Chapter 11: Later Loser

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Nini: *I don't kiss back at first, but then I do* *Why is this his hiding tactic?*
Ricky: thanks *laughs*
Nini: So instead of maybe walking to your car or I don't know, maybe just hugging me, you kiss me?
Ricky: it hides my face best, besides it gives you another reason to hate me
Nini: Ugh, the list is getting way too long
Ricky: oh so you didn't like it? Not even a little bit?
Nini: I mean, you're not a bad kisser, it's just the fact that it was you that I was kissing
Ricky: ah, I see. you didn't have to kiss back you know
Nini: I was just trying to make it look more realistic. If I walked pass a guy just kissing a girl while she stood completely still, I would have been concerned *laughs*
Ricky: oh she's a little actress I see
Nini: Definitely, I might be even better than you *I walk back towards the car*
Ricky: *I follow* I think my grandparents would agree
Nini: Really? *I get in the car*
Ricky: really. They don't like me very much *I get in*
Nini: I highly doubt that
Ricky: I'm basically a bitch to them *laughs*
Nini: Ahhh that's why. Maybe you should try I don't know, to not be a bitch to them?
Ricky: I just get all mad around them. I really don't wanna be here and they are a reminder to why I am
Nini: Ricky, I know you're mad that you're here, but try to not be a jerk to them. They're some of the kindest people I've ever met and I'm pretty sure they've missed you all these years. You don't have to do everything with them, but still, show them a little kindness back
Ricky: they haven't missed me. They could call, they don't. They could come to a concert of mine, they don't. Not even birthday cards. You didn't even know of my existence till yesterday.
Nini: Technically two days ago. But I guess you're right in some capacity. I'll stay out of it if it makes you feel better
Ricky: *laughs* thanks
Nini: Do you think anyone got pictures of you while we were watching the movie?
Ricky: we'll see I guess. You gotta give me directions back to your place
Nini: Right, Um turn left on this road
Ricky: *I turn* how does your brother's wife... girl... feel about you comin with me today?
Nini: Gina, oh she has no clue I'm with you *laughs*
Ricky: you gonna tell her?
Nini: I mean, what they don't know won't hurt them
Ricky: yeah you don't wanna tell them you were with the drunky Ricky Bowen who you had sex with you just the night before
Nini: *I bury my head in my hands* I hate you so much
Ricky: *laughs* I know
Nini: *I turn on the radio*
Radio Host: More news on everyone's favorite singer, Ricky Bowen... he was recently spotted at a drive in New Mexico. We don't have an confirmation it was him but he hasn't been seen in LA-
Nini: Is this what you have to deal with all the time?
Ricky: not usually, no. Everyone knows I'm just in LA. But when I go places, yeah
Radio Host: ...and to thicken the plot, he was even "spotted" with a girl at the drive-in. Did he take a break to go spend time with his girlfriend?
Nini: Oh my god
Ricky: whelp... that's a predicament *laughs*
Nini: Ya think?!
Ricky: looks like your my girlfriend now
Nini: Umm how about no
Ricky: *laughs* yeah no thank you
Nini: Glad we can agree
Ricky: just to warn you though, last time the media found out about a girlfriend of mine, I ended up with paparazzi by my bedroom window. People are sick
Nini: Oh gosh, I really don't want to be stalked
Ricky: no one knows for sure it was me, and they don't know you. You're fine
Nini: Okay, I'm holding you to that *laughs*
Ricky: your place is right around this corner right?
Nini: Yep
Ricky: *I turn in and park in front of your house* this is your stop
Nini: I guess it is, thanks for taking me to the movie
Ricky: would have been extra boring without someone to mess with *laughs*
Nini: Well if you ever have the need to annoy someone, you know where to find me
Ricky: *I hand you $3.50*
Nini: what's this for?
Ricky: The muffin. And don't think this is a friendship we are creating here. It's an "I'm bored, you're available" situation.
Nini: I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me *laughs*
Ricky: *smiles* bye muffin girl
Nini: Later loser *I get out of your car*
Ricky: *I open the window and yell* I thought I was pretty boy now?!
Nini: But you're still a loser!
Ricky: *I laugh and close the window and drive away*
Nini: *I walk inside* *I guess he's not the worst human in the world...*
Gina: *calls Nini*
Nini: *picks up* Hey Gina! What's up?
Gina: hey Neens. Ej and I wanted to have a date night tonight. Are you home, could I drop Harry off?
Nini: Yeah, come bring him over!
Gina: awesome, I'll be there in 15
Nini: Sounds good, see you soon!

