An Eventful Game of Truth or Dare - Todoroki

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This story was suggested by Puddycat1

Todoroki's POV

Earlier that day, I was called home by my father because of some rumors that I was homosexual. Unfortunately for me, the rumors were true and my father didn't like that. After becoming the number one hero, he had apparently decided he hadn't fed his ego enough. Not only did he want me to be number one, but he wanted my children to be number one as well. My sexuality was a problem he was willing to beat out of me.

Luckily, I was sent back to UA after my beating. I crashed onto my mattress immediately after entering my room, too tired to even take off my shoes. My leg injury throbbed where that flaming sack of crap hit it. Any amount of pressure, no matter how small, would make me since in pain.

Just as I was on the verge of passing out, there were a few knocks on my door. Each knock pounded in my skull like a big bass drum being walloped on. I hoped that if I didn't answer they'd give up and leave me to wallow in self pity. Sadly, though, they insisted on bothering me with another string of knocks.

"Come in," I called out as loudly as I could, although it still wasn't very loud due to my lack of energy.

My door creaked open but I didn't know who it was because my face was hidden in my pillow. I waited tiredly for whoever was in my room to speak, trying my best not to pass out right then and there.

"Everyone's going to play truth or dare in the common room. Kirishima even somehow convinced Kacchan to to come. We're all wondering if you wanna join us," I instantly recognized the voice as Midoriya's.

Midoriya was the first friend I ever had, the first person to show care for me since  my mother, and the person who broke me out of that awful spell my father cast on me. I owe him more than he could imagine, and certainly more than I wanted to admit. Turning down Midoriya's offer would make me feel bad.

Because of that, I told him, "Yes, I'll be down in a minute," despite my need to rest.

Midoriya took his leave afterwards. Groggily, I lifted myself into my feet. I was lucky that my green haired friend didn't notice any if my injuries. I searched through my closet for my turtleneck sweater. It was the best shirt to wear when it came to hiding wounds.

I did my best to hide my limp as I arrived to the common room, where everyone was sitting in a big circle. I was greeted by Midoriya and Yaoyorozu. The only open seat was next to Bakugo, sadly. I silently prayed that the loud-mouthed, bad tempered blonde would keep it down or else my head pain would get much worse.

"Great! Now that everyone's here, we can get started. Since it was my idea, I'll go first," Mina announced.

She grabbed a bottle from seemingly out of nowhere and placed it in the middle of the circle.

"When I spun the bottle, I get to ask whoever I land on then they get to spin and so on," the pink girl informed us.

She spun the bottle after everyone gave some sort of sign of acknowledgement to the rules. The bottle landed on Kaminari.

"Ah shit. Here we go again," Kaminari said, much to my confusion. This was his first time being asked truth or dare, so how could he be going again?

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