Bumpkin to city humpi-

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Rachel and I made it to uncle Ron's house. After we took my things to my new room and said goodbye to my sibling, uncle and I were finally alone.

To be frank, uncle Ron and I look more alike than anyone else in my family. Mom and Dad both have dark brown hair and brown eyes. Rachel dyes her short hair so often I can't remember what it is naturally. She also wears color contacts over her brown eyes to match with her hair color of the week.

Uncle is a few inches taller with long, light blonde hair that he keeps loosely tied above his nape. He's got the same green eyes as me, but I have a beauty mark to the right of my bottom lip and under my right eye. I'm a bit jealous that he has a defined jawline unlike my rounder cheeks, but I guess there's not a lot I can do about that.

"Hungry?" Cameron asked as he popped his head into my already messy room. This is definitely a personality trait he shares with dad. They both can be so nosy. It almost feels like I never left home.

"Yeah! Rachel only fed me half a chocolate bar. I'm starving."

Uncle grinned widely and stated, "I thought you would say that! I'm going to make the most delicious meal for my dear offspring!" I snorted at his joke and told him that I would be down to help soon. "No need, Jordan. You just got here! Decorate your room and I'll call you when it's ready."

"Alright!" I'm not passing up that offer. School starts in a week, so I still have time to get accustom to life in the city. Uncle Ron also has places he wants to show and tell me about before then.

When I think back, I can still remember my first few memories of my uncle. I was around four when I discovered his pair mark. His hair was much shorter and Rachel and I were running our fingers through it.

"Hey, uncle Ronny? What's this thing? You hurt?" I asked stupidly just before sis hit me over the head.

He covered his bite with his hand while looking down. "I-it's alright, Rach. He was just curious." After taking a breath, he pointed to it, "this is a pair mark between an alpha and omega."

"Woah!" As a kid, I thought that was the coolest thing. "Like in the stories?! Neat!" When I think about the way my uncle looked when he told the story, I wished Rachel kept hitting me so I would shut up. Even now, he won't talk about what happened. I'm sure it must have been really scary.

"Hey, kiddo! Dinner's ready!" Ron called from downstairs and got me out of my thoughts.

"Ah! Coming!"

After a meeting at the academy building, I went touring the city with Uncle Ron over the next few days. He mainly focused on places to study and hangout spots. As we walked, he showed me to the police station and phone booth-like structures.

"These are 'hot boxes'. They were funded by the Hendrix Company and put up by the city. If you ever go into heat and you're in public, try looking for one of these. It locks when you get inside and sprays an anti-pheromone substance. An ambulance will show up to help you with anything you might need afterwards."

"Wow!" I admired the white building. Even though it's so small, it takes care of every fear an omega could have. "I've never seen one of these before."

We started heading back home for lunch. "That's because it's being tested in bigger cities for now. They're very expensive to make, so that's another reason why it's not as wide spread."

"I was wondering why my parents were so willing to let me move here. I thought they would be against it."

He chuckled. "Yeah well, cities have become more safe for omegas than any other place. We even have a police force dedicated to crimes against omegas. In the countryside, attacks are much more of a problem."

Apple Bites & Butterflies//OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now