Chapter Thirty Eight ~ June

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"Can I help you?" The guy raises his eyebrow at me as the girl watches me with wide eyes, a freaking deer in headlights.

"I bought you a drink," I reply, sliding the glass across the table. He looks down at it before shooting me a questioning look. I shrug. "Jameson whiskey. It's what you're currently drinking." I gesture. "And it's more than what this lovely lady provided you with." I smile at the bright red blonde. "Sorry if I interrupted."

"Not at all," the man answers and I grin.

"Perfect," I reply. "Now why don't you buy me a drink and we'll call it even?"

"I see what you did there." He grins, sitting forward and leaning his elbows on the table. His biceps flex under his tight shirt, and I let my eyes trail unapologetically over them, clearly communicating my interest in him.

"So, what do you say?"

"Maybe if you tell me your name I'll consider it," he replies, leaning forward as blondie looks pleadingly over at her friends.

"I'm Becky." I hold my hand out to him. "You?"

"Ellis." He smiles, taking my hand and shaking it in a rough fashion. "Want to get out of here?"

I grin, reaching out and grabbing the whiskey from in front of Ellis. Lifting it back, I down the entire lot in one go before slamming the glass down on the surface. "Like you wouldn't believe."

He holds his hand out and I gratefully take it, sweeping out of the booth and past the shocked, speechless girl. We head straight for the exit, not wasting any time in our night of fun.

Spilling out onto the street I giggle as Ellis laughs. "Well, Miss Gordon, where to now?"

"Hey now!" I object with a grin, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I didn't tell you my last name!"

"Oh!" Ellis' face falls.

"Are you a stalker?" I exclaim with a smirk, stepping back. He reaches out, grabbing onto my wrist and yanking me back towards him.

"Maybe," he replies, lowering his head and grazing his lips along the skin on my neck. I shiver at the contact, jumping with exhilaration. "You like that?" he murmurs before latching onto my neck, lightly sucking on my weak spot. I turn to putty in his hands, moaning out loud as he wraps his arm around me, holding me up.

Pulling back, I grin at him. He furrows his eyebrows at my mischievous expression, but I don't hang around to stare at him for much longer, instead grabbing hold of his hand and tugging him behind me, running over towards the corner of the building.

"Bec?" he hisses quietly. "Where are we going?"

"Where does it look like?" I smirk, turning back to him in the dark alleyway, grabbing onto his shoulders and shoving his back against the wall. He grins instantly at my aggression, letting me pin his arms to the brick before I lift myself on my tiptoes and kiss his lips.

He groans, fighting against my hold and moving his hands down to my ass, grabbing both cheeks roughly and grinding me against his already hardened length. The contact forces my body to spread my legs, begging for more. Lust driven Becky is already awake, smirking to herself in my head, ready to take over like she always does.

The relentless friction between our bodies is getting harder and rougher, unstoppable in the silent, dark alley. We know we're alone, or we think we are, a desire bubble around us as we use the brick wall to prop us up, shadows hiding us against the cold building.

Ellis flips us around so that my back is to the wall, and I barely notice the freezing surface as heat fills my entire body, blood pumping way faster than usual. Nevertheless, goosebumps decorate my skin, not from the cold but from the pure adrenaline spiking every inch of me, excited shivers leaving my lips when he leans his entire weight on me.

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