Chapter 23: Friends?

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Nini: *I walk over and open the door* Uh hi Ricky
Ricky: um hi, could I come in?
Nini: Um sure
Ricky: *I walk inside* I'm here to apologize, believe it or not. Um, I'm so sorry for storming out yesterday. Being a father was not on my bucket list but it's something I'm part of now whether I want it or not. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm gonna be here to help you with this child. I don't know if that means me in LA sending money, or me coming to visit or what. I just- it's not fair of me to make you go through this alone. Besides, that baby is part me.
Nini: Thank you for Apologizing, I appreciate it
Ricky: yeah, Um... how are you feeling?
Nini: Better. I was really only sick for those three days I hadn't told you but I'm feeling a little better now. But I know it'll be coming back before I know it.
Ricky: that's not what I meant. I mean about all this? But I'm glad, I guess
Nini: Oh, well I decided I was going to keep the baby no matter what you did. I told Ej about it and that went over a lot better than I thought it would. But I guess I'm just kinda confused on what to do about us and the baby
Ricky: me too *laughs a little* but I say we figure it out... together?
Nini: Yeah, yeah together. So... what do you want to do?
Ricky: stupid question 1st... are we friends? I can't hate you with my child inside you *laughs a little*
Nini: I don't really know anymore... I mean, we always said that we hated one another but I guess in my head I always thought we were friends in some sort of capacity.
Ricky: I mean I guess. Another question... what about us kissing... like all the time. Does that change?
Nini: I don't know if it would be a good idea to do that anymore.
Ricky: why?
Nini: I just don't know if I'm comfortable with that anymore okay?
Ricky: *sighs* okay. One last thing um, I went to the bar last night. And before you yell at me or freak out... I know I made a promise but I was so stressed out and- I'm sorry, there really is no excuse
Nini: If you wanna be involved with this child at all, you will need to stop drinking away your problems. If you're ever stressed out or upset, you talk to someone. Do you understand?
Ricky: I understand. I just- never mind.
Nini: Just what?
Ricky: I just don't know how long I'll be around or anything. I'm just so scared for everything.
Nini: Well, What's the plan? Are you gonna help me raise the child? Are you gonna visit them every once and a while? Are you just gonna help Financially from LA but not be their father figure?
Ricky: honestly Nini... that's all stressing me out right now. 1 question at a time. Um, I don't know how long I'll be here. But I guess the only definite answer I can give you right now is I'll help you financially anyway I can.
Nini: Do you think you can figure out how long you'll be staying here for me then? It would help me a lot and probably make things easier for both of us
Ricky: yeah. I can try and figure that out.
Nini: Thank you
Ricky: okay. I'm so overwhelmed I don't know what to think.
Nini: What do you mean overwhelmed?
Ricky: like I said, I've never wanted children. And you're someone that's always kind of bothered me but I also can't give up on this child. I'm just so confused with what I want now
Nini: At least you didn't have to be scared to death that you were gonna be alone with your first child
Ricky: yeah tr- oh you mean you *laughs* sorry, hold habits
Nini: It's okay. But what are you confused about?
Ricky: Just everything I guess... I don't even know
Nini: Can you try and be a little more specific for me? I can't help if you don't tell me what exactly you're talking about
Ricky: I guess I just thought we had all this figured out. We hated each other, we'd make out, and we faked dating. It was fun and easy and it all just changed so fast.
Nini: Guess that's what a baby does to you *laughs a little*
Ricky: yeah, I guess
Nini: So what are we gonna do about the fake dating situation?
Ricky: that reminds me, so I may of slipped up at the bar last night...
Nini: Ricky, what did you do?
Ricky: I told some girl you were pregnant...
Nini: Ricky! What the hell!?
Ricky: hey! When you were drunk you made the stupid decision of sleeping with me!
Nini: *sighs* Does anyone else besides her know?
Ricky: my friend this morning told me.... um.... the media knows
Nini: *I sink into the couch* Ricky-
Ricky: I'm terribly sorry Nini
Nini: Well what are we gonna do now?
Ricky: I- I don't know
Nini: Are we gonna keep up the act? I mean, you might get a lot of hate if people found out that you broke up with your pregnant girlfriend
Ricky: um, I'll let it stay up to you. I'll take the hate, I'm use to it *laughs a little*. But, whatever you want.
Nini: No, you don't need to be hated on by thousands of people. That's not good for your mental health. I guess we can still continue to "date" when we go out in public. But behind closed doors, we're strictly friends, okay? No more sessions or whatever
Ricky: friends. god, I don't know about this *laughs a little*
Nini: Are you really doing that right now?
Ricky: I'm sorry. You gotta admit though, it's weird to say out loud
Nini: I guess. But you're good with that, right? The whole public thing?
Ricky: Yeah, it's not like I'm desperate for a girlfriend or anything so I can fake it *laughs*
Nini: Okay... is that everything we need to discuss?
Ricky: I think so?
Nini: So um... friends?
Ricky: stop saying it like that
Nini: Like what?
Ricky: I don't know, like you're questioning it so much. Makes me question it *laughs*
Nini: *laughs a little* But seriously, friends?
Ricky: I guess so *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* *I lean over and hug you*
Ricky: *I kind of resist at first and feel awkward but then I relax and hug back* not gonna lie, I really needed this
Nini: A hug?
Ricky: a hug from you *I pull away*
Nini: Well I'm always here to give hugs *smiles*
Ricky: *smiles* well, now what?
Nini: Umm if you don't have anything to do, we could like watch or show or something together
Ricky: oh um, sure. Your pick muffin girl *smiles*
Nini: *laughs* Okay pretty boy. You wanna watch The Office?
Ricky: always a go to
Nini: Definitely *I turn on a random episodes* So, how do you feel about the fact that there's a mini you inside of me? *laughs*
Ricky: honestly, terrified
Nini: Really?
Ricky: really. Are you not?
Nini: I mean, one Ricky Bowen is enough *laughs* But at least there's a little Nini mixed in there with it
Ricky: you call that a good thing....- I'm sorry, oh god this is gonna take some getting use too *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I get it. But Ricky, there's a baby in me! Like a real live human!
Ricky: oh god please stop. I know, and I want to be happy for you, but I need some time to getting use to you saying that like that
Nini: Okay, sorry *looks down*
Ricky: please don't get all mopy though cause then I feel like I need to be here for you, as you're... fri-end.
Nini: Friend is right *laughs* I'm sorry I got a little pouty there. I'm just really excited but I don't wanna be an annoyance to you
Ricky: what are you excited about?
Nini: Even though this isn't how I expected to be pregnant with my first child, I'm still pregnant and it's all just so crazy to me. And I just can't wait to have a little baby of my own
Ricky: yeah, I know *laughs* Can I ask you something though?
Nini: What?
Ricky: do you regret kissing me all those times?
Nini: Not really. I mean, maybe? I don't even know anymore *laughs* I definitely didn't in the moment though
Ricky: well, I don't know if this is weird to say to my "friend" that I "hooked up with" and got "pregnant" but I don't regret it in the slightest
Nini: Someone's confident *laughs*
Ricky: I am. I mean- Everyone says I was doing better and they thought it was because I was dating you but the truth is, I did feel better. I felt happier. And I think that's why.
Nini: Because of us making out?
Ricky: no, well, yeah. But more than that, I think it was because I spent so much time around you.
Nini: Well, you definitely changed me *laughs* I think I became a little more confident and a broke out of my shell a little so, thank you
Ricky: you're welcome... I guess *laughs*
Nini: Okay, shut up now because I want to pay attention to this episode *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*


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