Star Gazing

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A young boy stood there amid the darkness with a throbbing headache, desperate to escape. Escape the frenzy of voices in his head.

The boy clenched his teeth and bent down with his head buried in his knees. Broken sentences echoed around him, criticizing every move he made, every breath he took.

"Shut up, SHUT UP!!!" The boy shouted in a desperate attempt to make the voices go away.

A childish voice rang out, "look at you, such a weakling, such a loner! Even after all these years you cling onto people, hoping they'd spare a glance at you!"

Another voice spoke, "don't you remember what happened the last time you clung onto someone? They left you! All alone Hahahhahaha!!" the voice laughed.

"How pitiful, you fully devote yourself to them yet they never care about you as much as you care about them. You're simply not good enough, hasn't everyone made that clear?" Yet another voice mocked.

The boy wailed with a hoarse voice, "I-I I'll do my best, it doesn't matter if they don't look at me, seeing them happy is enough for me..."

A flurry of voices broke out in unbridled laughter. "Don't lie boy! We all know deep inside you hope one day they would care. You're too scared to say it to them, you're merely delaying the inevitable!"

"Just watch as they trample all over your feelings!!"


The Russian slowly lifted his eyelashes, the sunlight slowly pouring into the room. "Tch, the same dream again." He spoke, clearly annoyed. He seemed accustomed to it.

Russia rolled out of bed and got ready, 'another troublesome day..' he thought to himself before leaving his already tidied up room.

The door to the room next to his also opened, a male shorter than him stepped out. This lifted the Russian's spirit a little.

"Good morning America," Russia smiled and walked up to the American.

America returned a gentle smile, "Good morning!" He beamed. Russia could hear his heart pounding and speeding up a little.

America pulled at the Russian's sleeve, leading him towards a group of people. America had difficult walking properly so he limped his way there, this made the Russian's eyebrows furrow.

Shooting for today was about to start.

"Good morning everyone today we'll be doing some teamwork physical activity, firstly we-" the host's voice trailed off and blurred in the background.

Russia was not paying attention, he simply stated at the shorter male next to him. America had a grin on his face, nothing seemed to perturb him at all.

The Russian lifted his gaze after awhile and let out a soft sigh.

After the teams were chosen they all poured out of their living quarters into the grassy plains. Russia didn't bother paying attention to what they were actually supposed to do, luckily the host allowed them to choose their own teammates so naturally Russia was with America, Germany, Poland and China.

Russia glanced at the 5 buckets filled to the brim with water on the grass. Germany tapped his shoulder and whispered, "just transport the buckets over there."

The Russian nodded, as soon as the whistle sounded all five of them heaved up the buckets of water. When Russia picked it up he noticed it was quite heavy.

He immediately glanced at America who struggled to pick up the bucket. The tricolored country's heart ached and hands trembled a little causing a few drops of water to spill out.

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