"Thanks!" Savannah smiles at Ben as she takes one. I let my eyes scan the crowded house, the boys' going away party in full swing, practically the entire high school having shown up to see them off to college.

"Wow, everyone is drunk already!" I say out loud, eyes focusing on one of the cheerleaders as she hikes her dress over her head, a group of guys cheering her on. Lovely.

"It is nine? Not our fault you got here so late," Ellis retorts, my eyes briefly floating back to him.

"I suppose." I shrug. "I guess I'll need another drink."

"Hell, we're off to college this month! We're getting ready by drinking," Ellis declares.

"You do realize college is more than just drinking?" Zara laughs.

"Well it's all I'm gonna be doing." Ellis grins, shrugging.

"No surprises there." I snort, grabbing a drink from one of the guys walking past.

"So Ellis, you're going where?" Savannah interrupts, changing the subject quickly in order to diffuse a potential argument between me and the idiotic boy.

"University of Southern California."

"Not that far away then," I mutter, rolling my eyes as I look at my cup. Why can't he move as far away as possible?

"No." Ellis nods. "You can always visit me Becky."

"Thanks for the offer," I scoff, shaking my head at him. As if I would ever do that. The minute these boys head off to college, I plan on never seeing them again.

Savannah continues the conversation, her attention turning to Ben's future instead. Before long half hour has passed, all the guys disappearing. Zara, Sav and I all descend into normal conversation, deciding which day to go shopping before school starts back up. Zara then piping up about how excited she is to go back to school for our senior year. Weirdo.

I can't help but feel jealous of the guys, all of them taking the leap off to college, partying and living without their parents while we have another year of boring high school still to conquer.

Sav eventually excuses herself to find Brett, the guy that can most appropriately be named her boyfriend, despite his constant attempts to not put a label on things. Zara and I head straight for the dance floor once she leaves, both of us singing along to the songs as we dance, laughing and giggling with each other. Another girl that Zara knows soon joins us and before long I excuse myself, heading for a restroom, the amount of alcohol I consume having it's disadvantages.

I manage to find an empty one upstairs and quickly relieve myself before washing my hands and examining my reflection in the mirror. I alter my lace up dress around my boobs, the material having shifted slightly to the left. I don't care what anyone says, being a girl is never as easy as it sounds, strapless dresses slipping left, right and down, make-up smudging, hair knotting. Within half an hour of being ready my hair is always a mess. I briefly run my hands through the strands of dark hair, managing to somewhat smooth it, hoping that the low lighting downstairs will hide the frizziness that's beginning to form.

Accepting defeat I grab onto the door handle and wrench it open, my hand rising to my chest instantly at the sight of Ellis waiting on the other side.

"Fucking hell!" I exclaim. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I was waiting for you."

"For the restroom? Be my guest, I'm done."

"No." He shakes his head, stepping towards me. "For you."

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