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"Okay, class! This unit will be over the ABO verse we're all familiar with in this day and age! We'll be talking about laws and studying the human body!" My middle school science teacher seemed more nervous than her usual giddy self that day.

Of course this wasn't the first time we had heard of omegas, betas, and alphas, but this was the first time it was being mentioned in school.

"Soon, a lot of you will be finding out what your second gender is since you are of age! Please speak with your parents if you notice any changes with your body that we will be talking about!"

It's pretty uncommon for your second gender to be anything besides beta, so when I started feeling weak in my knees around my alpha baseball coach, I knew something was wrong.

"Adams!" My coach called as I stood, panting on the pitcher's mound. "What are you doing, son?!" I passed out right then and there. It was my first heat, and I honestly couldn't have been more shocked to find out I was an omega.

Male omegas are the most rare kinds of people. We take up about 4% of the entire world population, and when the doctor told me and my family, it was the worst news ever.

"Oh, my poor baby!" My beta mother tried comforting me as best as possible. It was obvious she had no idea what to say to me. "You'll be alright!"

We'll see about that.

I had to dropout of baseball. Not because I was attacked or anything (my coach was strict about everyone having their ABO shots and taking their suppressants before practice), but because my body started to change and I could no longer keep up with my teammates.

More weight went to my hips and thighs. My growth practically stopped when I reached 5'6". It took a lot of training to put on muscle even though I used to have no problem with it before. My heats are still something I have to get used to and I'm having problems with.. uh- down there.

Ever since my second gender started changing my body, my butt is a little fuller and gets wet, but my... 'front' isn't growing much anymore. It's not like it's small or anything! Just- not what I hoped for.... Anyway, I went to the doctor back then to see if this was normal.

"Yes, Jordan, this is all completely normal for a male omega. Though we still don't know a lot about the exact reason for changes in male omegas and female alphas, we do understand that these are changes we would expect to arise."

My older sister, Rachel, looked up from her phone and asked, "so what? Is he gonna change into a chick or somethin'?"

After mom scolded her, Dr. Wood answered, "of course not. However, male omegas aren't as fertile when impregnating, so their bodies prioritize attracting an alpha partner rather than growing 'useless' organs, if that makes sense."

Rachel laughing was the last of my worries now. I'm slowly losing the part of me that makes me a man!On top of that, I'll never be able to play baseball again!

I spent the last few months of junior high helping my team as a manager. My scholarship was retracted, so I had to study day and night to get into that school only to switch schools before junior year.

You may be wondering why I didn't stay at that school. Well, that's a story I don't really want to bring up right now, but I'll get to it soon! Besides, there's someone I'll be staying with someone who can help me gain some normalcy.


The last day of school finally came in May and I ended up eating away my entire summer until August rolled around.

Since I'll be going to a school in a different city, I'll be moving in with my uncle who is just a few hours away.

My parents usually like to give a going away present, so I was excited to see what mine would be. I just felt more bummed out after I opened their gift. In the box was anti-phero spray, extra suppressants, a new neck cover, pamphlets on safety in big cities, and a GPS tracker that sends a signal to the closest police station.

Don't get me wrong, I know my parents are worried about me, but I just keep being reminded that I'm a walking target to most people. Mom often sends me news reports of omegas being attacked. She's bound to worry with how often that is in the news nowadays.

"Oh. T-thanks, mom, dad." I gave them the best smile I could muster. "This'll ..really come in handy."

"Remember, Jordan," Dad ruffled my blonde hair and gave a pained smile. "This is for your own good. Uncle Cam would have been grateful if this was around when we were teenagers."

"Yes, yes. I know that." The uncle I'm going to be staying with was attacked when he was a senior in high school. The attacker left him with a bite mark and pregnant all before the police were called. Now, uncle Ron can't be a pair with anyone else and has a runaway daughter who still refuses to talk to him. Well, that's what my grandmother told me because uncle never really talks about it.

Rachel honked her horn to indicate that she was ready to leave. My parents helped me get my bags into the car before saying goodbye.

"Looks like you're all set!" Mom looked like she was going to cry.

"Now, honey, we should send him off with a smile." Dad was in no position to talk since his voice was shaky with his nose pointed to the sky.

"Yeah, yeah. I have a date to get to tonight! Hurry up!" My sister started the car to show she was serious about leaving.

"You mean you have a hotel to get to tonight." I muttered but it didn't go unnoticed by Rachel.

"What was that, you little shit?" Her demonic energy seeping from her skin. Maybe I shouldn't have made enemies with the person who can leave me on the side of the highway with no way to get back home.

Dad sighed heavily and rubbed his temples, clearly not affected by my departure anymore. "Just use protection, Rach. We don't need another one of you storming around here."

Sis saluted dad as mom croaked, "honey! Don't talk about that stuff in front of Jordan!" She then whispered, "he doesn't need to know that kind of thing exists." Dad nodded his head in agreement and they both acted like we couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Finally, Rachel and I were able to set off on this three hour long trip. She blasted her metal music while I played Tuber Simulator on my phone.

Rachel turned down her music about an hour into the drive. "Hey, JoJo," she sounded serious and she's using my nickname.


"About what mom and dad said earlier, don't worry about it too much." She then pulled out a bag from the backseat and handed it to me. "Happy moving out day."

"Is this.." I pulled out a bottle of lube, condoms, and a couple chocolate bars. "Wha-?! What's this for?!"

"Sex, obviously."

"I'm an omega! I don't need lube!" That's not at all what I should be saying.

"Oh yeah, huh? Gimme then! I forgot to buy some for my date." Damn sister has no shame!

"B-But my suppressants double as birth control!"

"That's not the only need for a condom, dumbass."

"So the chocolate is the only real gift in here?!"

Rachel snapped her head in my direction, making the car swerve a bit. "I was looking for those! Sweet!" She began chomping on her bar while bobbing her head. It almost made me feel stupid for still being frozen in disbelief. Finally, she sighed, "our parents are too overprotective of you. If you get pregnant because you lacked tools, you are the only person who suffers from it. Like it or not, omegas are seen as a sex prize, males too. Don't go into battle without an escape route."

I forgot that my sister could be this serious. She usually acts like an idiot when others around, so no one realizes she's an alpha. Since my second gender presented itself, she's kept her distance. I thought she stopped caring.

"Thanks, Rach..."

"Yep!" Her serious tone disappeared. "Anything to help my cute baby bro get laid!"

The disgust showed on my face again. "Great... yay..."

My family, my teachers, counselors, even the news have all stressed how pressing being an omega is, but... they all act like I don't know that already. That I don't have my own secrets I keep locked away.

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