Chapter 9: Pretty Boy

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Nini: *I unlock the door and we step inside*
Ricky: it's so white in here
Nini: Is that a bad thing?
Ricky: yeah it's kind of blinding
Nini: Well good thing it's not your house
Ricky: agreed.
Nini: Ok, so what kind of song do you want to here me sing?
Ricky: I don't care
Nini: Okay, I'll just play something I wrote a while ago *I grab my piano and sing*
White flowers and love letters
You say I'm yours forever
But it don't feel romantic, somehow
I'm pacing and I'm losing sleep
If you don't call I start to weep
You're everything I cannot do without
Ricky: *damn*
Nini: *sings* I don't know who I would be
If I wasn't your baby
I build my life on your attention
I'm being an object of your affection
Now, crazy in love don't feel sweet
'Cause I'm with you but I miss me
Wish somebody had told me what I know now
Losing yourself in someone isn't Heaven, it's Hell
Ricky: huh. that was, really good
Nini: Um thank you
Ricky: no really. I was not expecting that
Nini: Did you think I was going to suck?
Ricky: Yeah, basically
Nini: Well I'm glad I proved you wrong
Ricky: okay my turn *I point at your keyboard* can I?
Nini: Oh yeah, sure
Ricky: mmm let me think... oh I have the perfect song for you purely because of the title
*sings* He told her things he knew that she wanted to hear
He's a master puppeteer, mm
She knew the words to every song he'd ever sung
She even thought he was the one for years
He left her just because
He didn't know just who she was
But she said
You'll be sorry, that you left me
Cause I'm the best thing
That you aren't ever gonna get again
Sorry, that you left me
Cause I'm the best thing
That you aren't ever gonna get again
Oh, oh
Nini: *Holy shit. He's really really good. Well of course he is, this is how he makes a living* I don't know, you said sorry too many times. I don't think I like it
Ricky: *laughs* look who's talking
Nini: But you're really really good. I can see why so many people love you
Ricky: you just said you didn't like it
Nini: I was making a joke. Of course I liked it
Ricky: so I won this right?
Nini: Mmm I don't know, I think it's a tie
Ricky: why's that
Nini: Because yours was pretty good, but so was mine
Ricky: fine. Only cause you surprise me
Nini: So I'm a good singer!?
Ricky: are you kidding?
Nini: Yes? No? Maybe?
Ricky: maybe yes
Nini: Is it yes or maybe?
Ricky: I regret telling you to ask the questions
Nini: Too late to turn back now buddy
Ricky: stop calling me buddy
Nini: You call me muffin girl
Ricky: and...
Nini: It's not fair if you only get to call me a nickname
Ricky: so "buddy" is my nickname?
Nini: Is that not good enough for you?
Ricky: it's not
Nini: Then what should it be?
Ricky: Not that
Nini: Well Seb calls you pretty boy, even though you aren't pretty
Ricky: you don't think I'm pretty?
Nini: Not really
Ricky: not even a little?
Nini: Not one bit. And I swear to god if you bring up drunk Nini-
Ricky: you just did muffin girl... you must have been somewhat attracted to me last night
Nini: Fine, I guess you're a little attractive
Ricky: yeah?
Nini: Yeah. But the real question is, am I pretty?
Ricky: yeah
Nini: Really? I lowkey expected you to say no
Ricky: why lie about it? Part of the reason last night was your fault is because you're attractive
Nini: Are we really doing this again?
Ricky: doing what again?
Nini: Playing the blame game
Ricky: yeah, let's play... the muffin girl wins?
Nini: And I almost started to think you were tolerable... *I get up and walk to the kitchen*
Ricky: *I follow you* wanna teach me out to make your famous muffins
Nini: Hell no, that's my recipe
Ricky: oh come on
Nini: We're not even friends, why would I give you my beloved recipe?
Ricky: I won't remember it *laughs*
Nini: Mmm But I feel like you would
Ricky: say I did, what's the worst thing that happens.... I won't have to drop by your cafe in the morning anymore
Nini: Mmm but that means I'm losing a customer
Ricky: I didn't pay
Nini: But that's because you're taking me to a movie, next time I'll be expecting a payment
Ricky: we'll see about that
Nini: I guess we will. Do you want anything to drink?
Ricky: you got a beer?
Nini: Besides any sort of alcohol
Ricky: okay mOm water is fine I guess
Nini: *I get you a glass of water* Here you go *I pour some water into my kettle and start heating it up*
Ricky: what are you making?
Nini: Just some tea
Ricky: *I go on my phone* so, there's actually a movie a little earlier. It starts in 30 minutes. 47 meters down?
Nini: What's it about?
Ricky: 2 girls go shark cage diving but it drops 47 meters down and they're surrounded by sharks
Nini: That sounds scary, I've never really seen any horror movies before
Ricky: it's not a horror movie... it's a thriller. Nothing creepy or anything. Just a bunch of jump scares
Nini: It still sounds scary, but I guess I'll go
Ricky: you'll be fine
Nini: If I end up with nightmares tonight, it's your fault pretty boy
Ricky: ooo so I am pretty boy now?
Nini: Yep, it's your new nickname
Ricky: so as soon as you finish your tea, we should head out. Your tea *laughs* you sound English
Nini: *in British accent* why thank you luv
Ricky: *laughs* muffin girls gone British!
Nini: Oh gosh *laughs* *I steep my tea and then pour it into a to-go cup* Okay, we can head out
Ricky: can I try it?
Nini: The tea?
Ricky: no, a bagel. Yes the tea
Nini: Um okay *I pour you a little* Be careful, it's probably still really hot
Ricky: *I try it* pretty good... not as good as your muffins though
Nini: I mean, obviously. My muffins are the best thing in the world
Ricky: I can't actually argue with you on that one
Nini: And for once we agree. Are you ready to go?
Ricky: yep
*we walk out to the car*
Nini: Here *I pull up the directions on my phone*
Ricky: oh it's close
Nini: Yep


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