6. I Won't Hesitate, Bitch!

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Frank's POV

Monday, again. The day was passing faster than usual because I kept falling asleep during classes. Last night, I had to finish the book so I was awake, reading it, until 6 in the morning. I did none of my homework. Instead, I made Patrick do it for me. I mean... I didn't make him do it

We finally got to the last period, math. Like the other classes, I fell asleep within the first 10 minutes. However, I woke up when I heard a loud bang on my table. I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Armstrong standing in front of me, leaning on my table with both of his hands. His math book was also on my table, which, I assume, is what he slammed and caused the loud bang that woke me up. Everyone was staring at us and some were even laughing.

"Frank, honey, please tell me everything you know about the unit circle? You know? The thing I was talking about for the past 40 minutes." He said.

"It's pointless," I said.

"Yes, Frank. We all know the circle is pointless. You should've known that from the first grade." When I said it's pointless, I actually meant the whole thing is pointless. I'm never gonna use it in my life. I guess what he said makes sense too. "Tell me what I said before I woke you up."

"You said it yourself, sir. You woke me up, which means I was asleep before. How am I supposed to know what you said if I was asleep?" I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Just wanted to make you say it. See you at detention, tomorrow after school." He said, turned away and went to the board to continue his lesson.

Seriously? I slept the whole day and no one gave me detention, this fucker had to be special. I took a look at the time and saw we only had 5 minutes left. That 5 minutes seemed like hours, my eyes begging me to go back to sleep.

The bell finally rang and everyone started packing. I didn't take out anything for the lesson so I had nothing to pack and was already ready to go. Without waiting for anyone, I quickly left the classroom, went to the lockers, got my stuff and left the school. I wanted to get home as soon as possible so I can crash into my bed and sleep like a dead man.

I was walking as fast as I could, when suddenly I tripped on something and fell on the ground, my backpack crushing after me. I turned to see what I tripped on and saw Pete Wentz awkwardly standing there, arms crossed and was looking down at me. He was breathing heavily, the way you breathe when you sprint a marathon.

"What the fuck?" Is all I managed to say.

"Watch where you're going." He spat. In the end, he hesitantly added, "cunt".

"You made me fall, and I'm the cunt?" I asked, a bit of anger in my voice.

"Hey! Watch your tone. I can knock you out in less than a second nerd." He said. I rolled my eyes and turned away to continue my way home. I don't have time for this kind of bullshit. The guy is obviously looking for a fight.

Suddenly, I was pulled by my backpack and pinned on the nearest tree, with his arm on my chest. I tried to push it off of me but he was stronger than I expected. That's when I knew I had to go for the balls. However, I decided to ask him nicely before committing violence.

"Can you please get your arm off of me? You're violating my personal space and I don't like it. I have a feeling this is not gonna end well for you." I said. He chuckled, but it was soon transformed into hisses of pain after I kicked him in the balls. I quickly took off one of my backpack's stripes and turned it over to me. I unzipped the front pocket, took out my pepper spray and wore my bag back to the way it was before.

"Stay where you are. I won't hesitate, bitch." I said keeping the pepper spray directly on him. But of course, he didn't listen.

"You piece of sh-" he said but started screaming when I pepper-sprayed him directly on the face.

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