Chapter 28: Can I come in?

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-The day before while Gina and Nini went shopping-
Ej: Okay, first thing on the list is... Cheerios for Harry. You and your cereal *laughs* *I walk towards the cereal aisle* Harry look! They have strawberry one! Should we try some of those? *I put them in the cart and move to the next item*
Ricky: Ej? Oh, uh, hey
Ej: *turns around* Hey Ricky! How are you doing?
Ricky: I'm... okay I guess. My grandparents just wanted me to pick up something for dinner. Have you talked to a Nini today?
Ej: No, I haven't. Gina did say she was gonna go to Nini's place but she never said why *laughs* But I haven't talked to her today
Ricky: I just feel so bad for Nini.
Ej: Why? Did something happen?
Ricky: oh, I guess you're gonna find out either way Um.... she told me that she had I don't know... feelings for me.
Ej: Oh *Poor Nini, I had no idea* I had no clue she felt that way about you
Ricky: yeah, I...., I didn't know either. I just feel awful. I told her I'm gonna care for her and the baby no matter what but I don't have those feelings for her
Ej: Gosh, she's probably devastated. Nini's never one to get attached like that either. Her last boyfriend spent months being in the friend zone before she finally said yes to a date *laughs* But thank you for still being there for her.
Ricky: Yeah, I just, I don't know what to do.
Ej: Maybe talk to her? I don't really know, but if she likes you, then she LIKES you. But she's also extra fragile right now when it comes to her emotions so you gotta be careful with how you say things.
Ricky: oh gosh. I've never even had that serious of a relationship- it's just so weird to think about. I don't know what to say though.
Ej: Just be honest. If you don't think anything is going to happen, break the news to her slowly. If you maybe think that something might be possible if you just wait a little, take things slow, maybe you will develop feelings. Things can change in a split second
Ricky: I guess. I just- I've never felt that way for Nini. Even when we hated each other she was good company and I liked being around her. And it doesn't help that literally everyone in the world thinks we're dating *laughs a little*
Ej: Well, don't be afraid to try *laughs* But it's okay to keep things platonic too. But just talk to her, sort out your feelings together
Ricky: yeah I guess you're right
Harry: *starts waving at Ricky*
Ricky: *laughs a little and waves back*
Ej: Is that your friend Ricky?
Harry: *laughs and smiles*
Ricky: literally the cutest little guy. I swear, Harry's the only reason I became excited for mine with Nini. *to Harry* Hiiii
Harry: *laughs* icky!
Ricky: *smiles big* Harry! I'll tell you what though Ej, I'm gonna fall for this child of yours *laughs*
Ej: *laughs* He's pretty adorable. Gina and I got very lucky with this little stinker right here. We're just one big happy family *kisses Harry's cheek*
Ricky: *smiles* I hope Nini finds someone to make her big happy family.
Ej: I think she already did... But Harry and I gotta go, I have to get home and make dinner and then I have a private training session with one of the students at East High. But it was really great running into you Ricky! We'll see you later! *walks away*
Ricky: *I wave at Harry as he walks away.* *Already did? Me? She doesn't- I don't know.*

Ricky: *I finish getting stuff for dinner and go home and eat with Linda and John then head to my room and try to sing whatever is going on in my head but I end up falling asleep from exhaustion. The next day I eat breakfast with my grandparents and they kept talking about how Nini and I are great together. How we go everywhere together, sing songs together, and GONNA HAVE A BABY together... and it keeps me thinking about what Ej was telling me at the store the day before. Hours past and I'm sitting in my room by my keyboard*
*Nini deserves the world. She can't stick to me and want me. She needs someone that will make her happy and will spend every minute with her. I gotta go to LA and I can't provide what she wants. Besides, she doesn't deserve- wait, she doesn't deserve me. How could she like me? No one has ever liked me like that. They like me cause I have money and I can sing. It's funny how Nini didn't even know my musi- Nini didn't even know about me till I got here, then we just hated each other... Nini likes me for me. Not because I'm some big celebrity. That's actually really- I'm so....I can't get my mind off this * *I take out my phone and hit record on my voice memos. I play softly on the piano and sing*
How am I suppose to think about anything else
How am I to go, on keeping this to myself
I am done pretending I want- *sighs* I don't even know
*I stop playing*
*I go to stop the recording but end up hitting another one.*
Nini: Soooo, what about this
I'm here,
And I thought I wanted back
But I'm here,
So why am I stressing out when I should just relax
Ricky: that's perfect. Then I could go *sings*
Just a moment can change your life
For the better, or for the worse
So right now now I choose to make the best of what I've got-
*I smile big and tears come to my eyes.
I go back to my keyboard and play again and sing*
How'm I suppose to think about anything else?
How am I to go on keeping this to myself?
I am done pretending I want anyone else
Anyone else, anyone else
Ooo anyone else
Ooo anyone else
*I stop playing*
*It's always been Nini*
Ricky: *I call Nini and she doesn't pick up. I have to go there... I need to see her.* *I drive to Nini's and knock on the door*
Nini: *I walk over and open it* R-Ricky?
Ricky: Nini I- *tears come to my eyes* *I move close to you and kiss you*
Nini: *I kiss back* *What the hell is going on?!*
Ricky: *I pull back* I couldn't wait, I'm sorry *laughs a little*
Nini: Why are you apologizing?! But also, what are you doing here?
Ricky: I- it's always been you Muffin Girl *smiles and laughs a little* I just didn't realize till now
Nini: What are you saying-
Ricky: I think I love you. Not as a friend, not as someone I hate *laughs a little* I just love you.
Nini: When did- How- What?!
Ricky: *laughs* Can I come in?
Nini: Yeah, yeah of course *laughs*

we could of totally made that torture and had Nini find another guy or sOmEtHinG  but we figured y'all wanted them together and it was just killing us. Besides, we can't wait for y'all to read the epilogue and bonus chapter!!
(1 more chapter till the epilogue!! Then one fun bonus chapter which is kind of a 2nd epilogue)

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