Angry - Kiribaku

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Kirishima's POV

The last few days of U.A's hero training had been tough, but mercifully, the weekend had finally come. Most of the others had already gone to sleep, and almost all of the people who weren't sleeping were either visiting their houses or hanging out in their room. Midoriya and I were the only ones lounging about in the common room.

Somehow, the conversation's topic had shifted to Bakugo. I wasn't sure how, but it did. That always seemed to happen when I was having any casual conversation. We would just be talking about some random thing, then we'd suddenly begin talking about the blonde. Whether that was because I accidentally turned the conversation to him or not, I didn't know, but it often ended up happening.

"Blasty is pretty mean sometimes. I mean, does someone take a crap in his breakfast every morning or something?" I joked.

Midoriya laughed, "When he was young, he was praised and admired by everyone, and he was raised to always come out on top. He even had his own little gang of neighborhood kids that would follow him around. I think that's why he turned out to be such a bully, but who knows? Maybe someone does crap in his breakfast each morning."

"I don't think I'd go as far as calling him a bully. Sure, he's mean, but I don't think it's that bad. He's just got a lot of pride, y'know?"

"Well, I guess he's not as bad as he was back in middle school. He was definitely a bully back then."

"Really? Did he bully you?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess he did. Actually, he really did. He would beat me up and say really mean things to me a lot. I was way too scared of him to defend myself. Once, in our last year of middle school, he told me to take a swan dive off the roof," Midoriya tried to laugh it off, but I could hear the pain in his voice. Bakugo's actions must've affected him more than he's letting on.

Suddenly, a question popped into my head, "Midoriya, did you ever think about hurting yourself because of him?"

He didn't for a bit. Maybe he was searching through his memories to recall if he ever did consider self harm due to Bakugo's actions, or maybe he was considering whether or not he should tell me the truth. Either way, when he spoke again, all he said was one word, "Yes."

Bakugo's POV

Since the beginning of the year, Kirishima has been the one person I could tolerate right off the bat. I've never met someone who I connected with as quickly as I did with him. I always tried to put my finger on what it was about him that I liked so much, but I never could. I gave up trying to figure out why after a while and accepted that he was a part of my life now.

For some reason, though, he hasn't been talking to me lately. Whenever I entered a room, he left it. Whenever I tried starting a conversation, he'd give me short answers in a harsh tone. I tried to brush it off like it didn't bother me, although deep down, I knew it did.

Kirishima was my closest friend. Having him suddenly hate me for an unknown reason really hurt. No matter how many times I tried convincing myself otherwise, I knew it was true. I didn't want my best friend to hate me.

After a written test Aizawa made us take, I noticed that Kirishima had gotten a low score. He had just barely passed it. I took this as an opportunity to ask him if he wanted help studying. On the rare occasion I'd offer to help Kirishima get smarter, he'd never hesitate to accept my help.

After classes were over, I banged on the red head's door. I felt nervous as I waited for Kirishima to open up, like I was afraid of how he'd react to seeing me. Calm down, I told myself, there's nothing to be scared of.

Kirishima opened the door with a smile on his face. After realizing it was me who was outside his room, a frown rested on his lips. My heart practically stopped upon seeing that. I was the reason for such a reaction.

"Oh, Bakugo. You need something?" he asked in an uninterested tone, like I was annoying him or something.

I wasn't a pussy. There was no way I was backing out now, "Yeah, I saw the score on your test. Do you want me to tutor you?"

The red head groaned, "No, Bakugo, I don't want your help. Can't you just leave me alone for a while? I'm grateful for the offer and all, but I don't want to talk to you," Kirishima didn't wait for an answer before slamming the door in my face.

An overwhelming urge to cry came over me. The harsh tone he used, the words he said, and the rage written all over his face was so painful. It was one of the worst emotions I've felt. It was worse than when I ended All Might. At least then, the villains played a big part in his retirement. This time, it was completely, 100%, my fault.

I trudged back to my room before someone caught me crying in the hallway. After curling up on my bed and wrapping myself in a blanket, I sobbed. I knew how pathetic It was to cry over something as dumb as Shitty Hair being mad at me. That knowledge only made me cry harder.

I buried my face in a pillow to muffle my cries. The last thing I wanted was for Kirishima to hear me sobbing over him. My sobs were embarrassingly loud. More than anything else, I wanted to know why Kirishima was mad at me so I could make up for it. I just wanted my friend back.

Through my cries I heard a few frantic knocks on the door. My head shot in that direction. I slapped my hand over my mouth to shut myself up. I sat there for a minute, hoping whoever was at my door would just go away.

"Bakugo, I'm coming in," Kirishima's voice came from outside my door. Shit, it was the last person I wanted to see.

I didn't get a chance to wipe my tears before the red head emerged from the other side of my door. I must've forgotten to lock it in my panic. Kirishima rushed to my side when he saw me, luckily making sure to close the door first.

I covered my face with my blanket to hide my tears. Stupid Shitty Hair pulled the it away from me, forcing me to look at him. My heart began beating faster at the way Kirishima took in my current state. I looked so weak, and he knew that. By the expression on his face alone, I could tell he was taking in how the almighty Bakugo Katsuki was weeping like a baby because his friend was angry at him.

I was terrified of how he'd react to all this. Seconds felt like minutes as I anxiously waited for him to say something. Then, to my surprise, I was warmly embraced in Kirishima's strong arms. I melted into his touch, eagerly hugging my friend back.

"I-I don't know what I did to make you hate me, but I'm sorry," I stuttered in Kirishima's ear.

"What? No, no Bakugo, I don't hate you," Kirishima sighed, pausing for a moment before explaining why he acted the way he did, "Midoriya and I had a conversation a couple days ago. He told me that you bullied him badly, and that he thought about hurting himself because of it. I was mad at you for treating Midoriya like that, but I didn't hate you."

I laughed uncomfortably through my cries, "S-so, I'm just overreacting like an idiot?"

"No, you weren't. I was the one overreacting. I know you're not the way you were back then anymore, and this just proves that. I should've handled the situation better," Kirishima said in return.

He and I didn't say anything after that. We simply sat on my bed, hugging each other in comfortable silence for what felt like ten minutes.

"Hey, Kirishima?" I whispered.


"Don't tell anyone I was crying."

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this, Blasty."

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