12. I'm Smart, You're Dumb

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"Where are we going?" I asked my dad after an hour of silent walking. We've been walking in the middle of the forest, it's been hours now and yet, he told me nothing about what we're doing. I've been carrying his hunting rifle and a bag full of stuff I don't know the use of, while he was walking empty-handed.

"You'll see," he simply said.

"Can you at least take this for a second? It's too heavy, my back hurts." I complained, giving him the rifle.

"No. When I was your age, I used to walk the whole forest with two tents and sleeping bags on my back. You're too young to have back pain." He said. I groaned, putting the rifle back on my shoulder. After another half an hour of silent walking, I couldn't handle it anymore and asked.

"Are we there yet?"


"What about now?"



"Can you shut your mouth and just follow me!?" He snapped as he turned to me.

"I'm getting bored. Can you at least tell me what we're doing?"

"We came out hunting, Frank. What do you think we're doing?" I looked at him with a blank expression, having no idea what he means. I never went hunting, how am I suppose what are we doing? He sighed and continued, "Just look around and tell me if you see any animal worth a bullet. Is it that difficult?"

"Like a real living animal?" He didn't answer me. Instead, rolled his eyes and turned away, continuing his walk. "Why do I have to carry your gun? You're the one hunting."

"No Frank, you got it wrong. You are the one hunting. I already know how to hunt, it's your time to learn. You can't hunt a supernatural creature if you can't hunt a simple animal."

"But I don't-" I paused when he suddenly stopped walking and held up a finger. I looked at him confused. He turned to me and pointed me to something behind the trees. I couldn't make out what it was at first, but as soon as I moved on to his side, I saw it. It was a deer, I'm sure taller than me, with its fawn. "Awww they're cute. I'd ask if we can keep them, but knowing you, you'd say no." I whispered, smiling.

My dad gave me death glare before whispering, "Raise the rifle and aim it at the mother. Just the way I showed you yesterday."

"What?! No! I can't shoot it." I whisper screamed.

"You did it perfectly yesterday. I'm sure you can do it now too."

"Well, yesterday I was shooting at paper made people. These are actual living animals, I'm not gonna kill it."

"I think you're gonna do whatever I tell you to do," he said and rose a gun on my face. My eyes widened as I stared at the barrel of the gun. "You can't be a hunter if you can't kill a simple animal. Now do it or I'll shoot you instead."

"No, you won't. I'm your son."

"Oh, there's a lot of things you don't know about me, Frank. I assure you, I WILL shoot. I don't need a failure like you. Your mom is young enough to carry another child." He spat. At that, I remembered Thomas. They were capable of killing Thomas, what makes me think he won't kill me?

On that thought, I raised the rifle and pointed it at the mother. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger, waiting for the bang. Nothing happened. I'm not even sure if I did pull the trigger. "Wha-?" I said as I opened my eyes and turned to my father. I immediately regretted it when I saw his angry expression.

"The safety's on idiot!" He snapped, loud enough for me to get scared, but quit enough for the deers to not hear him. I slowly turned the safety off and closed my eyes again. My breathing got faster knowing by only one movement, I can take an actual living life. Out of fear, I pulled the trigger when the tip of his gun touched my head. I opened my eyes, expecting to see a dead deer, but instead, I saw two deers running away.

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