A box of medicine

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Uncle Ron came back into my room with new bed sheets. He looked very worn out for some reason. "I'm sorry you had to do this for me." I took some extra suppressants while he was gone to help my heat temporarily calm down.

Uncle karate chopped my head firmly. "Stop apologizing, Jo! Don't you ever get tired of it?" Even though he can be a bit harsh, I feel like I'm cared for here, rather than feeling like a burden.

"Who would apologize to you?" I playfully countered which caused him to grab my nose and pull on it.

"Hah? What was that, you little jerk?" I thought it was funny until I legitimately couldn't breathe and almost passed out. "Oops. I forgot that you're still in heat. My bad!" Uncle changed my sheets and helped me get back into bed. He then leaned back in my computer chair and asked, "so how was your first day?"

To be completely honest, I'm not sure how to answer his question. Where should I start? What should I leave out? "It was okay. I only went for half a day though."

"Yeah, your heat came early. Wonder why." He seemed like he already knew about my explicit run ins with Chandler.

"I-I know! Crazy, right?" I tried to laugh it off, but he just kept staring.

"Jordan," uncle sighed and scratched his brow. "If something happened, I'd like you to tell me."

Whatever the case may be, I felt like I needed to tell him so he wouldn't be worried about me. I explained everything up to the nurse's office.

"So you went into heat because you rubbed off the heir of one of the most powerful companies ever created?" He ran a hand through his blonde locks and groaned. "That's so lame, Jo."

"Don't you think you should be a little kinder, you jerk!" Yelling at him caused me to heave my breaths.

"Easy, kiddo." He started snickering again. "Besides, I'm not the 'jerk' here! Ahahaha!"

I threw my plushies at my good-for-nothing uncle. "I hate you so much!"

He finally stopped laughing after a while and gave my stuffed animals back to me. "The important thing is if you felt pressured to do it."

I thought about it and came up with the best answer I could muster. "Honestly, it all started before I even realized what was going on. It's not like I hated it, but I want to do that kind of thing with my paired partner if at all possible..."

Uncle Ron stared at me blankly. "Have you always been this pure or is this something new you're trying out?" I raised my stuffed monkey at him as a threat. "Woah! Cool it! I just mean that it's weird that you would say that. And, I don't know if you know this, but the walls in this house are very thin."

Why did he mention that last part?

Chandler's seductive voice popped into my head. 'You'd like that, wouldn't you?' And then my own. 'Ch-chandler! M-more!'

"Oh..." my cheeks burned while I felt my body go cold at the same time. I threw my head under my bedding and yelled, "That's so embarrassing! I'm sorry for being such a gross nephew! I can pack my bags and go if you want!"

"Oi! Chill. Are you always like this during your heat? I get it, though. I know how heats can be." Uncle pulled my head up to keep me from suffocating. After he got me tissue to wipe away my tears, he asked, "so the kid you were, ya know, doing that with just let you stop when you said you wanted to?"

I shook my head. "No, he wanted to finish."

Ron got serious again. "Hm. I see, then we should make a police report and contact his parents."

I quickly waved him off. "It's okay because I choked it!" Did that come off right?

"You choked him?! Jordan, you shouldn't do that!" Uncle mumbled into his hands that covered his face. "My boss' kid, nonetheless. We'll be homeless!"

Ah. He didn't understand, but saying it outright is just awkward. "N-Not his neck."

"Oh?" He peeked at me through his fingers to reveal a single curious, green eye. Realization slowly dawned on him as he tightly closed his legs and folded his hands to protect himself from the awful pain he imagined. "....oh."

"...yeah. I feel kind of bad about it actually."

Ron lightly chuckled and scratched his head. "Don't. The kid should know there's a line and he definitely doesn't want to cross it. You need to be more careful in the future though. Alphas like him have a hard time putting on the brakes when they're in front of an omega in heat. It's not a good idea to stay with that kid."

I don't really understand it myself, but I felt a little down after I heard that. "B-but... I felt.. drawn to him for some reason."

"*sigh* ....Well, it's kinda difficult to say that to you when you look so upset, huh?" I looked up to him, hopeful about what he would say next, especially since he looked very serious. "Just don't think with your "head" next time, Jo."

"You really are the worst!" I decided to throw every plushy I had at him until he left the room. I needed to sleep anyway since I spent all of my energy earlier.

Uncle Ron took the next few days off work to ensure that I was taken care of. Chandler texted me between periods and called me after school. We surprisingly have a lot to talk about, although, most of it is about school and random things I come up with. In the evening, when my heat gets to be unbearable, I call Chandler and make him deal with me. When I finally feel satisfied, we either sat on the phone for a while or went back to texting. He's stopped asking for me to help him. He probably knows what I'll say...

Or maybe he's found someone else who can satisfy him.

...Anyway, for the time being, the alpha has been generous enough to send food and games on the last couple of days. So, when he brought me a big box of candy, I wasn't surprised.

"You said you liked them, right?" He kept spoiling me with things I had asked for. I felt so... special. I looked out my bedroom door and saw uncle Ron collect the snacks from a woman in a suit.

"Y-yeah. I did say that." I perked up a little when the alpha I was on the phone with rolled down his window. "Ah! You're here too?"

He laughed and gently waved at my house, unsure of which window I was in. "I guess it makes sense you can see me, but, yeah, I am outside. School just ended, so I thought I'd come along to deliver your gift."

I got a funny feeling in my gut. Weird. I thought my heat symptoms were finally fading. "Thank you! I've never gotten so many sweets before, but can I ask why you're doing all of this?" I waited in anticipation to hear what he was going to say next. It definitely wasn't what I hoped for.

"Think of it as an offering. I'm buttering you up."

The luxury car started to drive off and Chandler disappeared from my sight. "Y-You mean like as in a rom-"

"I'm serious about what I said the other day. I will have you, Jordan." He was only wanting to have sex with me. ....I don't know why I expected more of an alpha. "You there, Jordan?"

"Um. I s-should go. I have school work to do." I no longer wanted to talk with him. All of my childish excitement was in vain.

"You sure? But I just called y-"

"Bye, Chandler." I hung up immediately. Even though it's the last day of my heat, my emotions shouldn't be this erratic.

"JoJo!" Uncle happily scaled the stairs with the box of sweets. "Shall I bring the plates for this feast?" He said in a choppy British accent, but I didn't feel like laughing or eating.

"No. I just want to be alone for a bit."

"O-kay... sorry to bother you, bud." I could hear the mild concern in Cameron's tone. He quietly set the box down at the foot of my bed and left.

My phone kept buzzing over the next few hours, and I didn't have the motivation to pick it up.

"..so stupid.. what was I expecting anyway?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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