Chapter 17: Dinner Date

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*we get up and start towards the car*

Nini: Do you think we'll run into any other fans
Ricky: I think we're fine now *we get in*
Nini: I think everyone will now be convinced that I'm your girlfriend
Ricky: my grandparents? Have you talked to them lately *I start driving*
Nini: I stop by every other morning before work while you're still asleep *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* so they just think we're friends
Nini: I'm pretty sure. Do you ever tell them that you're hanging out with me?
Ricky: sometimes they'll ask and I'll say you cause who else would I be with
Nini: They never really ask about you and I hanging out, and I assume that's a good thing, maybe? *laughs*
Ricky: I guess. Well, should we tell them we are dating or what? Cause it's on the media or at least it's gonna be
Nini: I don't know, what do you want to do?
Ricky: I don't know. You know them better than I do. Do they look at the media? Or maybe my dad would tell them?
Nini: I know they'll have the radio sometimes in the house. But I don't know if they really look at the media
Ricky: I think our best bet is to tell them we are dating.
Nini: How do you think they'll act?
Ricky: honestly I think they'll be happy cause they like you so much *laughs*
Nini: You're not wrong *laughs* Are we both gonna tell them or are you going to?
Ricky: I think they'll figure it out. Looks like I have to like you for another hour or so
Nini: Oh the horror *laughs*
Ricky: no really, the horror *laughs*
Nini: I think you scared that one girl that came up to us while we were making out *laughs*
Ricky: I think you're right *laughs*
Nini: I wonder how people feel now that everyone's celebrity boyfriend isn't single anymore *laughs*
Ricky: he's single, they just don't know it *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *we get there* ready?
Nini: I'm so ready *laughs*
Ricky: keep the coupley stuff down though. One because it's my grandparents and also I'm sick of it *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* You're sick of Kissing me?
Ricky: absolutely not. I'm sick of smiling and holding your hands
Nini: Okay good, so am I
Ricky: then let's go in
Nini: *we walk inside*
Linda: Nini! We're so happy you could join us tonight!
Nini: Yeah, of course! I would never miss a Bowen dinner *laughs*
Ricky: what's for dinner?
Linda: I made some homemade lasagna
Nini: Mmm sounds delicious *laughs*
John: It used to be Ricky's favorite when he was younger
Ricky: oh, uh, thanks
Linda: well we have it all ready just come on to the table
Nini: *we walk over to the table and I sit next to you* This looks so good!
Linda: how was work Nini?
Nini: Good, we were kinda busy today but Tuesday's are usually are busiest days anyways so we're used to it
Ricky: wasn't busy when I came in
Nini: Yeah, because you came in like 30 minutes before we close *laughs*
John: you two do anything today?
Nini: Um we went to the lake, and then we went to the mall for a little bit
Ricky: my dads probably gonna be upset though cause a lot of people probably saw me today
John: Well as long as you're happy and not getting yourself into any trouble, I think you should be okay *laughs*
Ricky: oh I'm just so happy *laughs*
Linda: Well that's great, Ricky *smiles*
Ricky: I think I owe a lot of it to Nini
John: Oh really?
Ricky: really *I look at Nini*
Linda: I told you she's the sweetest girl you'd ever meet
Ricky: well.... *I look at Nini and laugh*
Nini: Well... *smiles*
Linda: what's going on?
Nini: You gonna tell them?
John: *to Linda* they're dating, I knew it
Ricky: how did you-
Linda: Oh come on, you're always out with her and talk about her muffins *laughs*
Nini: I guess the secrets out *laughs* We're dating!
Ricky: *laughs*
Linda: for how long?
Ricky: 2 weeks now?
Linda: Aww I'm so happy for you guys!
John: You guys make a great couple
Ricky: you really think so?
John: I really do, you guys look great together and I can tell by the smile on y'all's faces that you truly do care for each other
Ricky: that is why we are smiling *laughs*
Linda: Are you guys official to the public yet?
