13. I Thought You Were American

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I woke up with massive back pain. My arm and leg muscles were hurting from yesterday. The coyote must've been at least forty pounds, not to count the bag and rifle. Getting a good amount of sleep was the only good thing about today. I wanted to stay in bed the whole day, but I had to get up for school. When I thought this Monday couldn't get any worst, I opened my schedule to see we have PE first period.

I quickly got ready and went down to get something to eat for breakfast. As I got into the kitchen I saw my mom and my dad doing their everyday morning routine.

"Good morning, Frank." My dad said. I gave him a death glare before picking up two pancakes, a plate and the whole syrup bottle before leaving the kitchen. I set up in the living room and quickly ate my pancakes. When I finished, I took my bag and headed to school, leaving the dirty plate on the table. After my everyday walk, I arrived at school. I went straight to the changing lockers and changed for PE.

After some time, Tyler joined me and we went to the gym where the rest of the class was. We still had ten minutes left before the bell so we were just hanging out in the gym until the rest of the group arrives.

"So how was yesterday's training?" Tyler asked me.

"Ugh... horrible. Let's just not talk about it. My dad's an ass. All my muscles are aching because of it. I'm gonna talk to coach Hurley, see if I can sit out today's PE." I groaned.

"What did you do for your muscles to hurt?" He asked confused.

"My dad made me carry his rifle, his bag and, the last and not least, a dead animal. My arms and my back are hurting because of that. And my leg muscles are aching because we walked the whole forest for hours."

"Damn, your dad is going too hard on you." He said. "It's ok, soon it'll all be over. You'll be your own person and there'll be no one to tell you what to do."

"But can I really be my own person when someone is threatening to kill me if I don't become a, you know what. I can't live my dreams just because I was born in the wrong family." I whisper yelled for the others to not hear me.

"Yes, you can. They can't kill you if they can't find you." He said, giving me a 'you understand what I'm saying' look.

"Oh," I said after realization hit me. I saw coach Hurly arrive from the other side of the gym and turned back to Tyler. "Hey, I gotta go speak to Hurley. I'll be back in a second." I saw him nod as I left. "Good morning coach," I greeted when I ran closer to him.

"Good morning Frank," He said, still looking at the papers he was holding.

"I was wondering if I can sit out today's class. My muscles are aching really bad."

"You know I can't do that. You can only skip PE if you have a doctor's paper. I'll get in trouble if someone sees you."

"Please coach. I can't even walk properly. All my body muscles are killing me. Have I ever asked you for something like this? This is my first time. Please" I pleaded.

He looked up at me and gave me a defeated sigh before saying. "Alright. If anyone asks, tell them you twisted your ankle."

"Thank you so much. You don't know from what kind of torture you just saved me."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You kids with your lame excuses to skip PE." He sighed after turned his attention to whatever he was doing before me.

I returned to Tyler with a big grin on my face. "I'm not doing PE today!" I grinned.

"We're doing volleyball today. You're horrible at it anyway." He said.

About two minutes before the bell, Ryan and Patrick arrived. We heard the bell and everyone turned to the coach, who was now explaining things about volleyball. Meanwhile, I went and laid down on one of the long benches.

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