Chapter 24: Moody

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-Time Skip- About a month passes. Ricky doesn't see Nini everyday but he comes around every once in awhile to just hang or whatever. Nini isn't exactly showing yet but she is definitely going through some changes. During this time of the pregnancy, she's starting to act all moody.
Anyway, the media still thinks Ricky and Nini are dating and Nini is expecting their child. Ricky did have a long conversation with his dad where he was kind of upset but he's really just hoping he'll care for this child and be there for his or her mom. He's gonna support Ricky through this.
Linda and John were also shocked when they heard the news but they're just excited to have a little grandbaby.

Ricky: *it's getting close to closing so I drive over to the cafe*
Nini: *to Ashlyn and Seb*....and then they got all mad at me when I gave them the wrong size drink- *I see Ricky walk in* Oh hey pretty boy. Come in for your daily muffin?
Ricky: of course
Seb: careful with this one, she's in a mood
Ricky: why? what's up?
Ashlyn: Nini just gave the wrong size drink to someone and they brought it to her attention and she flipped out a bit-
Nini: I did not flip out!
Ricky: it looks to me like you're flipping...
Nini: If you don't shut your mouth right now you won't get a muffin, do you understand?
Ricky: *I pretend to zip my lips*
Seb: hey! Nini, apologize.
Nini: He doesn't deserve one
Seb: Niniiiii
Ricky: Is everything okay?
Ashlyn: *to just Ricky* it's about a month in now, so she's getting really moody all the time. Don't let it get to you
Ricky: why don't I take you home Nini? You guys are closing in only like 5 minutes
Nini: Fine, but I get to pick the music in the car
Seb: have fun with that Ricky *laughs*
Ricky: mmm thanks blondie *I get my muffin*

