Chapter 1: Ricky Bowen who?

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Nini: *At around 7:30pm, Nini pulls into the Bowen's driveway and gets out of her car. She walks up to the door and knocks*
Linda: Nini hi! How are you?
Nini: I'm doing great! Oh, I brought some tea straight from the cafe if you guys would like some
Linda: you know we always do, come on in! Hey John! Nini's here!
Nini: *we walk to the living room and sit down* So, how y'all doing today?
Linda: Very well! I finally got John to help me finish our puzzle.
John: Oh what a joy that was...
Nini: *laughs*
Linda: Oh, he loved it! How was work today?
Nini: Work was... work. Not the most exciting place ever, but always a great place to be. You'll have to try these new muffins I've been working on for the cafe.
Linda: We'll have to stop by one day, isn't that right John?
John: Or she could bring them here... *laughs*
Linda: No! We have to support Nini and her cafe and once in awhile *laughs* She's been working so hard and is such a proud business owner!
Nini: *laughs* Thanks Linda. It's crazy that to think that I have my own business. At 23!
Linda: Well it's because you're such a hard working gal *laughs* Oh! Your brother's son... how was his birthday yesterday?
Nini: It was great! Little Harry Salazar-Roberts turned one years old!
Linda: Aw! We wish we could have come... poor John had his doctor's appointment. Oh here, *I hand you a card* this is from us. Just be sure to give it to Ej and Gina for us!
Nini: I'll make sure it gets there, I was planning on popping over there after I visited with my favorite people *laughs*
Linda: Thank you Nini.
John: How is that brother if yours doin with a baby?
Nini: Ej loves being a dad. Him and Gina are constantly sending me action shots of the little guy *laughs*
Linda: Could we see?!
Nini: Of course! *I hand over my phone* These are from yesterday and then if you swipe left you'll see some other ones
Linda: Oh my goodness! He's the most adorable little boy. John look!
John: He is cute
Linda: *laughs* These are amazing *gives the phone back to Nini*
Nini: I know, I can't wait to have some children of my own someday
Linda: Oh we can't wait either! You'll meet someone amazing one day! We know
Nini: I hope so, it's never fun being single
John: Yeah, but ever since you dumped that Jace guy, you're here more... and we both know Linda loves you being here then she does me...
Linda: John!
Nini: *laughs* I feel all the love right now. But I definitely am much happier now, I'm hoping someone will come along soon and be my prince charming *laughs*
John: You don't need a guy to make you happy!
Linda: He's right, but it is nice to have someone if they are the one, you know what I mean?
Nini: Yeah, I can't keep hanging around my brother and his wife all the time *laughs*
Linda: But you're welcome here anytime! *laughs*
John: *my phone starts ringing* Oh it's our son Mike, I'll just step outside a second
*after a few minutes John comes back inside*
Linda: What is it honey?
John: Ricky.... he's coming here.
Nini: Ricky? Who's that?
Linda: He's our grandson. *to John* Why is he coming here?
John: According to Mike, Ricky's lost it. At his most recent show, he fell off the stage because he had been incredibly drunk. And I guess it's been happening for awhile now. Mike thinks he's burnt out. He says he hasn't been himself and hasn't been happy recently. Him and Ricky's Manager thinks it's best that he takes a "hiatus" and live down here with us for a while
Linda: You Know I love Ricky, but he's a 24 year old man and needs to learn to take care of himself. Why does he want him here?
John: He needs to get out of LA and come somewhere where he can get away from the stress he's been under. So Mike thought a small town in New Mexico would be the best place for him to be.
Linda: A place just off the suburbs of Albuquerque? Sorry, um, should we wait to talk about this once Nini leaves. We're sorry Nini
Nini: No you're fine, but is this Ricky you speak of okay
Linda: He's... well we don't speak much of Ricky because he's a bit... what's the word...
John: Ricky is a big time celebrity. Started acting at the age of four and has been working his butt off in LA ever since. He's got multiple certified platinum albums and has been in a few shows and movies. He's an incredibly busy man and I don't think we've seen him since he graduated high school
Linda: We just didn't want you to think of us any different or whatever. And the pictures we've shown you are of Ricky, just when we was a lot younger. It's just the past year or so he's gone a bit... crazy?
Nini: Wow that's.... a lot. I don't really think I've ever heard of a Ricky Bow- OH! I think I saw him in a movie once with my cousin Ashlyn! But I didn't really know he sang. Is he gonna be okay?
