9. I'm Still a Piece of Garbage

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It was already dark. I could feel the pre-winter cold air around me, regretting not wearing something warmer. His house wasn't too far from mine. I got in front of the address he sent me. It was a small one-story house with a basement. I got to the front door and knocked. Within a moment, the door opened, revealing the same smile I know since the day I was born.

"Don't be shy, come in." He said, stepping aside to let me in. I did as I was told. We both sat on the couch and he spoke again, "So what brings you here at this hour of the day?"

"What were you doing at Brendon's house today?" I asked straight up. He frowned and answered me with a question.

"Did the guy with him tell you?"

"Well, the guy who was with him was Ryan. They had a group project together, but you didn't answer my question." I said, more concerned than angry.

"Our Ryan? The little guy who you were with twenty-four seven?" I nodded and he continued, "well he changed a lot. Why do you want to know why I was there anyway?"

"He saw and recognized you."

"What did you tell him? You didn't tell him it was me, did you?" He asked, a bit threatening.

"Nope," I lied. I quickly thought of a lie, because I knew he would get mad if I told him the truth. Just because I trust my friends, it doesn't mean he'll too. "I convinced him that he saw someone else and thought it was you. Now tell me why were you at Brendon's? Is he one of you?" I asked, changing the subject.

"We can say that, but not exactly. He's a wizard. I've known him since the day I got out of that grave. The one who turned me introduced me to their friends and Brendon was one of them. We're not really close with each other though. I just needed something from him today." He said.

"What did you need?"

"I'd say 'it's none of your business', but since you're my little brother I'll tell you." He answered with a smirk, "He has this invisible cloak I always borrow from him. It gets useful when I want to go outside at the daylight for groceries and stuff."

"Like the invisible cloak from Harry Potter?" I asked. He nodded and all I said was, "cool..."

"How's the case going detective Iero?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I'd lie if I said it's going well. The only 'lead' we found was that everyone's blood was O. Other than that nothing." I said disappointed of myself, "anyways, I should start going before mom or dad notice I'm gone."

"You came all the way here to just ask me that one question? Couldn't you have asked me on the phone?"

"I wanted to see you. I was told you were dead for over two years, is it a crime to want to spend more time with you? Besides, it's already past seven so mom and dad could've came home anytime and I don't want to get caught talking to you. I just found you, I don't want to lose you again"

"Fair point," is all he said.

We said our goodbyes and after around ten minutes walking I was in front of my house. With the help of some vine branches, I claimed up to my window and went straight to bed, without bothering to do my homework.


Like yesterday, I went to Gerard's house for the team project. This time, he didn't suggest me to go watch a movie out of nowhere. Instead, we were sitting in silence, reading the documents Mr. Urine gave us.

"I was thinking," I said, breaking the silence, "We both like rock music so we can represent our poem in the form of a rock song. I can play the guitar and write the guitar parts. Meanwhile, you can write the lyrics and sing it. It's just an idea though, you don't have to agree with it. I know not everyone is comfortable singing in front of people."

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