Chapter Sixteen ~ April

Start from the beginning

I feel violated, I feel exploited, yet I don't even know whether any of them touched me. I don't know what I do; I need a shower, I need to throw these clothes away, I need water, I need to go home, I need a break from parties.

And there's one thing for damn sure. This is the absolute last time that I will ever be out of control. I never want to feel like this again.


Present Day ~ March 2028

"Damn!" Ellis exclaims as I walk up to Benny's. I roll my eyes as he scans my outfit from head to toe, the tight leather pants always working like a lucky charm on men.

"Alright, I'm here," I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"You're ten minutes late."

"So?" I scoff. "It's you who I told not to be late, not the other way around."


"I had to put the finishing touches on my outfit." I shrug and he cocks an eyebrow once more before I reach around him for the door.

"No comment on how I look?" Ellis says, a teasing tone to his voice as I ignore him, walking straight over to the bar. "So rude!"

"You're the one who wanted to do this," I retort. "Not me."

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to spend time with me," he argues, resting his elbow on the bar and looking up at me, the infectious twinkle in his eye making me smile.

"So fucking cocky."

"You wouldn't have me any other way," he says, straightening up as the bartender walks over. "What do you want, Bec?"

"Surprise me." Turning away, I leave him to order, scanning the room for potential targets, analyzing how easy my game will be tonight. There are two tables of men in the corner, the way they're guffawing and yelling putting me off instantly. No, thank you.

"What are you thinking?" Ellis says, turning to face me, handing me a bottle of beer.

"A coin toss? Winner goes first?"

"Sounds good to me." He nods, pulling a wallet out of his pocket. I don't miss the noticeable, distinguishable condom wrappers, raising an eyebrow at his preparedness. "Heads or tails?"

"Heads," I say and he quickly flicks it into the air, catching it and landing it on the back of his hand before revealing the winner.

"Heads." He pouts and I grin.

"Perfect." I take a swig from my bottle, eyes narrowing on a guy in the corner, concentrating on his laptop, not even noticing anyone else around him. "Easy," I say, leaving Ellis behind as I stalk towards the unsuspecting guy.

I'll have ten numbers in no time.


A singular man sits at the edge of the bar and without taking another second to think, I stride over towards him, the sound of my heels clacking against the floor gaining his attention as he looks up.

"Hi," I say with a grin, resting my bag down next to him.

"Hello." He doesn't seem at all interested, returning his gaze to his glass.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine," he mutters and I sigh. This is going to be one hard egg to crack.

"You don't look okay."

"I'm married," he snaps and I raise an eyebrow.

"Alright. What, you think just because I came over and asked if you were okay, it means I'm going to hit on you? Maybe I'm just a decent fucking person," I exclaim, picking my bag back up and turning away.

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