Linda: Like John said, we haven't seen him since high school. But from recent events or conversations we've had with our son, he's just burnt out and has kind of turned to drinking
Nini: That's awful. I can't imagine how tough things must be for him if he's turned to drinking as his coping mechanism
Linda: Did Mike say when he's coming here, John?
John: Mike said he got Ricky's stuff and they're leaving tonight and should be here tomorrow at some point.
Linda: Tomorrow?! Could they have given us a little notice?!
John: Linda he's our grandson! He's been overworked and pushed since he was a child and it's finally breaking him!
Linda: I know I know... sorry Nini, I don't mean to-
Nini: It's okay, I guess I'll just have to get used to seeing another Bowen around when I come over
Linda: I don't know if you should meet him right away Nini. From the sound of it... he's in bad shape as of right now. But you know, maybe a little ray of sunshine is all he needs
Nini: *smiles* I'll bring by some of my new muffins tomorrow and a drink for him when I swing by.
Linda: You Know, that'd be wonderful Nini. Thank you.
Nini: Of course, no problem. Well, I gotta head over to Ej and Gina's but I'll see you guys tomorrow!
Linda: thank you for stopping bye as always! Tell Gina and Ej we say hi! And again I'm sorry for throwing this all on you
Nini: No you guys are fine! Bye Linda! Bye John!
Linda: Goodbye Nini!
John: See ya Nini!
Nini: *I walk out and drive over to Ej and Gina's place* *I knock on the door*
Ej: Neens hi! *hugs Nini*
Gina: *yells from the other room* Hey Nini!
Ej: she's changing Harry's diaper *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Sounds like loads of fun
Ej: So much fun *makes a disgusted face then laughs* well come on in! How was your visit with the Bowen's?
Nini: Umm.... shocking?
Ej: shocking? How so?
Nini: Do you know who Ricky Bowen is?
Ej: yeah of course! He's that singer/actor that Gina always talks about. He's really good *laughs* what about him?
Nini: Did you hear what happened at his concert last week?
Ej: No... I don't keep super up to date with him. Maybe Gina has?
*Gina walks in*
Gina: I just put Harry to bed so try to keep it down. Hey Nini.
Ej: You Know that artist you like, Ricky Bowen- WAIT! Is Linda and John related to him?!
Nini: Yep, those are his grandparents
Gina: no way! I never put their last names together!
Ej: Anyway, Nini was saying something happened at his concert last week, did you hear anything about it?
Gina: No... I like his music but I don't follow his socials or anything like that *laughs* What happened?
Nini: Well um, apparently he's been drinking a lot lately due to the stress he's been under and the past 20 years of being over worked made him crash. Literally. He fell off the stage at his show because of how drunk he was and his dad says he's been out of it for a while
Gina: Oh my god... I had no idea. Is he gonna be okay?
Nini: I really don't know much about it all. But he's coming down to stay here with Linda and John while he takes a hiatus
Ej: He's coming here?!
Nini: Yeah, they think it'll help him get over his burnout and get him back to his normal self. Being in a small town and away from LA
Ej: well, I guess here's a good place. Literally the quietest place, like ever *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* You're not wrong. John said he'll be here tomorrow
Gina: Tomorrow!? I'd say I want to meet him, but if he's a drunky... *laughs*
Nini: Yeah, they said he'd be a little out of it so I'd wait a few days.*laughs* When I go over after work tomorrow I'll tell you how things go
Ej: Oh gosh, good luck? *laughs* Anyway, we made dinner... care to join us?
Nini: I'd love too, what'd you make?
Gina: homemade pasta!
Nini: Ej, have I ever told you that your wife is amazing?
Ej: All the time!
Gina: shut up guys... I'm just lucky to be part of the Salzar- Roberts family *laughs*
Nini: And you're a great addition to the family *laughs*
Ej: well, let's go eat! I'm starving! Little Harry keeps us busy all day
Nini: I can't believe I missed my nephew... Oh! Linda and John gave me this card to give to you *I hand over the card*
*Ej and Gina look at it*
Gina: Oh they're so sweet. Ooo a $50 dollar check for Harry *laughs*
Ej: we'll have to call them and thank them later
Nini: They'd love that. They even asked to see pictures of Harry today while I was there. Linda has always loved little kids. I think she's waiting for some great grandchildren *laughs*
Ej: *laughs* well looks like that's not what they'll be getting from Ricky *laughs*
Nini: Well you never know, maybe his little trip will turn things around for him
Gina: maybe
How much pasta do you want?
