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Mentions of rape and abuse⚠️

Jeongguk sighed, his legs weak from the activity he did earlier. He sat at the edge of the bed hands on his thighs. "what do I do" He thought "Why did I even agree to come here fuck" He cursed. He was about to lie down when he heard a knock on the door.

He stood up using both his hands to support himself, walking to the door he though of hundreds of things like 'what will happen next, is this how I end up, at least let me come to my date with Taehyung later'. He opened the door revealing Jin hands crossed looking at Jeongguk. "Your fist time here and the first thing you do is jerk off? really Jeongguk?" the raven haired just shrugged and The broad-shouldered man sighed "follow me".

"Where are we going?" the raven asked looking at the back of the broad-shouldered man. "Somewhere" Jin looked back and smiled making the other more curious.

Jeongguk was looking around, he hadn't had the time to look around the 'mansion' because of his horny thought of a certain blonde guy. Looking around the house was just like 'his home' 15 years ago as if it was made to look exactly like it, the paintings, decorations, curtains just like how it was when he got out of his room when he was 7. But something changed it never felt like home like it did years back.

"We're here" Jin smiled opening a room with two large doors from ceiling to the floor engraved with designs of bunnies with deer horns and a large J carved in the middle.

Jeogguk was shocked to say the least. It was beautiful, windows large enough to see the view of the maze like garden a book shelf adorning the canvas in the middle of the room. Purple curtains that he liked so much when he was little on the side was instruments, pianos, guitars, basses, thigs Jeongguk liked so much when he was young and perhaps until now.

He was amazed by all of these. "Mom made this room all for you" the elder smiled "10 years" he added "10 years was all it took to build all of this gather all of these, and she made it all for you" Jin smiled again. "why?" He asked "Its not my place to say, You need to talk to her Jeongguk" the elder said patting the raven's shoulder before exiting the room.

"o-oh, You found it already?" a woman's voice was heard making Jeongguk jump a little. "Jin showed me" he replied. "oh he did, did he" the woman walked into where Jeongguk was standing. She smiled looking at her son, she missed him so much. She wanted to hug her but can't. She missed him so much.

"Why did you do all this?" he asked, "Because I missed you all these years Jeongguk" She replies sitting down infront of the large window, her face shinning as the yellow sun touched it. "Oh you did, did you?" she sighed "Jeongguk, I'm sorry for what I did-" "you should be sorry!, I lost my childhood because of you! kicked me out when I was too young to even work! I needed a family and all I got was shit for a mother a dead father" he yelled "well at least I got Jin-hyung" he added.

"I did all that to save you son" "Save who! me? when id you ever cared for me you never di-" " on that night he was going to kill you! I told you to get out of the house to save you Jeongguk! I did all of it to save you! I cried myself to sleep everyday when I hit you, He told me to hurt you, He told me if I didn't he'd kill you and Jin, he told me he'd sell you to a prostitution den as I watch you get touched by men, He told me if I didn't hit you he'll kill you" The woman was now lying on the floor hands on his face as she lets tears drop. "He let his business partner rape me for him to sign a contract with his company and when I got pregnant, he told me I was a slut and forced me to get an abortion, but I didn't, I ran away until I gave birth to Jin and she stayed with my parents" Jeongguk can't believe what he was hearing, he really didn't. "after a year he knew where I was staying at, I don't know how he knew but after then, He forced me to go with him and raped me after, When I told him I was pregnant he called me names slut, hoe and things I don't want to tell, when I got you, he told me to get rid of you but I don't want to, You were the only thing that made me think I was loved when I wasn't, even though he raped me I still loved him." she cried "He apologized and the naïve me forgave him and thought maybe it could work out but it didn't, he yells at me and cursed at me but I forgave him, he hit me and punched me I forgave him but then it turned into him kicking me burning me with his cigarettes and even cutting me and he-" "stop stop! I-" Jeongguk's voice seemed to have been lost all these details making him woozy "That's when I called the police on him and he-" "I said stop!" He yelled, the woman still on the floor crying "Jeongguk! mom! what happened?!" and with that Jeongguk ran away leaving Jin and the woman behind"


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