*Gina drives over with the radio on about 15 minutes later*

Gina: *knocks at the door*
Nini: *I open the door* Hey guys! Come on in
Gina: *I walk in with Harry* Hey Neens, what were you up to today? I dropped by the cafe and you weren't there. Ash said you went out
Nini: *shoot* I was just out and about
Gina: where'd you go?
Nini: I drove to the mall, didn't find anything though
Gina: your car was at the cafe, in fact it still is
Nini: I- um
Gina: so I heard on the radio Ricky Bowen was spotted at the drive in with some girl. That wasn't you right?
Nini: Yeah, Definitely not *laughs nervously*
Gina: you're lying
Nini: No I'm not...
Gina: your face is all red and you did that nervous laugh of yours... Nini, I just want to make sure your safe
Nini: So maybe I was with him today...
Gina: why? I told you what happened last night and you woke up in bed next to him this morning just yelling at you
Nini: He told Linda and John that we've become good friends, because he's an idiot, so we went to the drive in and saw a movie. We still hate each other and aren't really friends, but we just like to annoy each other I guess
Gina: Did you have... fun?
Nini: Yeah, I guess. I even sang one of my songs for him. We've been having the debate about who the better singer is *laughs*
Gina: you sang for him? I'm so confused. Are you guys good now? Need I remind you how much you hated him this morning and last night.
Nini: I still hate him, like a lot. But we just found a way to deal with each other annoyances.
Gina: I trust you Nini. I just don't trust him. Please be careful
Nini: Gina, I'll be okay. We both make fun of the fact that we hooked up. We're both kinda disgusted with the fact that they thought we were dating *laughs*
Gina: why would they think that?
Nini: I mean, I guess it kinda looked like we were on a date. Sitting in his truck watching a movie together, it's not that hard to believe
Gina: does sound like a date to me. Do you think he saw it that way?
Nini: No, Definitely not *laughs* Ricky definitely doesn't like me that way, he doesn't even like me period
Gina: so you invited him to the movies?
Nini: No, he did
Gina: why did you go in the first place
Nini: I don't really know, I guess he just said I had to
Gina: you did not have to
Nini: It wasn't really all that bad, Gina
Gina: look, I gotta go. Ej's waiting in the drive way. I don't think he put all these pieces together... but don't tell him cause I think it'll freak him out
Nini: Yeah, I didn't plan on telling him anyways *laughs* But go have fun on your date!
Gina: I don't think I have to tell you this, but don't do anything stupid... again... with Ricky
Nini: Yeah I know *laughs*
Gina: Bye Neens... bye Harry!
Harry: Mamma!
Gina: bye bye *kisses Harry's forehead* I'll call you when we are on our way back.
Nini: Sounds good, bye Gina!
*Gina leaves*

*about an hour passes*

Ricky: *calls Nini*
Nini: *I pick up* Hey pretty boy, what's up?
Ricky: I'm bored, you're available
Nini: Actually, I'm babysitting a child right now
Ricky: oh god, that must suck. You're a babysitter too?
Nini: No, I'm watching my nephew
Ricky: sounds like babysitting to me
Nini: No, I was saying I'm not a babysitter for other people, I'm just watching him so my brother and his wife could go out on a date
Ricky: oh, good. That'd be lame and another thing I'd have to add to the hate list
Nini: *laughs* So, what did you need
Ricky: oh I was just watching this movie and one of the characters reminded me of you
Nini: How so?
Ricky: she's annoying and all the other characters hate her
Nini: What movie is it?
Ricky: The fifth Harry Potter movie... Professor Umbridge is the absolute worst
Nini: I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies
Ricky: you are so uncultured in many different ways.
Nini: I know I am *laughs* Is that it Ricky?
Ricky: well it finished and I'm bored... thought I'd head to the bar
Nini: No, you don't need to go to the bar
Ricky: well why not
Nini: You don't need to go drinking every night
Ricky: that's what I usually do
Nini: Well it's not healthy, Ricky
Ricky: I'm fine
Nini: No, you're not. You're not going to a bar tonight. Also, I can't get replaced with another random hook up *laughs*
Ricky: oh you're irreplaceable. Trust me
Nini: But I'm not allowing you to go to the bar
Ricky: and whys that
Nini: Like I said, it's unhealthy
Ricky: you can't make me though
Nini: If you don't go to that bar, I'll... let you make muffins with me
Ricky: mmm that's a good offer...
Nini: I know right?
Ricky: who's to say I agree but go anyway. How would you know?
Nini: I won't know for sure, but if I ever found out that you did, I would ban you from my cafe and I'd never ever talk to you again. Who would you annoy?
Ricky: oh god you're right. Fine. You have yourself a deal
Nini: *laughs* We'll have to find time for you to come bake them with me
Ricky: Well, this week I'm going with my grandparents to meet random relatives of mine. So later than sooner
Nini: Okay, well then tell me when you wanna come over
Ricky: anything else?
Nini: Nope
Ricky: well, see ya muffin girl
Nini: Bye bye pretty boy *I hang up* *I look down at Harry* Let's go get you a snack little Harry


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