Nini: Just a little, I'm not very hungry
Gina: Ii put some pasta on a plate and give it to you*
*we all sit down*
Ej: so how was work today?
Nini: Pretty good. I was thinking about hiring Seb's boyfriend at the cafe because right now it's just Ashlyn, Seb, and I.
Ej: You could probably use the help. That cafes a hit! *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I know! It's awesome! How's the football team doing Ej?
Ej: they're actually doing pretty great... well actually this one boy got a concussion a few days ago and he's gonna he out awhile but he'll be okay
Nini: Hopefully, How's teaching going for you Gina?
Gina: they're all pretty stressed about college stuff, which I don't blame them but my juniors are alright *laughs*
Nini: Ugh, high school is not fun *laughs*
Ej: You don't have to remind me *laughs*
Gina: I mean it was kind of fun...
Nini: *laughs* It had it's moments, but sometimes it was just horrible. I'm happy I'm an adult now
Ej: *laughs* same... how I get to yell at kids all day
Gina: EJ! *laughs*
Ej: I love them all and you know it *laughs*
Nini: I never thought you would be a teacher Ej, but it really suits you. And I guess it's a plus that you meant your wife there too *laughs*
Ej: which I'm forever grateful for *smiles* so Nini... any recent dates or boys....
Nini: *laughs* No, no boys. I haven't been on a date since Jace and I broke up, which was like 6 months ago...
Gina: you gotta put yourself out there girl!
Ej: don't be crazy though... *laughs*
Nini: Maybe, I haven't found anyone recently though. I'm just so ready for something serious. I'm tired of waiting and going through break-ups. I feel like I'm ready to settle down, you know? Get married, have kids.
Gina: Ej and I were definitely not like that *laughs* now that we have Harry though... we finally settled down *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* But that's what I want! I want kids and a husband!
Ej: you'll find him Neens... just give it time. Like Gina said, put yourself out there, just be careful
Nini: I know, I know. It'll happen soon I hope
Gina: you done with this *I point at your plate*
Nini: Yeah *I hand you my plate*
Gina: *I get all our dishes and go to the sink*
Ej: So you're really going to see Ricky tomorrow?
Nini: Yep, I'm kinda nervous though
Ej: I can't believe they've never told you about their grandson
Nini: They've got pictures of him around their house, but they're all from years ago. They said they haven't seen him since he was like 18
Ej: geese... kinda weird they never mention their celebrity relative don't you think?
Nini: Linda didn't seem all that happy that he was coming to stay with them...
Ej: weird... I thought she was the super sweet one *laughs*
Nini: Well, it seems like Ricky hasn't been the kindest to them. I think they feel like he doesn't care about them anymore. They think he's become a little self-centered
*Gina walks over*
Gina: "fame is a fickle food" am I right?
Ej: *looks confused*
Gina: Emily Dickinson? Come on, she's a famous poet...
Ej: see that's why your the English teacher
Nini: *laughs* I guess Gina's right. I just hope he can get better
Ej: me too... he's really talented... have you heard any of his songs?
Nini: I don't think so, I know Ashlyn and I saw a movie that he was in, but I don't think I've heard any of his music
Gina: here look... *pulls up the "Common Sense" music video on his phone* so apparently he wrote this when he was only 17
Nini: Wow... he's crazy talented. 17? I could barely hold a note at 17 *laughs*
Ej: oh shut up Nini, you're an amazing singer... always have been
Nini: *smiles* Thanks Ej, I try. But maybe I'll go listen to more of his music.
Gina: you should! He's really good!
*Harry starts crying*
Gina: baby duty... it was nice seeing you Nini!
Nini: You too Gina! I'll update you on how tomorrow goes with Ricky
Gina: yes please do! Goodnight *walks out*
Ej: poor Gina has been working so hard lately... I try to be here for the baby but he loves Gina's attention just a bit more *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I trust you do. I'm so jealous of you and Gina Sometimes. You guys have family and a house together. That's just all I've ever wanted
Ej: one day I'm sure. Besides, you have your business to keep you busy right now
Nini: I guess you're right... Well I should get going, I've gotta get up early for work tomorrow
Ej: yeah, I better go help Gina anyway. I love you Neens
Nini: Love you too Ej, Good night!
*I walk out and drive home*

Sooo how are we liking these characters so far??
Ej is Nini's older brother and is married to Gina making Gina Nini's sister in law! I love this dynamic haha.
Btw I will be updating every other day!

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