"Hurry up!" Xiouli was pulling on Joon-Ho's arm.

Apparently he was being too slow and they had to get to their dorms before school closes. Of course, also, because they wanted to call Yoongi and Min.

"Stop it hurts!" Joon-Ho finally started complaining.

"Your grip is tight." Hoseok giggled as he turned around.

He was also walking faster then usual. He watched as Xiouli tried pulling on Joon-Ho's strong and veiny arms. Her long hair was tied up in a high pony tail. Her black shirt matched with her black skirt. Her being 7 inches shorter the Joon-Ho was making the scene funny.

"Well he's not cooperating." She finally let go of his arm and crossed her arms.

Joon-Ho put his hands in his pockets and walked past Xiouli to Hoseok's side.

"Well didn't you want to hurry up?" He looked back at Xiouli who was still standing with her arms crossed.

About 15 minutes later when they finally got to the boys dorm, Xiouli ran to Hoseok's room.

"Phone." She held out her hand.

Hoseok walked slowly to the bed and sat down handing her the phone. Joon-Ho only watched from the door frame.

"Unlock." She said handing it back to him.

"Give me your phone." Min held her hand out to Yoongi.

He unlocked his phone and gave it to her.

"We're calling them." She said a bit frustrated.

She went straight to Hoseok's contact and called them, through a video chat.

Xiouli jumped a bit startled for the sudden call. Hoseok took the phone and answered.

"I told you they would call." Joon-Ho was heard in the background.

"Joon-Ho's there?" Min asked confused.

"Yes." Yoongi answered.

"Yah! Not even a hello?" Xiouli jumped into of Hoseok.

He lowered his head because of the sudden jump.

"Well, hi." Min chuckled.

"Hello." Xiouli giggled with her.

"Are you guys still at the hospital?" Hoseok looked at the screen deeply.

"Yea." Yoongi said.

Still not being seen since the camera was pointing at Min.

"Where is he?" Joon-Ho finally jumped in.

He peeked his head from above and looked to see if Yoongi was near.

"Right here." Min answered poiting at the sleepy Yoongi next to her.

He waved and smiled. He looked at the screen and saw Hoseok's eye on the right, Xiouli's eye on the left, and Joon-Ho's eyes and forehead upside down. He giggled and grabbed food from the bag.

"What happened? Did you eat? Where are you staying?" Xiouli bursted out her worries.

"No we haven't eaten, and we're staying at our parents... there's no option." Min looked down.

Yoongi and Hoseok stared at each other through the camera, creating tension between everyone.

"When are you coming back?" Joon-Ho broke the long silence.

"We're not sure." Yoongi responded.

They all had another awkward silence.

"Well life is boring here! Nothing to do, no one ever does anything fun!" Xiouli did the same as Joon-Ho and broke the silence.

"Same here." Min said leaning her head back.

"Well I got big news." Hoseok smiled.

"Tell me." Yoongi listened closely.

"I... well... I got an audition... for JYP." He smiled awkwardly not wanting to know how he would react.

"Oh my gosh! That's great!" Min congratulated him.

"When is it?" Yoongi tilted his head.

"Next week." Hoseok answered.

"When did you get it?" Yoongi asked even more confused.

"I-" Hoseok actually kept the secret for quite a while.

"WHY DONT WE JUST TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE?" Joon-Ho did the only thing he shouldn't have.

He interrupted. Even if it was a good time, he shouldn't have done it. Everyone glared at him for highlighting the awkwardness of the moment.

"That sucked." Yoongi said, leaning back again on his chair.

"Thank you." Joon-Ho mocked.

"That wasn't a compliment." Yoongi glared again.

"I know." Joon-Ho spoke in a teasing manner.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and giggled.

"Welp.... I can't believe it's Monday and you guys left." Xiouli started complaining.

"I know right... at least we don't get school." Min answered.

"Lucky." Hoseok whined.

"Yea, but we still have to deal with all of this." Yoongi said looking around the hospital.

"What are you guys gonna have for dinner?" Hoseok asked.

"Just this." Yoongi said lifting up a bag of chips.

"You should go eat." Hoseok quickly responded.

"Well we still need to do some things here, so I don't think we will." Yoongi said as he grabbed a water bottle.

From afar his mom watched. His every expression. She had gone down to call Yoongi so they could talk, but he saw him talking on the phone next to Min. She saw how he smiled, how his eye brows crashed, how his lips formed different shapes every now and then.

"Miss!" A nurse shouted grabbing everyone's attention.

She headed to Yoongi's mom and smiled.

"Your husband is awake." She shouted.

Yoongi jumped off his chair not caring he's still in a call. Hoseok, Xiouli, and Joon-Ho looked at each other and then at Min.

"H-he is?" Yoongi's mom was in shock.

"Yes, he wishes to see you and his son." They both looked at the startled Yoongi.

Both Yoongi and his mom ran to the stairs. They hurried to get to the forth floor, wanting to know what was happening.

Min still down stairs on a call with the others looked at the nurse who hurried to catch up with them.

"His dad." Hoseok suddenly spoke.

"Yea." Min nodded in agreement.

"I wonder how he felt when he saw his dad again." Xiouli said with a worried look on her face.

He probably felt a lot of things... so we can't play with his feelings.

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