Chapter 25: Harry

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Nini: *I open the door* Hey guys! What are you three doing here?
Gina: hey neens! We picked up those few things you needed from the grocery and thought we'd stop by and say hello.
Nini: Aww thanks guys! *I grab the groceries* Ricky and I were just having a little jam session before you came here so he's chilling in the living room. But I'm gonna go put these away and then I'll be back *I walk to the kitchen*
Gina: hey Ricky
Ricky: oh hi Gina it's nice to see you
Gina: yeah, you too *nudges Ej*
Ej: Hey Ricky
Ricky: Oh hi Ej. Um, How are you?
Ej: I'm fine, you?
Ricky: yeah, I'm good. Nini's getting me back into my music groove a bit
Ej: That's nice, I know she loves her music
Nini: *walks back in* So, how's everything going with you three? Has Harry done anything new lately?
Gina: no, but I think his waving phase is finally starting to die down just a little- *Harry waves at Ricky* I spoke to soon *laughs*
Ricky: *I wave back awkwardly and smile*
Nini: Aww someone likes Ricky *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* he's still waving *I keep waving at Harry*
Ej: just stop, then he will
Ricky: *I stop and after a few seconds so does Harry*
Nini: That was adorable *smiles*
Gina: so, what were you two singing?
Nini: I was helping someone get back into songwriting
Ricky: my manager actually called me and said I should get more songs out and I haven't written one in awhile so Nini was helping me a bit
Ej: And how's it going so far?
Ricky: good, I think. I came up with a small something but then we kind of just sang random songs
Nini: This dude right here is incredibly talented and it's not fair *laughs*
Ricky: your talking 'bout the baby right? *laughs*
Gina: *laughs* I mean that is how he makes his living Neens
Nini: *laughs* I was talking about you Ricky, but this baby will probably be super talented *laughs*
Ricky: yeah... *laughs*
Gina: Well I personally can't wait to hear the song you guys are working on
Ricky: who says we're working on a song together? I mean, I'd love to...
Nini: I'd be down for anything. Even if it's just helping you write, or if it's singing with you.
Ricky: *smiles*
Gina: how's it dealing with Nini's moods swings
Ricky: it's going *laughs*
Nini: He handles them so well though. I completely yelled at him for putting the wrong type of cheese on my sandwich and he just stayed calm the whole time and I really appreciate it.
Ricky: *laughs* I try my best
Ej: *laughs* When Gina was pregnant with Harry, I felt like I was walking on eggshells sometimes. One wrong word and I was sleeping on the couch for the night *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Gina: I want what I want when I want it, okay? *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I get what you're saying. I'm scared for when I start having really weird pregnancy cravings. Ricky's gonna think there's something legitimately wrong with me
Ricky: I already think there's something legitimately wrong with you *laughs* I'm kidding
Ej: Just wait till she's asking you to get her pickles and goldfish *laughs* And then yell at you because you bought the wrong brand
Gina: It sounded good at the time okay!
Ricky: I'm not her husband... I'm not even her girlfriend... I'm just trying to help since I'm part of this.
Nini: Well, you're my honorary boyfriend so you're gonna help me when I need it, pretty boy *gives Ricky the death stare*
Ricky: ye-yes. Yes I am.
Nini: Thank you
Gina: I'm scared for you Ricky
Ricky: thank you, I appreciate it
Ej: Like I said, be careful with what you say around her *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: Oh my gosh, did I show you guys the little venus fly trap I got for my porch?
Gina: only you would get excited about a plant *laughs* and no, you haven't
Nini: *laughs* I love plants! But I swear, it's the coolest thing ever. Let me go show you
*everyone gets up and walks outside except for Ricky, who had seen it earlier that week*
*Harry starts crying*
Ricky: *oh boy. I walk over to the patio door and yell out* Hey, um, Harry's-
*Harry yells louder*
Ricky: *I look outside and see that no one heard me or Harry. I walk back inside and go by Harry.*
Shh, mommy and daddy are outside.
*Harry yells louder*
Are you hungry, or have to go to the bathroom or, I don't know you gotta help me here.
*I grab the little sippy cup Gina was holding for him that she put on the table on her way out and bring it to Harry.*
Is this what you want? Are you thirty or hungry or I don't know.
*Harry puts his arms up and keeps crying.*
*I pick Harry up and sit on the couch with him in my lap and I hold the cup up to him and he starts drinking it and settling down.*
You were just thirsty is all. *smiles*
*Ej, Nini, and Gina all walk back in*
Nini: And then- *looks at Ricky shocked*
Ej: Why are you holding Harry?
Ricky: Oh, um, he started crying and I tried coming to get you guys but he yelled louder so I picked him up and sat him by me and gave him his cup. He's okay now I think. *looks at Harry and smiles*
Nini: *He looks adorable with a little baby in his arms. Wait, no... I don't mean that, right?*
Gina: Thanks Ricky, I didn't know he was still hungry *laughs*
Ej: I didn't know you knew how to take care of a baby. That kid Nini's carrying is gonna be in good hands
Ricky: oh um, thanks I guess. I've actually been researching about being a dad because I wanna help anyway I can with our little one.
Nini: *tears up* Ricky, I didn't know you cared so much *walks over and sits by him* You will make an amazing father *smiles*
Ricky: I know I said I want nothing to do with a child, but I'm having one now and I want to be ready. I wanna give him or her their best shot. And I know I don't quite act like it yet but I want to. That's so weird to say *laughs a little*
Nini: I'm so proud of you *starts crying* I-I know you never wanted this, but the fact that you've turned around everything you said from when you first came here- I'm just so lucky to be on this journey with you *I give you a side hug*
Ricky: thanks Nini. I really appreciate it

