Chapter 6: The Next Morning

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Ricky: *I wake up in a strange bed I don't recognize with my head pounding. Am I- ? I see my clothes on the ground. Oh that NINI?! Muffin girl?! No no no no. This is all her fault. I've never been this stupid... recently... I think... this is Nini's fault! DAMN IT. I slowly get up keeping one of the blankets wrapped around me*
Nini: *I start to hear something move and I wake up* *Holy crap, why is my head literally pounding? And what's that movi- AM I NAKED? WAIT WHAT THE- RICKY?!* *screams*
Ricky: GOD, KEEP IT DOWN! *I put my hand on my head as it pounds harder*
Nini: What the hell?! Why are you in my house?! Why are you wrapped in my sheets?! What's going on?!
Ricky: why don't you tell me... and seriously please stop yelling
Nini: I have no clue, but you're the one in my house
Ricky: if I could tell you why, I would tell you. Do you think we-?
Nini: I'm pretty sure we did...
Ricky: Damn... didn't see that coming from you at all. Guess you're a pushy drunk. Fu*k you for getting me in this mess
Nini: How do you know that this is my fault?!
Ricky: I get drunk a lot and I can usually control myself, I know drunk me.... I don't know drunk you... or you at all for that matter. I blame you
Nini: Oh yeah, blame the girl who doesn't have a drinking problem and doesn't hook up with guys on a normal basis
Ricky: who says I hook up with girls on a normal basis?
Nini: I wouldn't be surprised if you did....
Ricky: look, you don't know me, and I don't know you.... and quite frankly... I have zero interest in getting to know you... I don't care what my grandparents say
Nini: Seems like last night you really wanted to get to know me
Ricky: I could say the same about you
Nini: I'm sorry you feel so disgusted because you hooked up with someone that's not a blonde, surgically altered, LA girl, but I'd like it if you would leave my house
Ricky: I'm working on it thanks *rolls eyes*
Nini: Ugh could you like, get dressed in a different room?
Ricky: no, I planned on stripping right here dumbass. Of course I'm going somewhere else to change. But I mean, you have seen everything....
Nini: And I don't wanna see it ever again!
Ricky: well first off, rude. 2nd, I'm gonna leave and go change. Oh and try not to sleep with any other guys just to piss them off
Nini: Who said I was trying to piss you off? And I still don't know why this is all my fault?
Ricky: you ARE pissing me off and it is YOUR fault. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna change and leave before you seduce me again somehow
Nini: Oh my god, just shut the hell up! This wasn't my fault!
Ricky: So your saying it's my fault.... if I can somewhat remember correctly... you came up to me last night black out drunk... I don't remember anything else except you trying to get me to dance with you and me saying no
Nini: Well you obviously didn't try to stop me, so you can't pin this all on me
Ricky: I'm leaving
Nini: Go ahead, make sure the door hits you on the way out
Ricky: *I roll my eyes and walk out. I go to a bathroom and get changed then call an Uber to take me home*


Gina: *knocks at the door* NINI!
Nini: Ugh, that's too loud *I get up and answer the door*
Gina: NINI OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?! I'm so sorry about last night... oh god you smell so bad, Nini what happened? What do you remember?
Nini: I don't remember much, but I do know I woke up in nothing with Ricky Bowen in my bed
Gina: oh my god. Nini-
Nini: How did this happen? I'm so confused
Gina: Nini, come here *we walk over to the couch and sit down* Tell me what you remember, then I'll fill you in
Nini: Um well, I remember us getting there and me taking my first shot, then you got me like two other drinks, next we just kinda danced for a little bit. But then the rest of it's all a blur
Gina: Well, we decided to go boy shopping. Nini please know I was pretty out of it too but from what I remember, you marched right up to Ricky and asked him to dance. I think he was blowing you off at first. As soon as I realized it was Ricky, I tried pulling you away but you were persistent. Next thing I knew both of you were dancing in the middle of the dance floor and he was getting pretty touchie. That's when I decided we had to leave but... you didn't want too- um, I was trying to get a hold of Ej to come get us and he wasn't answering. Then I find you two locking lips getting all frisky. A few minutes later you both jumped into an Uber and were gone
Nini: Oh god *I drop my head to my lap* Why did I let that happen! Drunk Nini is so stupid
Gina: drunk anyone is so stupid....  I should've never turned my back on you especially when I knew he was there. I'm so sorry
Nini: No, it's not your fault Gina. I'm sorry I was so dead set on sleeping with Ricky *laughs* But how did I not recognize him? Was I THAT drunk?
Gina: I guess... I think he even recognized you at 1st and you were confused to why he knew you
Nini: And that's why he said everything was my fault, cause he remembers I asked him to dance
Gina: Your fault? You guys were drunk, it's no ones fault.
Nini: That's what I wanted to say but he kept cursing at me and blaming me
Gina: That's awful. Oh my god. Ricky is so many people's like literal idol. I can't believe he'd do something like that
Nini: well, he did, and so easily at that
Gina: I'm so-
Nini: God I hate him so much. I can't believe he's related to Linda and John. They are the sweetest people on this planet and their grandson is such a-
Gina: Lets stop thinking about it-
Nini: I can't Gina! I can't believe I slept with him! It's so not me.
Gina: Last night was all just a huge mistake and I should of never suggested we go to the bar.
Nini: don't blame yourself Gina
Gina: You're right. We were all drunk. It's over now and let's just move on. You need to shower and get to work.
Nini: Oh great, I might see him there too *laughs* But I'll go take that shower, I feel disgusting.
Gina: I failed at taking care of you last night so I'm gonna try my best to make it up to you. I'll see you later okay?
Nini: You didn't fail Gina, but yeah I'll see you later
Gina: I love you. Please call Ej so he can hear from you after you shower
Nini: Sounds good. Thanks again Gina, I love you too *laughs*
Gina: *I hug you* seriously, you stink *laughs* I'll see you later. I probably need to go rescue Ej from Harry
Nini: *laughs* I get it, I reek. But yeah, go rescue my brother
Gina: bye Nini *I drive home*

