ζ (ZETA)

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Alaska Thunderfuck

Hey sisters
watcha doin'
ya'll doing good?
bunny boi!
mucle pig
i'm getting worried ya know
its been what a day without you texting me
baby ko si kulot~
Yeah yeah yeah
Boom boom boom
Come out
From the closet☺

Justin Timberlands
Oh hey sistersssss
I like Trixie Mattel Better actually
She's better

Alaska Thunderfuck
You little
You're lucky I like you
So Whatcha doin'?

Justin Timberlands
Sitting outside the Principal's office
Waiting for my so called mother

Alaska Thunderfuck
Are you mad of your mommy?

Justin Timberlands
Ofcourse I am
He kicked me out when I was 15
Killed my father and got away with it
Never a good mother to me
Used me to get my father's properties
And Now she's back to 'get to know me'🙄
I'm not mad
I' fucking pissed

Alaska Thunderfuck
Oh I'm sorry for that

Justin Timberlands
Its okay
You didn't know
Its not your fault she's a witch

Alaska Thunderfuck
What a bitch
Remember if you need anything
Just talk to me
I'm here always okay?

Justin Timberlands
Thank you
I needed that
I hate that bitch
She's nothing but a whore
Who cheated with my father and called him cheater.
I miss Father.

Alaska Thunderfuck
You have me ok?
Don't be afraid
You have me by your side and all your other friends we're here for you.

Justin Timberlands
Thank you again
Bye now she's back

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