Gina: *to just Ej* I think everything's gonna turn out okay.
Ej: *to Gina* I think so too

Nini: Sorry, I'm a little emotional *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* think it's A mood swing?
Nini: Probably *laughs* Those happen a lot
Ricky: *laughs*
Ej: Ricky, I know that seems like a small thing but I think Nini just really liked seeing you jump to the baby when he needed something.
Gina: he's right, I don't think it was a mood swing at all
Ricky: *I look at Nini*
Nini: *Was it more than just a mood swing? What does that mean?* Maybe it was, I don't know *my cheeks turn a little red*
Ricky: *looks kind of confused* I'm glad I could help
*Harry starts crying again*
Gina: he's a mommy's boy *laughs a little* Come here Harry *I get Harry from Ricky*
Ej: Well, we should probably get the little dude home *laughs* It was nice seeing you two!
Gina: We'll have to stop by again soon. But thanks for helping take care of Harry, Ricky. We really appreciate it
Ricky: bye guys
Nini: Bye, we'll see you soon!
*they all leave*
Ricky: I should actually be getting home too. My grandparents wanna take me out tonight
Nini: Yeah, of course. Thanks for picking me up from work today. I had fun singing with you and stuff *laughs*
Ricky: yeah, just call me if you need anything I guess. Bye Nini
Nini: Bye- *he walks out* Ri-cky *sighs* *What did I do wrong? I thought we had a moment there? Why did he want to leave so quickly? I'm so confused*
Ricky: *I get in the car and drive home. I run upstairs and get my guitar back out.*
*sings* I lived a life full of crowds and in a big time city
It's a been a whirlwind of happy smiles till it wasn't so pretty
One mistake, leads to another.
I look back to find no other.
It's time to grasp the one thing I could call home.
I'm here,
And I thought I wanted back
But I'm here,
What's this feeling that I... lack-
*stops playing* this is dumb

Nini: *I get upstairs and I fall onto my bed* What's going on with me? Why do I care so much about what he's thinking about? Or what I did wrong? It's all just so... weird? He was just so kind to me today. And when he was holding Harry, I think my heart skipped a beat- *I sit up* No it didn't. What am I even talking about? It's probably just the hormones, yeah that's it. But he looked so adorable when he was talking about the baby. So happy and cute... NO! He wasn't cute and I definitely can't think about him like that. I can't catch feelings. Nope, nope, nope. But, he's just been so amazing lately and we just work so well together- God, I need to stop thinking about him.

Ricky: *Do I want to be a father? Is this what I want? I loved holding Harry and watching him calm down as I held him in my arms. His little smile after I gave him his cup. Maybe Nini's right. Maybe I will make a good dad. I want to, I really want to because that little baby is part me and I need to be there for him or her. I think I freaked out when everyone kept complimenting me about helping Harry. It's so not me to want to care for a child but I'm getting excited to and- I don't know.*

This is definitely one of my favorite chapters

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