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¡Warning mentions of abuse(slightly), Cheating, Toxic Marriage¡

The little boy was cuddle up in his favorite ironman blanket. He cries but not with happiness no its far from that. Being in this family was the hardest having a father that accepts him fully and a mother that doesn't look at his son like his own child.

"You cheated!" The woman yells at the older man infront of her fumming in angee the woman slaps him across the face.

"It was ok if it was a woman!! But cheating with a man!! Thats disgusting Hen-rich" The woman yells once again making the other yell at the woman as angrily as her.

"I was never inlove with you Lee. Hianna!!" He yelled as much anger as the other adding emphasis to every word "I was forced to marry you and you agreed!! And I know its only for the money to have something to show to your so called friends! And don't even tell me to not cheat you were cheating with Mr. Avril!" He yelled almost hitting the woman.

"But it won't change the fact that you were shoving your tongue in that man's throat!!"

"And it doesn't change the fact that you were spreading your legs to my business partner!"

"And what you want your son to be like you a disgusting gay man that takes it up the ass?! That fucking disgusting Hen-rich!"

"Don't bring my son into this Lee, whatever my son wants I support him you were never a mother to him anyway cause all you do is spend my money and spread your legs to middle aged men that wants to grab your pussy"

The woman scoffed and ran into her room passing by the 13 year old's room.

The little boy shivered when the footsteps stopped by his room door.

He squeaked when the door slowly opened, he was about to cry harder but he calmed down when the soothing voice of his father was heard.

"Its ok little guy, its ok don't cry" he craddled the boy in his arms helping him sleep.

"Did you and mommy fight again did Daddy really cheat?" The 13 year old asked.

"Kookie, Mommy never loved me he loves someone else we both do, you are too young to realize but sooner or later you'll know what I mean, but for now you need to sleep ok?" The boy nods slowly.

"Daddy can we not see mommy again, he hits me and it hurts" the little boy sniffles. The older man fumes with anger, how dare her take it out on their son.

"Its ok when you grow up, you daddy and dada will go away ok?" He assures

"Dada will come too?" The boy's face lit up from excitement, he might not have a mother but he has two father the other may not be biological but he still stands more of a parent that the woman that gave birth to him.

A month ago the 13 year old's father intoduced him to his boyfriend and shockingly the 13 year old accepted the younger male and called him Dada which made the 13 year old's father happy.

His Dada always spoils him with chocolates and candies snacks and drinks kiss hugs and the little boy loved it, loved that there is a man that stands with him showing him love more than his mother did.

But all didn't last when everybody left him even his father even his dada.

Both happily together but not in this world.

I hate homophobic people.
Sometimes I wanna sacrifice my self to the devil just to wish to get rid of homophobia and accept them accept US.

Thanks for 200 reads its really shocking actually people always read the introduction and leave the book and not read it again. But its ok.

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