Chapter 18: Convince Me, Again

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Nini: *we walk upstairs to my room* Okay, do your thing Bowen
Ricky: well hang on a second...
Nini: What?
Ricky: I'm just kidding *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: *I start kissing you*
Nini: *I pull away* Nuh uh
Ricky: mm?
Nini: You gotta convince me to kiss you. Just like the first time, except I'm not nervous anymore.
Ricky: whyyy
Nini: Because I said so
Ricky: *I get up close to you* I hate that you're the boss of this
Nini: Mmm I'm sorry to hear that
Ricky: why were you nervous the 1st time
Nini: I don't know, I guess I just saw a different side of you too
Ricky: and what side is that?
Nini: Your confident and controlling side
Ricky: and you do or don't like that side of me?
Nini: I love it
Ricky: then kiss me
Nini: I'm not convinced yet
Ricky: I don't care, I want you to kiss me *I whisper in your ear* now
Nini: What if I don't want to kiss you
Ricky: again, I don't care in the slightest, just kiss me *I kiss around your neck*
Nini: I never gave you permission to do that
Ricky: stop me *I continue*
Nini: *I push you away* Convince. Me.
Ricky: woah muffin girl, no need to get all aggressive
Nini: Then stop talking, and try harder
Ricky: how would I convince you if I stopped talking
Nini: I don't know, you're the one struggling here
Ricky: I have a question for you
Nini: What?
Ricky: you said you wanted to settle down... have kids... how you gonna do that when your busy with me
Nini: I don't know, I guess I just kinda gave up hope that I'd find someone
Ricky: why did you give up so easy
Nini: Why do you care?
Ricky: Why don't you?
Nini: Because I just don't okay? Are you done questioning me?
Ricky: if you wanna find someone, it's not gonna be with me so you should get out while you can
Nini: If you don't start kissing me right now, I'm making you leave
Ricky: oh, so now you wanna kiss me?
Nini: Just please shut me up
Ricky: what if I lOvE listening to you talk
Nini: You don't
Ricky: keep talking
Nini: *I stay quiet*
Ricky: looks like I shut you up without even kissing you
Nini: *I don't say anything*
Ricky: so we're done here? *I stand up*
Nini: *I stand up and whisper on your ear* please kiss me
Ricky: oh look, she's talking again
Nini: She is, and she wants you to kiss her
Ricky: mm no
Nini: Fine, you wanna play like that?
Ricky: I thought you were already playing like that
Nini: I was?
Ricky: lets play
Nini: *I push you towards the wall* I'm asking you to kiss me, so do it
Ricky: *I just stare at you*
Nini: Do it. Now
Ricky: *Smiles. I turn us around so you're on the wall then I kiss you*
Nini: Wow what a move *I keep kissing you*
Ricky: you happy? *I keep kissing you*
Nini: You don't even know *I keep kissing you*
Ricky: oh I don't? *I keep kissing you*
Nini: No clue *I push you towards my bed*
Ricky: careful now
Nini: Why?
Ricky: don't be tempted
Nini: To do what?
Ricky: never mind *I pull you on me and keep kissing you*
Nini: *we make out for a few minutes until my phone rings* Ignore it
Ricky: planned on it *I keep kissing you*
*the doorbell rings*
Nini: What the hell? Ugh um, fix yourself up.
Ricky: *I roll my eyes and re adjust my shirt*
Nini: Wipe the lipstick off your face *laughs*
Ricky: little help please *laughs* *I try getting it*
Nini: *I run to the bathroom and grab a rag and wet it. I wipe it off your face* There, now let's go see who was at the door
Ricky: should I stay here?
Nini: Well to everyone else in the world, we're dating so it doesn't matter if you're with me or not
Ricky: true *we walk downstairs*
Nini: *I open the door* Hi guys! What are you three doing here?
Gina: hey Neens, we just wanted to come visit. Why are you breathing so hard?
Ricky: *laughs*
Nini: I ran all the way downstairs from my room to get to the door
Ricky: mm right... *I roll my eyes*
Ej: Nini what's going on
Nini: What do you mean?
*they all walk in*
Gina: you haven't talked to us is a few weeks and the last face to face conversation we've had..
Ej: consisted of you yelling at me leave
Gina: it's so unlike you Nini
Nini: Maybe because I just wanted some space. I don't need every move I make to be controlled by someone else. I'm 23 years old, and Ej was treating me like I was a child
Gina: listen to yourself! You would always come to your brother for help or advice. You're starting to sound like Ricky
Nini: Why do you guys care so much?! I know I'm not the same little innocent cafe owner you guys know and love, but you have to just let me make my own decisions! You can sit here and say that Ricky's changed me and yes, I agree with you, he has. But not for the worse, for the better. It's like you don't want me to be happy. I finally find someone again, and you're mad at me for it?
Ricky: and Nini-
Ej: shut it Ricky
Gina: you want kids, a husband, a family. Ricky's not gonna give you that. How could you say this is making you happy?
Nini: Because he just does! Maybe I was moving to fast, and now I'm slowing myself back down. It's not like if I found someone else, we'd get married after two weeks of knowing one another and just start popping out kids. And don't tell him to shut it, that's not your decision to make. But I guess you just always have to make the decisions for everyone, don't you Ej?
Ej: I just want what's best for you-
Nini: Then stop trying to control me! I, and only I, know what's best for myself. You don't hold that right
Ricky: *smiles*
Gina: do you love him?
Nini: We've been together for two weeks!
Gina: but you wouldn't turn your entire life around for him, unless you really felt for him. So answer the question
Ricky: *looks confused* Nini-
Nini: What? What do you need to say?
Ricky: Nini is happy. Our 1st night together was bumpy and the following day, but it got better. I fell for Nini. Hard. I think she did for me too. I love her, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So stop telling her she's making a mistake. You can't control her and she's not a child. She's changed, I'm sure, but in a good way, because we wanna make this work.
Nini: *I look at you shocked* Y-You love me?
Ricky: I love you with everything I have.
Nini: *I jump into your arms and hug you* You mean the world to me, pretty boy *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
Ej: Nini, we're so sor-
Nini: You should be, you really should be. Now, do you just want to continue to hate on my relationship, or do you have something nice to say?
Gina: Ej, I think we should go
Nini: I agree
Ej: I guess we'll see you guys later
Nini: Bye bye
*EJ and Gina leave in shock with Harry*
Nini: I don't think they'll be bothering us anymore *laughs*
Ricky: I think we are getting too good at this *laughs*
Nini: They should put us in a Netflix Movie *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* so, can we pick up where we left off?
Nini: Oh, for sure *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I pick you up and wrap your legs around my waist and kiss back*
Nini: Back upstairs?
Ricky: what's wrong with right here
Nini: You wanna just keep standing?
Ricky: hell no *I lay you on the couch and kiss you*
Nini: I hate you so so so much *I keep kissing you*
Ricky: I hate you with eVertHiNg I hAvE *I keep kissing you*
Nini: You really convinced them *I keep kissing you*
Ricky: I just hoped I didn't convince you too *I laugh and keep kissing you*
Nini: Not at all *I keep kissing you*

is it just me or are they stressing you out ? Haha

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