Nini: *I take a shower and then I call ej*
Nini: Ow, that hurt my head. Remember, I'm a little hungover. But yes, I'm fine
Ej: so Gina told me what happened...
Nini: Please don't remind me, I'm still mad at myself
Ej: you should be! Nini, I love you but you can't go sleeping with strangers
Nini: I know, I know! It was all very unlike me. But I guess it wasn't a complete stranger
Ej: close enough! You met him once before and from what we heard he wasn't the nicest guy
Nini: You're right about that last part. He was being an ass about it this morning when we both woke up
Ej: I just can't even wrap my head around all this.
Nini: You're not the only one...
Ej: well, I'm glad your okay, but I can't discuss this with you right now and you need to get to work
Nini: Yeah, I know. I'll talk to you later okay?
Ej: yeah. Just do me a favor and stay away from the Bowen's for awhile
Nini: I'll stay away from Ricky, but I know Linda and John are coming to the cafe this morning.
Ej: Oh god. Um, don't tell them anything about last night, obviously. Bye Nini
Nini: Bye Ej *hangs up* *I grab my things and drive to work.*


Ricky: *I get home*
Linda: Ricky! We were worried sick about you! Are you okay?
Ricky: I'm fine. I was out "meeting people". You guys don't have to worry about me, I'm fine and in no need for a babysitter
John: We just didn't want anything to happen to you, as long as you're okay that's all we care about
Ricky: I'm okay.
Linda: We are gonna leave for the Cream n' Sugar cafe in about an hour. You're welcome to join us if you'd like. Nini will be there if you wanted to say hi.
Ricky: *oh god* Oh um, I don't know
John: Okay, we'll tell you when we're leaving. If you want to stay home, that's fine too
Ricky: k, I'm gonna head up... if that's okay?
John: That's fine Ricky *laughs*
Ricky: *I go upstairs and text Red* "um, something happened... can I call you?"
Big Red: *I call you* What the hell did you do?
Ricky: woah, chill man. I haven't even told you yet
Big Red: I already know it's gonna be bad...
Ricky: you have no faith in me *laughs* I mean you're not wrong though, Muffin girl and I- ya know
Big Red: You what? Ricky, what did you do?
Ricky: hooked up...
Ricky: IT WASNT MY FAULT! we were drunk at a bar last night. I kinda thought you and I would laugh it off
Big Red: You went to a bar?!
Ricky: I told you I was looking for one... I found one... now I feel more at home *laughs* but Nini really fu*ked up. I thought she was suppose to be this perfect muffin girl that helped my grandparents or whatever. She was so out of it when I saw her. I just drank more so I wouldn't have to see her and know her or whatever
Big Red: God, you're an actual idiot Ricky. Before you know it, you're gonna be in alcohol rehabilitation! I told you NOT to go drinking, you're only gonna make things worse for yourself. And to hookup with someone?!
Ricky: the hooking up part isn't that big of a deal... I really don't care. I just hate that she got me drunk enough to do it with HER
Big Red: Is it really her fault that you kept drinking?
Ricky: that's how I wanna see it so that's how I'm gonna see it
Big Red: You're such an asshole sometimes, Ricky. I get you don't like her, but just because you made a mistake, doesn't mean that it's someone else's fault
Ricky: why not Red? Will you chill out though, your stessin me out. And we both know where I'll go if I get stressed
Big Red: Yeah, and you're not going back. You need to stay SOBER Ricky. I will travel down if I have to
Ricky: please do, I'm so board *laughs*
Big Red: Well, I'm kinda busy right now doing my job. You could be doing that too if you weren't such an idiot
Ricky: oh shut up. I wanted to call you to talk this through, not get yelled at
Big Red: Get through what?! Your poor decisions?
Ricky: whatever man, I'm gonna go
Big Red: Don't be a jerk to Nini next time you see her. You need to take responsibility for your decisions and start acting like an adult before it comes around to hurt you *hangs up*
Ricky: *why does literally everyone treat me like a child?*

So now I really don't think Nini and Ricky are off to a great start...

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