Ricky: I think that's what happened today
Nini: Yeah, we just kinda did normal coupley things while we were out and about. People definitely noticed that Ricky had a girl with him *laughs*
Linda: Ricky I'm so happy for you! See, this is why you were brought here. You're doing so much better
Nini: I agree, and I hope he agrees too *smiles*
Ricky: *I raise my eyebrows* if you guys think so
Nini: I'd like to think that you're at least a little bit more happy here then when you were in LA *I kiss your cheek*
Ricky: only because of you *smiles*
Nini: Thank you *laughs*
Linda: You guys are just too cute
*we finish up dinner and decide it's time to take Nini home*
Nini: Thank you again for dinner, it was delicious
Linda: yeah of course. Hey Nini could I talk to you a second?
Ricky: I'll wait in the car
Nini: Okay, I'll be there in a sec *Ricky walks out* What's up?
Linda: Ricky's treating you okay right?
Nini: Of course! He's been nothing but sweet to me. He'll pay for my stuff when we go places, he'll listen to me sing, and he'll come in everyday go get a muffin and say hello *laughs* He's really a great Boyfriend
Linda: sounds like you really care for him. That makes us so happy. We wish you both the best
Nini: Thank you. Well, I better go get going. Ricky and I were planning on watching a movie tonight
Linda: we'll see you later then! Bye Nini!
Nini: Bye Linda! *I walk out to the car and get in*
Ricky: what was that about?
Nini: She asked me if you were treating me right
Ricky: well if she thought I was like abusing you or something, even I wouldn't go that far *laughs* yeah you annoy the shit out of me but.... sorry I got carried away *laughs*... what did you say to her
*I start driving*
Nini: I said that yes, you're a great Boyfriend. You bought me my things at the mall today, you listen to me sing, and that you stop by most days to get a muffin and say a quick hello
Ricky: wait, those are all things I did. You don't really care for me do you?
Nini: No *laughs* Those were just the things that came to the top of my head.
Ricky: mm okay. You better be telling the truth. I can't deal with a relationship and feelings and stuff. Especially with you
Nini: Yeah, you're not someone I'd want a relationship with either *laughs* But I did tell her that we were watching a movie together at my place tonight
Ricky: but I don't wanna watch a movie
Nini: Well, we're not gonna watch a movie dumbass
Ricky: what are we gonna do
Nini: What do we usually do when we're alone together?
Ricky: oh good *laughs*
Nini: You really think I'd want to watch a movie with you?
Ricky: what can I say, your acting skills are quite impressive. You had me thinking you cared for me at dinner for a second
Nini: I could say the same about you
Ricky: oh god too much coupley stuff for one day
Nini: Do you think your dad's gonna be mad at you?
Ricky: I don't really care what he thinks at this point
Nini: Just tell him that you're finally happy and that maybe this girlfriend of yours is helping you change
Ricky: why are you helping me?
Nini: What do you mean?
Ricky: never mind. Any word from your brother yet?
Nini: Not really, he hasn't been talking to me since the little situation we had two weeks ago
Ricky: whelp *laughs*
Nini: He's gonna flip out once he sees that we're "dating"
Ricky: *laughs* I'm ready to see that
Nini: Who knows, you may be there when it happens *laughs*
Ricky: it's annoying how over protective he is- wait.... so annoyingness runs in the family I see
Nini: You're absolutely right *laughs*
Ricky: *I turn the radio on*
Radio Host: And for the latest news on Ricky Bowen. It has been confirmed that he is in a small town near Albuquerque, New Mexico dating a local. All we know about the girl so far is that she goes by Nini. Pictures can be found on our website.
Nini: Awww we're on the radio
Ricky: *laughs* well, there's no going back now
Nini: Guess you're stuck with having the most annoying fake girlfriend in the world *laughs*
Ricky: Damnit! Luckily I get to annoy her too
Nini: I guess it's fair then *laughs*
*we get to Nini's and get out*
Nini: So, you ready to watch that movie?
Ricky: totally


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