Letters - Part One

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Midoriya's POV

A few people crowded around my desk, including Mineta, Sero, Mina and Kaminari. I nervously trudged to my desk. Surely, having those four excitedly stand by my desk was a recipe for disaster.

As I got closer, I noticed a white envelope neatly sitting on my desk. It must've been the reason everyone was so excited, though I couldn't fathom why it would be there.

Kaminari turned his head in my direction. "Look, Midoriya's here!" he announced. The others seemed to grow eager.

"What's this?" I asked, referring to the envelope.

"We think it's a love letter. Someone has a crush on you," Mina informed me, using a teasing tone to say that last part.

I was surprised to hear their theory. Surely, that wasn't the case. I found it unlikely that anyone had a crush on me. I had a feeling that if I didn't open it, the four people staring at me would, so I opened the envelope.

Dear Midoriya,

I consider you a close friend, as you were the first friend I made at UA. You're one of the few reasons why I postponed my death for so long, and the reason why I'm waiting a while longer to kill myself. Although you made me feel better for a while, my bad thoughts returned. They began swarming my head like an upsurge of locust. Once again, I have a burning desire to leave the world. I suppose I'm trying to thank you for being my friend while I'm still here.

I gasped out loud, my eyes widening as I reread the note. The four around me had a wide smile on their face. They were still expecting it to be a love letter. I wished it was a love letter, but rather than that, a close friend was apparently planning on killing them self.

I shot up out of my desk, rushing to hand the note over to Aizawa. Everyone in the class looked at me, confused. Despite not knowing why I gave it to him, my teacher read the note.

He looked at me, then back at the note. Aizawa seemed to be thinking, as if he wasn't sure what to think of it either. It could easily have been a prank, but I doubted it was. What possible reason would someone gain by lying about something like that?

Then there was something else: one of my friends, and likely one of Aizawa's students, was planning on killing them self, but we had no idea who it could be.

Everyone else seemed to realize it wasn't a love confession, but something more serious. Aizawa must've noticed the concern in the faces of my classmates as well. He then read the note out loud for everyone to hear.

Quiet gasps and worried looks filled the classroom. Iida stood from his desk and took the note. He looked over it thoroughly. I wasn't sure what it was he was doing, but I hoped he found what he was looking for.

"Does anyone have any idea who this could be?" Aizawa asked. Sadly, nobody gave any answers.

Iida wrote everyone's name on the board. Once he finished, he crossed off Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Mineta and my name off.

"We know Midoriya wasn't the one to write the note, since it was on his desk. We can also rule out Mineta, Kaminari, Mina and Sero because they seemed very excited to see Midoriya read the letter, " Iida announced to the class.

Aizawa took the white board marker from the class rep's hand. He crossed Iida's name off as well.

"I think it's safe to say that Iida didn't write that letter either, judging by the way he's acting. Right now, I'm keeping this note and I'll alert everyone's parents of what happened after school. If anyone has any information that they think might help, tell me immediately. Until then, class will carry on as normal," Aizawa said, but I think we could all tell he wanted to do something more to help. We all did, but without any real evidence as to who it might be, there was nothing else that could be done.

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