, but the loudest voice was the one inside Elena's head.

The one that brought back all the memories.

Trying to shrug off all the thoughts of driving over this road in Asher's red pickup truck, walking down the sidewalk hand in hand and riding a bicycle faster than him, Elena focused on the buildings. Most of them didn't hold any memories with him. But the ones that did, stabbed her in the heart.

She didn't want to be here. And she definitely didn't want to see him. But there was a small voice inside her heart that wondered how he was. Did he still look as handsome as he did all those years ago? Did he blame her as he should? Had he moved on like she was unable to?

A sigh escaped her mouth. She shouldn't have thought of him. She also didn't want to think of him. But seeing everything that was familiar yet strange brought back so much, she could hardly stop all the memories.

Finally the taxi slowed down in front of the biggest building in Bear Lake County. The hospital also held memories for Elena. Including the worst one of them all.

Shrugging it off, she stepped out of the yellow car and followed Kay and Emily to the revolving doors. A nearby bench caused another stab in her heart, but she lifted her chin and pretended she was not hurt by the view.

As they entered the hospital, Elena was glad for the distraction her brother caused, because her mind was already remembering the last time she had walked these hallways.

"What is it, Emily? Looking for someone?"

Emily stuck out her tongue, but didn't answer. She continued looking through every window they passed, probably hoping to find Julie.

She had said she was happy that Kay and Elena joined her to Saint Charles like she had wanted. But she was disappointed that their father's death and mother's injury were the only reason she was able to convince them. Wasn't a random visit a better reason than this?!

They walked inside the room a nurse had told them about over the phone. It was a small, one-person room. In the bed was their mom, looking at the opening door. Her eyes widened in happiness and a smile spread across her lips.

"Hey, Mom," Emily said with a sweet voice while she walked over to give her a hug. "They told us you only woke up an hour ago. How do you feel?"

The woman scoffed. "Like I'm going to have to stay here too long."

"Great," Kay commented with an exaggerated eye roll. "She only just woke up, and already she wants to leave."

He too walked to her bed to hug her, and gave her a peck on her cheek. Their mother didn't look like she was about to break down in tears. That didn't surprise Elena, because Mia wasn't one to show her sadness or anger. She had always closed herself off and only shed tears when she was alone.

"I know they won't keep me longer than necessary," Mia said, "but if I can breathe on my own, I don't need to stay in the hospital."

"You want to go home already?" Elena asked with feigned surprise. Mia Hunter was not a woman to stay in bed for long. If she was not walking around the house finding new chores to complete, she was hiking through the fields and mountains with her friends.

"Oh, Elena," she said while hugging her, "my only straight child."

Elena chuckled while Kay and Emily rolled their eyes. Their family had often laughed with the fact that Elena was not gay, while her siblings were. Sometimes they would joke that Elena was switched at birth, but the similarities between her and her siblings were too obvious.

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