*we get in the car and drive to Nini's and go inside*

Nini: Hey Ricky?
Ricky: yes?
Nini: Can you make me a sandwich?
Ricky: I'm not your personal chef-
Nini: You know *starts to tear up* I've been through a lot today, okay? All I ask is that you make a sandwich. Is that too much for you to handle? I worked all day with people that were barking orders at me and I just- I can't catch a break *Starts to breakdown crying*
Ricky: woah woah whoah. Nini... why are you- *Ashlyn said it's because of the pregnancy* what kind of sandwich would you like?
Nini: Just ham and cheese swiss cheese, please
Ricky: *I go to the kitchen and make the sandwich. I couldn't find Swiss so I used whatever I saw.*
Nini: Thank you *I take a bite but I notice something is wrong* Ricky, this isn't swiss. I asked for swiss, so why isn't it on my sandwich!
Ricky: I couldn't find any-
Nini: WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?! I ask for one tiny thing but no, let's do it Ricky's way! Ugh! *I walk upstairs and lock myself in my room*
Ricky: *oh god. I walk upstairs and knock on Nini's door* hey Nini, can I come in?
Nini: No, I'm mad at you right now
Ricky: please
Nini: I'm not happy right now
Ricky: Nini, I'm trying my best here. I want to help you but I need you to talk to me.
Nini: *I open the door and hug you* I'm sorry Ricky. I-I just let my hormones get the best of me. I shouldn't have yelled at you *I start crying again*
Ricky: oh uh, it's okay. Can we go down stairs now?
Nini: Yeah, again, I'm really sorry
Ricky: don't apologize
Nini: Okay *we walk back downstairs* So, what do you wanna do?
Ricky: well, finish your sandwich then ummmm I don't know
Nini: We'll figure it out *I start eating my sandwich* So what's up with you? How are you doing?
Ricky: I'm fine. My dad called me yesterday about when I'd be coming back and he said it's probably a good idea I stick around until after the baby is born. Then we'll decide what to do. He also suggested I release a single or ep or something so I don't completely lose my popularity, but like I've told you, I haven't written anything in awhile.
Nini: Maybe I could help with that
Ricky: with me writing a song?
Nini: Yeah, I write all the time. I could help you get back into writing again
Ricky: wait actually, that could be super helpful *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Well whenever you feel like you want to write a song, I'm here to help
Ricky: I just have no idea what to write about. Everyone probably expects some kind of love song since "I've been with you" for however long people think we've been together, but it's hard to come up with something since that's not what this is at all *laughs*
Nini: I get what you're saying. It's hard to write about something you're not experiencing
Ricky: yeah, so just like I've had the past few years or so, I have 0 inspiration
Nini: Hopefully I can help with that *smiles*
Ricky: *smiles* well, then I'll have to bring my guitar over one day
Nini: I guess you will *I finish my sandwich* You know, this was actually better than swiss anyways *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* well, you're welcome
Nini: Yeah, I'm really sorry about how I've been acting lately. I really don't mean anything I saw, it just kinda comes out on its own *laughs*
Ricky: it brings us back to the old days, it's kind of fun *laughs*
Nini: As long as you don't yell back at me, cause then you're gonna have an issue *laughs*
Ricky: I've been really careful of that *laughs* how am I doing?
Nini: You're doing great. I really appreciate that you try to calm me down and don't get all pissed at me.
Ricky: *laughs* well, since we've decided we're friends, I've seen that the things I hated about you, is what kinda makes me like you. Oh gosh, I do not mean like like you. I mean it in a friend way-
Nini: No, I get it *laughs* You're good Ricky
Ricky: *laughs* okay good
Nini: I do need one more thing though
Ricky: um, okay...
Nini: I really want a green juice. Like spinach, kale, all the good things.
Ricky: do you have all that?
Nini: I don't think so... Can you take me to go get one please?
Ricky: I don't kn-
Nini: Please Ricky, that's all I'm asking for. I just want a smoothie, please?
Ricky: that's not all you're asking for but I guess if you really want one-
Nini: Thank you thank you! *I hug you*
Ricky: I think one thank you will suffice
Nini: Well you get two so deal with it *laughs* Now come on! I want my drink!
Ricky: Panara good?
Nini: That sounds fine
Ricky: then I gross we should head over before someone gets crabby.. I'm kidding... kind of *laughs*
Nini: Mmm don't test your limits pretty boy. You never know when I'm gonna go ballistic on you
Ricky: *laughs* it's kinda funny when you go ballistic, besides, I know you don't really mean it. But let's go
Nini: *we walk out to the car and drive to Panera* You ready to be my boyfriend?
Ricky: oh right... *laughs*
Nini: *we get out of the car and I hold out my hand*
Ricky: *I slap it like a high five and try not to laugh*
Nini: You're funny Bowen *I grab your hand*
Ricky: so funny *laughs*
*we walk inside*
Cashier: Next customer!
Nini: Hi can I-
Cashier: No way! It's Ricky and Nini!
Ricky: hey, um, *laughs* could we have one large green juice?
Cashier: Yeah yeah, sure. Will that be all?
Ricky: I think that's it!
Cashier: That'll be $5.99 please
Ricky: *I hand them my card*
Nini: Babe, you don't need to get everything for me *laughs*
Ricky: I want to
Nini: Well I appreciate it *smiles*
Ricky: *smiles* *I get my card back*
Cashier: it'll be out for you in just a second. How are you guys?
Ricky: *I look at nini*
Nini: We're doing great! I've just been a little extra moody lately due to the baby *laughs* But Ricky's always very helpful when it comes to calming me back down
Ricky: it's okay though, I love every moment with her *smiles*
Cashier: Aww... Ricky! When are you gonna put a ring on it?!
Ricky: oh, um-
Cashier: I am so sorry, I totally overstepped myself-
Nini: No you're okay *laughs* We're happy in the place we're in right now. But I don't think I've ever loved him more than I do right now *I kiss your cheek*
Ricky: *smiles* mm, I love you too
Cashier: oh! Your drink is ready! *i Hand it to Nini* thank you for coming in today
Nini: No, thank you *laughs*
*we walk back to the car*
Ricky: *we get in the car* that's the first time you said you love me
Nini: Oh um that's not what I-
Ricky: no I know you obviously meant the fake relationship... that's just a big step for them, well us. Someone's gonna catch that *laughs*
Nini: Well, they might assume that we were together before you came here and they wouldn't have known how long that was if we were
Ricky: that's what I was thinking too
Nini: And you just love your pregnant girlfriend *laughs*
Ricky: absolutely adore her *laughs* let's get out of here *I pull out*
Nini: What are we gonna do now?
Ricky: whatever... um.... How about we run to my place and I get my guitar?
Nini: You wanna start writing?
Ricky: I don't know maybe, what else are we gonna do. Besides, I haven't released a song in almost 2 years
Nini: Well then, to the Bowen residence!
Ricky: *we get there and I run in and grab my guitar then come back to the car* I haven't played this the entire time I've been here. The only time I've played anything was with you at your piano or keyboard
Nini: Hopefully you're not too rusty *laughs*
Ricky: that would be embarrassing *laughs*
Nini: I'm sure you'll be fine
Ricky: how would you know?
Nini: Singing is how you make a living. Even if you do forget a little, it'll come back to you *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* good point
*we get to Nini's and walk inside*
Nini: Let me grab my guitar *I walk upstairs and grab my guitar and keyboard and walk back downstairs*
Ricky: you got it *laughs* that's a handful?
Nini: I'm fine *laughs* *I set down the instruments*
Ricky: so...
Nini: I want you to start playing, guitar or piano, and sing whatever comes to your head. Whether it's just random lyrics, one of your songs, someone else's song, whatever comes to your head when you start playing
Ricky: okay boss *laughs* *i take your keyboard* since I know I can play this still *laughs* okay um..
Nini: Sing anything at all, doesn't matter
Ricky: okay *i start playing random chords*
Ricky: okay *i start playing random chords*
I lived a life full of crowds and in a big time city
It's a been a whirlwind of happy smiles till it wasn't so pretty
One mistake, leads to another.
I look back to find no other.
It's time to grasp the one thing I could call home
I don't- I don't Know what else
Nini: Ricky... that was beautiful *tears up*
Ricky: didn't see that coming *laughs a little* you really think so?
Nini: Yeah, I loved it. It really does seem like you sang that from the heart
Ricky: I tried. Okay, so, what now?
Nini: Well, try to remember what you just sang *laughs* And then expand on it. Not like right away, but just when you feel like it. Whenever you're bored, just start writing
Ricky: I actually have a voice memo going *laughs* I always do anytime I'm playing. I started it when you ran upstairs. Anyway, how about you go
Nini: Oh *laughs* *I grab the piano* Umm okay *starts to play and sing* Long blonde hair, her daddy's a millionaire
Nobody knows her, but everybody wants to
That's what I see
Europe trips
Kissing the dream boy's lips
Successful with a smile
She's everything that I'll
Never be
Twenty-first century girls
Are perfect
And I know it isn't real, it's all so stupid
But digital love it still feels real to me
She looks like an angel it's what they'll believe

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