20. Try Me Bitch

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"Frank! Frank, wake up!" I heard someone yell, shaking me awake.

It was cold. I was freezing. The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes is that I was laying on the ground, the bathroom tiled ground, which was also freezing cold. The second thing I noticed was Gerard kneeling next to me, concern and panic written on his face. The next thing I noticed was the awful smell, and that's when memories came back to me and panic filled my face. My parents. The blood. The message.

"They're dead," I whispered, almost silent. 

"Frankie, baby, it wasn't your-" he said but before he could finish I yelled.

"YES, Gerard, it was my fault," I said as tears started running down my face. He sighed and took me in his arms for a warm hug. "I- I- I told Ray to cut the mountain ash spell because- because I thought you were one of them. If- if you were, the moment you touched the mountain ash, an alarm would've gone off and- and hunters would be around the house the next minute." I stuttered as more tears came down. "And- and you- I- I- can't bear losing you." I cried as I closed my eyes. "And now they're dead and the last thing I told them is 'you can both go fuck yourselves'."

"Frank, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he said as he tightened the hug.

"It's just- I- I thought it would be just one day and nothing will happen, but then that happened, and I forgot about the mountain ash." I cried even harder.

"Frankie, you'll catch cold here. Let's go to your room," he said and helped me get on my feet. I felt weak. I couldn't stand on my feet alone so Gerard helped me walk to my room. "God, why is it so cold." He whispered. We got to my room and he laid me on my bed and sighed when he saw te open window. "No wonder why." He said as he closed it.

"Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be at school?" I asked weakly after I calmed myself down from the tears.

"I couldn't find you at school, so I thought your parents might've done something. I came to check up on you." He answered.

I nodded and spoke again, "Um- I gotta call one of my friends. They need to tell this to their parents. They'll know what to do."

He passed me my phone that was on the table and I dialled Tyler's number. It was lunchtime, so I knew he'd pick up.

"Hello?" He said from the other side.

"Hey, Tyler. Can you ditch school and come to my house with the others?" I asked. "It's an emergency, please."

"What is it? What happened."

"I can't tell you through the phone," I said. "Just, please, make it quick."

"Alright, we'll be there in thirty minutes." He said and hang up the phone. I looked up to Gerard who was still looking at me with a concerned look. I was laying on my bed while he was sitting next to me. His hand came up to my forehead and brushed my hair out of my forehead. He frowned when his hand made contact with my forehead.

"Frankie, you're really hot," he said placing the back of his hand on my forehead.

I frowned on the random compliment and said, "Thank you. I think you're really hot as well."

"No, not like that. I mean, yeah you're hot, but- your forehead is boiling." He sighed. "I think you have a fever, and a really strong one."

"No, I'm alright. I'll be fine."

"No, you're not. I'm going to make you some tea." He said as he got up. "Now, get under the sheets and relax. I'll be back in five minutes."

"I told you I'm-" I stopped when he raised his eyebrows and gave me a scary look. "Alright," I sighed and got under the sheets. "Happy?"

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