11. I'm Surrounded By Idiots

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I woke up with the ringing of my phone. I crushed my face into the pillow, waiting for the ringing to stop. I relaxed when it stopped. I'm sure I fell back to sleep before it started ringing again. I furiously took the phone and looked at the caller ID to see it's Tyler.

Having no other choice, I answered the call. "What?" I said as I rubbed my eyes with the tip of my fingers.

"Good morning to you too," he teased from the other side of the phone. "Why are you still asleep? Aren't you suppose to go training with your dad today?"

"He said I had to be ready at eight, I still have an hour," I said as I checked the clock next to me. "Why are you calling me this early? What's that important that made you ruin my sleep?"

"Well someone ruined my sleep too. Well our, since Ryan and Patrick woke up too when I was speaking-"

"Just get to the point Tyler," I cut him.

"Bob called, like five minutes ago and he said they found another body this morning," he said. Now, I'm wide awake. I jolted up to a seating position as panic rose, my stomach twisting. It can't be connected to yesterday's scream. Can it?

"W- what? Where?" I managed to say as I could feel my fast heart beatings. Please don't say on my street. Please don't say on my street. Please don't say on my street...

"It was on your street, Frank," he said with a concerned voice. My heart started beating faster than ever. It's like it wanted to rip itself out of my chest. If yesterday's scream was one of our case's victims, it means the shadow I saw is the one murdering everyone and sucking the last drops of their blood. What if it was me instead of that person? What if I could've saved the person if I called 911 after hearing the scream? My thoughts were cut when Tyler spoke again from the other side of the phone. "Frank? You still there?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just-" I stopped myself, sighed and continued. "I heard a scream when I was getting home yesterday and I don't know what to think."

"You're gonna let Tyler give you a ride next time. It could've been you, Frank! what were you thinking?! What if-" I heard Patrick yell from the other side of the room.

"Ok, mom. I'm sorry. Now I gotta go get ready. Just because I didn't get killed yesterday, doesn't mean my dad can't kill me today. Gotta be ready before eight."

"Alright, just be careful." He said, this time closer to the phone. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.


We finished the training around six in the afternoon and I went straight to Tyler's house, where everyone else was. For the training, we went to a shooting station and my father gave me tips on how to hold a gun and how to aim properly. He also showed me how to disarm someone and some fighting tricks. I'm not the best at it, but at least now I know the basics

I pressed the bell button and after seconds the door opened, revealing Ryan with a slice of pizza in his hand. "Hey," he said. "I thought you wouldn't come out of the house anymore. Or at least, alone."

"Shut up," I muttered. I lightly pushed him away from the doorway and headed to Tyler's room, where I know the others would be. I kicked the door open and said, "Give me some of that pizza. I'm starving." I took a slice of pizza and continued, "How dare you order pizza without me. Who did the socializing?"

"Tyler's mom," Patrick said with a mouthful of pizza.

"She's not even home. Is she?" I asked confused.

"Well... no. But we called her and told her to order the pizza for us. We've left the money on the porch and the guy took it and left the pizza in front of the front door. Easy peasy." Patrick explained.

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