Chapter Twenty ~ April

Start from the beginning

What's the correct way to react to those words? 'Okay, no worries'? 'How long'? 'I respect you'?

Obviously I accepted what Ellis had said, sliding off of his lap and nodding. One steamy, PG, make-out session later I'd left with a promise of more dates.

As soon as his door shut in front of me, a switch had flipped inside me, brain frazzled by uncertainty and confusion. Ellis has never waited before, and nor have I, so why now? Is it something I've done? Am I not attractive to him? Maybe this is doomed from the beginning...

"Is this one okay?" Sav asks, tearing me back to the present, her holding up a flowy red dress. "It's a nice day out and I want to hide any potential fat jokes."

"Fat jokes?" I scoff, sitting back up. "You're tiny. Plus, anyone who makes fat jokes can answer to me."

I should ask Sav her opinion on my current sex dilemma. I know I should; she's my best friend and she gives the best damn advice in the whole world. I go to her about everything, yet I've kept everything about Ellis and I a secret from her since college.

I'm a bitch. She'd kill me if she knew. But Ellis and I have never been anything serious, we've always ended in disaster, just two idiots who can't decide what they want or whether they even want to commit.

Sav doesn't need to be brought into my messy love life when I don't even know if it exists.

"That's nice of you," Sav replies. "But you won't be there."

"Because I don't have a job." I nod in confirmation.


"That dress will look great on you," I tell her, cutting off her sentence. "Take it."

"Thanks." She smiles. "I have to get to work but..."

"Have an amazing day." I grin at her, gesturing for my hesitant friend to get going. She shoots me an apologetic smile before disappearing out of the door, shutting it behind her and leaving me to my own devices once more.

I slouch back into the pillow before rolling over and burying my head into it, letting out a frustrated groan as loud as I can. For fucks sake. Fucking waiting.

And that dream, damn it was freaking good. My best friend truly has the worst timing.


Skipping up the last step on the staircase, I twirl around, walking around to the next flight, ready to get back to the apartment and wallow in a pot of ice cream for the afternoon.

I've spent forty minutes making tiny silly hair bows for a shop down the street before I turned my attention to an outfit for Zara at the high school reunion as soon as inspiration hit.

The trash soon filled with excess fabric waste, glue, cotton and chocolate wrappers, and I took it out to the garbage to get rid of any remnants of my work before Savannah got home.

"Becky!" The door to my left opens as I head for the stairs and I turn, smiling as my eyes fall onto the tall blonde man as he emerges.

"Hey," I reply to Heath.

"How are you?"

"Not too bad." I smile and he nods.

"You look good."

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Heath! You know that." I grin and he laughs.

"That doesn't mean there's any harm in trying," he argues and I can't help but chuckle at his attempts. "Are you free?"


"Now," he confirms and I look up at the steps before turning my gaze back to him. The fabric can wait, right?

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