Chapter Forty ~ July

Comenzar desde el principio

My mouth drops open, breathing heavily as my chest rises and falls harshly, my hands leaving the sheets and reaching down to his hair. Tangling my fingers into it, I can't help but buck my hips into his mouth, not daring to let go of him for fear that he'll stop. He responds by pressing deeper, urging me closer to the edge with every millisecond.

A sudden twist of his tongue and finger has my hands falling away from his head, crashing down onto the bedsheets and clutching them with all my might. Jesus Christ, have mercy.

My stomach coils and twists, my core throbbing as he stimulates every inch of my body just like a woman's body should be.

It's masterful the way he's working, paying attention to every part of me like I warned him to right from the very beginning of all of this. And hell if he isn't listening to me. One of his hands reaches up, brushing under my top along my breasts and grazing the sensitive peaks.

I can't hold back any longer, a tidal wave crashing over me like a tsunami as I give in to the pleasure that Ellis is subjecting me to. The pleasure consumes every inch of me, traveling from head to toe. My arms go limp on the bed, my entire body a dead weight as I relish in the feeling.

Ellis pulls back slowly, moving up and hovering his body over mine. A cheeky grin covers his face and he cocks an eyebrow.

"Enjoy that?" he asks and I mutely nod. "Good." He dips his head, slowly claiming my lips with his. It's a slow, light kiss, one that leaves me feeling exhilarated after the numbing orgasm only minutes earlier.

He slouches onto the bed beside me only seconds later and I grin.

"Now that is how I want to be woken up every morning," I tell him, rolling onto my side and propping myself up on my elbows.

"Noted." Ellis smirks, reaching up and brushing my long dark hair back over my shoulder.

"It better be," I warn him and he raises an eyebrow.

"I'd quite like the same in return," he comments and I giggle.

"Maybe if you earn it," I retort.

"Is that not what just happened?" Ellis exclaims and I laugh as he grips onto my wrist, hauling me back underneath him. "Well?"

"I'll consider it." I grin.

"You're so mean," Ellis groans, dipping his forehead to rest it against mine.

"You're the one who asked me to live here," I remind him and he shakes his head.

"I may have to reconsider," he says.

"Do it!" I smirk. "I dare you."

He opens his mouth to respond when his phone suddenly rings. Launching himself away from me, he grabs it from the side, quickly lifting it and taking a look at the screen. Dropping it back down, he silences it before turning back to me.

"Who's that?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Just work."

"Shouldn't you get it?" I reply and he reaches out, latching his fingers around mine.

"I'll deal with it later," Ellis answers. "I'm busy right now."

"You are?" I raise an eyebrow and he smirks.

"Did you think we were done?"

I grin, shuffling down onto the bed and hauling him on top of me. "I wouldn't dream of it."

His phone suddenly rings once more and I groan as he rolls his eyes. Reaching over, he slips it onto silent mode before letting go of the device once more.

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