14. I Have Never Missed A Class

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Frank's POV

"You sure this is the right party?" I asked Tyler, turning my attention from the crowded house to him. "I don't want to get yelled at by some frat college students."

"I'm positive," he replied. "This is the address Jenna gave me."

"Ok then. Let's do this." I said and headed to the crowded house with the loud music. The others followed me.

"Who throws a party on Monday?" Patrick murmured behind me.

"How are we suppose to find Vic from all of these people?" Ryan asked. "The whole school is here."

"Just keep your heads down," Patrick said. "We'll figure it out when we get there. We don't need any additional socializing." We managed to get inside without anyone saying 'what are you doing here'.

"We should split out," Tyler said.

"Ok, good idea." I said, "text on the group chat when you find him."

Everyone went in different directions. I went upstairs to check the bedrooms, Ryan the backyard, Patrick the kitchen and Tyler the 'dance floor'. The second floor was less crowded and darker than the first one. I slowly went and opened each bedroom door, revealing couples kissing in each one of them. One of them was more than kissing, but let's not get too much into it.

After I checked all the rooms and went to check the bathroom, my phone buzzed. I opened it and saw Ryan saying he found Vic. I headed to the backyard with my head down to not get anyone's attention. That didn't work at all when I bumped into someone. "Sorry," I murmured without looking who it was and continued walking.

"Wait a minute. You're Frank, right?" The person, which I assume is a she because of the voice, asked. I turned to see who it was and froze. It was Lindsey. How the hell did she know my name? "Oh, Gerard told me about you. I'm not a fan or anything." She said with a smirk. "Besides, I think we have a science class together."

"Cool," I said and turned to leave before she grabbed me by my wrist.

"Wait," she said. By the way she was holding herself, I could tell she was drunk as a skunk. "I have a question," she continued. "Do you know someone named Thomas?"

"Um... I had a brother named Thomas, but he's dead now. Why?"

"You looked like him. I wanted to confirm my theory." She answered with the same smirk on her face.

"Did you know him?"

"Maybe yes, maybe not. Why do you care?" She said, her smirk getting bigger before she left, leaving me with plenty of questions.

I sighed and headed to the backyard. As I got out of the house, I saw Ryan and the rest already talking to Vic. "Hey," I said as I got closer to them.

"This is Frank," Patrick introduced me.

"Nice to meet you," He said as we shook hands. "So what do you guys want to talk about?"

"Um... your brother," Ryan replied.

"What about him?" He asked.

"We think his cause of death might not be what the police tell it is," Tyler said. He cleared his throat and continued, "We think he might be murdered."

"What?! Who would want to kill him?"

"That's the thing. We don't know who it is so we came to you. We think you might be able to help us." Patrick said, stepping in. "Have you noticed anything weird or unusual with him lately? It can be anything."

"I'm not sure." He said. He paused and seemed to be thinking before talking again. "This might be nothing, but lately, there was another body found right?" We nodded. "So he said that he saw the person getting murdered that day. He had a late shift that day too. He didn't tell anyone, only me, because he thought they might think he's crazy."

The Hunter and The Vampire ➳ Frerardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें